
1 Post – 369 Comments
Joined 10 months ago

Yeah, I really didn't like my buddy's girlfriend. I could see right through her, and she was changing by buddy for the worse. She was convincing him that his image was shit, and it really damaged his confidence. He'd change his outward appearance for her, dropped his entire lifestyle, but she had abandonment issues so wasn't ever happy with any partner.

Turns out she was a narcissist, like bonafide. What went down next:

  1. She graduates college with a STEM degree, while having freeloaded in his house her entire senior year (his mortgage)

  2. She breaks up and moves out of nowhere, this several months after she insisted on all the other roommates get kicked out to "take it to the next level"

  3. He goes suicidal, makes two attempts, but finds another lost soul to have a fling with, which starts to bring him out of the depression

  4. Ex-girlfriend finds out about new fling, drops by house at 1am after having left the club (driving drunk, I'll add)

  5. Makes a huge scene out front of his house, I'm there for my "shift" on suicide watch, she ends up kicking me in my fucking kidney while I was squatting and smoking a cig

  6. He ends up depressed again, 3rd suicide attempt and he doesn't survive

  7. I'm a pall bearer at 25 for my best friend since 8th grade

Fuck that bitch.

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It's not just chromium in and of itself. It's that it would be a browser that's unmodifiable by the user, so no unapproved extensions, no ad blockers, etc.

It's a way for google to tell its ad buyers that "hey, we can 100% guarantee the end user is seeing your ads if they're using this browser". And then all of the corporate websites cater only to that browser, or give a different user experience for all other browsers.

Personally, I find this problematic for several reasons:

  1. I wouldn't be in control of my browser and how it executes arbitrary code on my machine

  2. The system creates second class citizens on the internet

  3. It cedes control of the open internet to corporations, like google

  4. Privacy; I don't give a shit what google says about pseudonymous and group identities, researchers have found problems after problems after problems...

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"If conservatives become convinced that they can not win democratically, they will not abandon conservatism. The will reject democracy.” ― David Frum

Since the GOP couldn't win the vote and shoot down this state constitutional amendment, they're just going to skull fuck democracy right in an eye socket and do whatever they want anyway.

It's a vehicle for trump to accept foreign money, that's how.


If they've built an app that can target non-christian demographics, then they've also built an app to target christians.

I wonder if they've made that realization yet.

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In Arizona, the state GOP has just $14,800 left in the bank at the end of August, as reported by the Arizona Mirror.

They should be a lot more broke then that!

Remember the faux election audit in AZ, the one that hired fucking "Cyber Ninjas" to do the work, the company that had zero experience doing so?

Yeah that company was responsible for going over time and budget, grifting $6M from trump donors (good!), but also illegally corralling/storing/examining all of the largest county's voting machines (bad!):

Maricopa County also has sued the state to replace voting machines used in the audit, saying it would cost the county $2.8 million to replace the machines.

And that's just some of it. Here's a good timeline of how fucked up the AZ senate made things, and at the end of it all, the GOP ignored the results.

In basic training our barracks would get "white glove" inspections, where the drill instructor would wear a literal white glove and run his finger over surfaces to detect anything that wasn't clean, dry, and serviceable. And I'm not talking about just the obvious places, but also things like under the benches in the showers, or up and in a wall locker ledge.

The ultimate goal wasn't to hand out demerits, it was to instill a sense of attention to detail in us. They asked us how could we be trusted to maintain nukes for example, when we failed to even find that stray clump of soap scum and pubes in the shower.

So that's all to say: If the boeing apparatus is so fucked that doors are falling off their aircraft mid-flight, what the fuck else have they missed?

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If you've got a murderous autocrat praising you, it should trigger an "I've made a huge mistake" response.

Not so for narcissists though - anything that boosts their ego is welcome, anything. Russia knows this, and plays the fuck out of it like a shit fiddle, Randy.

And useful idiots fall for it, like really powerful idiots. It makes me sad for humanity that such depraved sociopaths can still win out in this day and age.

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This whole article is a fucking advert for glorified vending machines.

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I think you skipped a step:

1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 1

Edit: Ohhhh, math by tens, I totally missed it. In that case, my mind wants to break it down to (10 * 5) + 1, and I'd still totally miss 17 as a possible factor.

my conscience is held captive to the word of God, not to bureaucratic decree. And so I acted

You know what is going to be held captive by bureaucratic decree? Your felon status, fucker!

Can I have your AR-15 once you're convicted? Because you won't be allowed to own it after! And j/k about your rifle, I bet it's a PSA p p piece of shit (dumbasses like this guy tend to be poor whiskey tango).

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disposable capes

And they get away with it simply because they're super heroes, bastards!

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A website can be composed of a bunch of files that your browser downloads and then renders to what you see on your device.

One common type of file contains javascript code (aka js assets), which can sometimes be relatively large, like several megabytes (MB). If a website gets hit by a lot of users, those MBs add up, and can chew through the bandwidth allotted for the given website. Consuming more bandwidth can cost more money for the website operator, who pays a hosting company for the website's resources (disk space, compute time, network bandwidth).

To help alleviate this, and to also make these downloads faster around the world, Content Distribution Networks(CDN) exist. The idea is that you upload your large files to the CDN, have your website link to the CDN for big files, and now browsers pull big files from the CDN when the website is loaded instead of the website's host itself. However, contracting with a CDN costs money too, just maybe not as much as a web host charges for hitting bandwidth overages.

Another important component to note: archive.org is a non-profit that in part has a web crawler whose entire purpose is to periodically take a snapshot of every website on the internet. This isn't just a screen cap of each website either, it's a copy of all of the files that actually compose the website. This is an oversimplification, but is good enough for the concluding example that follows.

So back to the case in the OP. What the dev did, was choose not to pay for and utilize a CDN to link to, but rather used archive.org's copy of large file(s) to link to. So when a user loads the website, all of the bandwidth hogging files are being served for free from archive.org. But it's really not free from archive.org's perspective, since they're the ones ultimately paying for the bandwidth.

edit: Added the crawler bit.

and that he was never told that what he was doing in the state – where he is charged as part of an alleged racketeering scheme to unlawfully subvert the state’s election results – could be prosecuted

All the murderers on death row are like "that works?!", as they rush to call a lawyer.

Narrator: It does not.

The most disturbing part is the hotdog's urethra.

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Here's my uBlock origin custom rules for blocking youtube shorts:

! Block Youtube Shorts on front page
youtube.com##ytd-rich-section-renderer > .ytd-rich-section-renderer > .ytd-rich-section-renderer[is-shorts=""]
! Block Youtube Shorts on the subscriptions page
! Remove Shorts on sidebar menu
! Block Youtube Shorts on the search results page

I am much happier having this real estate back. Fuck yt shorts!

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The crew released carbon dioxide into the hold

Apparently some larger airliners have a similar mechanism for the cargo hold of the aircraft. The system is sometimes referred to as "the puppy snuffer" :(

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I feel fuckin dirty even reading that last paragraph. It's so detached from any sane reality.

If you steal property, you must report its fair market value in your income in the year you steal it unless you return it to its rightful owner in the same year.

Lesson learned. Steal on Jan 1st 00:01, return to owner on Dec 31st 23:59, rinse repeat.

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The top three ways people feel engaged at work are:

  1. Supportive coworkers
  1. A fun work environment
  1. Recognition (for Gen Z and Millennials especially).

The fuck?! Is this the shit C-execs jack off to? It's tripe like this that gets us pizza parties instead of realistic compensation.

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I'd love to know who's footing the bill for his trip.

Also, I thought the terms of is foxnews contract were such that he isn't supposed to be doing any news anchoring type gigs - did something change?

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Reminds me of Ayn Rand collecting social security even after her essays deriding it as: "Social Security shouldn’t be described as “social insurance” but as welfare."

There is not a shed of shame to be shared between any of these types.

stiff resistance from the right flank of the conference and a major rebuke from former President Donald Trump.

How fucked are we (the US), that an extremist 45 members of congress and a seditious ex-president are enough to bring the entire legislative branch to a halt?

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"Oh no! Anyway."

-Israel, probably

For those not aware, "LDS Church" == Mormon. Their current prophet is trying to rebrand them from the mormon moniker, some believe in part to distance themselves from the whole Boy Scouts of America sex abuse scandal and settlement that fell through (the mormon church was the biggest single supporter of that org).

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Investigator: asks suspect Did you stab Derek Chauvin 22 times?

Suspect: See I never did things just to do them. Come on, I mean, what am I gonna do? Just all of a sudden jump up and start stabbing on somebody? Like it's, you know, it's something to do?

Suspect: Come on, I got a little more sense than that.

Suspect: Yeah I remember stabbing Derek Chauvin.

not that Netflix has commercials

There's a tier with commercials for many countries now.

The ice cream man also used to sell candy cigarettes. Like two types, too. They even sold loosies for us poor kids.

I'm 100% serious.

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Biden administration seems oblivious of the strengths of contemporary C++

Well ok, but the concern is about the weaknesses, Mr. Stroustrup.

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No, he wasn't rational. As evidenced by getting suicidal over a relatively short lived romance (a couple years?). It was years in the making though, becoming co-dependent on this girl, who really didn't give a shit about him at all.

When they first split, we could tell he was slipping into some type of psychosis. I immediately got his parents involved, along with the rest of his support network. We talked him into starting up therapy, let his direct boss know what was up, got some HR paperwork rolling so he wouldn't lose his job trying to get mental help (two 3-day suicide watches on a psych ward).

Before the night of her assaulting me, I was actually on talking terms with her, and even enlisted her in trying to get my buddy's head back on straight. He was calling her 5-10 times a day, leaving "take me back I'll do anything" type messages. We had asked her to please not answer or call back anymore, letting her know she hadn't done anything wrong, and it was him that was sick.

But she wouldn't let it go, she would periodically answer the phone, and talk to him hours on end. Giving him hope that they'd get back together. And then ignore him for several days. We even offered to pay her and for her to go see his therapist, so she could get professional advice on how to helpfully deal with such an obsessed and mentally unwell individual; she refused. But what she didn't refuse, was to keep answering that damn phone and edging him along. She seemed to like the control, and in a fucked up kind of way, the attention.

In court, when she was being held to account for her assault on me, she claimed that she had attacked me in order to get him to hate her. She said she figured I was the person he next loved the most, and she wanted him to gravitate back into my sphere, away from her. But that's not what she was screaming that night. She called the other girl a slut (the other girl locked inside the house), and how my friend was a piece of shit for having cheated(!), and that the other girl would leave his sorry ass too.

She lied right there in court, stared me straight in the eyes after too, brushing away her fake tears. She was convince that everybody had bought her story, and that she was the victim in it all.

And then the prosecutor called into evidence a recording I gave to him when he had first contacted me as the affected victim in the case. The recording? A voicemail that she had left me within the first several visceral days after my best friend's suicide. When the funeral was still being arranged -- and it was a big one, my buddy had so many loved ones in his life given his age -- my buddy's mom asked me to call the ex and let her know she didn't want anything to do with her, and that she wasn't welcome at the funeral.

Her response to all that in the voicemail, having been forbidden from the funeral, now being played in front of everyone in the courtroom?:

You fucking piece of shit, I don't want to be at that goddamned funeral anyway, no way I want to see his dead bloated body! He was a piece of shit just like you, good riddance and I hope he's in hell!

Those fake tears burned right off her ugly face real quick, you could see her grinding her teeth, turning beet red with seething anger. Finally, the bitch had to shut the fuck up.

So yes, you're right, he was not rational. But I respectfully disagree that there isn't at least some degree of blame that she deserves.

(And sorry if it sounds like I'm dumping on you, I'm not meaning to. It's been a while since I've been able to vent about it all. Such drama, it occasionally bubbles up, will always be a tattoo on my soul.)

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Would you like some making fuck, bësërkër!

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The one the front (wheel) fell off? Yeah that's not very typical, I'd like to make that point.

Edit: Annnnd I'm not the first making this reference, lol!

It has been described as "arguably the most loathed Far Side strip ever"

Fucking right it is.

the company may block Google and Bing’s search crawlers, which means *new Reddit posts wouldn’t show up in search results

If something's indexed, it's indexed. If something new pops up and the crawler is blocked, then yeah, not indexed.

The vast majority of shit of relevant reddit content showing up in my ddg/google searches, has been at least a year old. And certainly nothing since 31 Jun.

So in my use case, I won't notice a goddamn difference. What a bunch of maroons.

And when it really does get chilly, people are trying not to stare at your four nipples.

If I were a county clerk there, I'd refuse to marry hetero weddings.

Just kidding, I'm not a trash human being that would do that based on, well, anything. I think discrimination is a piece of shit thing to do regardless of the claimed underpinnings.

As long as you don't touch the tips, then it's not gay.

Typical GOP playbook: Shatter all norms/precedents/ethics to supplant their own agenda/power, but then cry bloody murder when an opponent approaches even a modicum of doing the same.

I went to one major website and look at their privacy policy page (can't recall which one now, wish I did), and they explicitly said something to the effect of "yeah we see your 'do-not-track' header, but since there's no law that defines what that means from a technical implementation perspective, we're just ignoring it".

I am not exaggerating either, they plainly said (1) we see your flag, and (2) we're going to ignore it.

And it's like motherfucker, you've got the technical chops to be able to detect the flag and acknowledge as much, but in the same breath are trying to tell my you don't know what to do about it?!

My ass they don't. Like Judge Judy used to say: Don't piss on my leg and tell me it's raining.

I went to a certain military training school with some linguists, and they told me they had face-to-face proficiency tests like quarterly.

The tests would start with normal benign conversational topics, like one would expect, but then escalate to weirdness from there.

Things like "Are you more worried about the recent nuclear-waste-being-found-in-kayaks issue, or the ongoing chihuahuas-shitting-out-whole-uncured-meat-products problem?". The point was to see if the linguist could piece together information from non-standard esoteric shit.

Those 615 giraffes look like they'd fit right into such a test.