2 Post – 38 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

This is why Citizens United needs to die.

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........ yeah

"Officials... said that the doctor who delivered the baby, Tracy St. Julian is not “and never has been” an employee of the hospital."

How does that work?

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If "anyone can talk to god, you don't need all the ceremony" can turn into the Catholic Church et al for 1,900+ years, I don't think they're gonna read for comprehension on inclusion.

Thor: Love and Thunder felt like it was written by a Disney executive suite after they ran metrics on what test groups laughed at in Taika's other work, then amplified the lulz by 20%, and rewrote it for the 11-16 year old market.

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Users will flood back in the next few week when school comes back. I'd like to see another breakdown in December.

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I was old enough to see the original trilogy re-released with all the bad dumb filler George Lucas thought was necessary to complete his vision.

All the poopy squelchy gross-out CGI was obviously a crass moneygrab, but it seemed like such a reflection of the man himself that I boycotted the prequels when they came out. Then I found Red Letter Media. Fuck the prequels. Fuck that creepy bastard. Han shot only.

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Dr Bronner's Peppermint Gang rise up

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This is the way. Mac and cheese accepts most additions.

Rod Serling?

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Trolls gonna troll. And one of the links listed had the troll comment removed.

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Reducing bias is tricky.

You want engagement from a. Mobile users who b. Use headphones c. With their phone, and the type of headphone connection is the end goal.

"How often do you use headphones with your phone, and are they wired/wireless" is clonky, but gets everything out there without too much leading. People more awake than me can help more.

*I use wired $9 shitty earbuds, daily. The Bluetooth ones are nice, but I lose them and the battery life sucks, and it's a hassle.


My best guess is its for the same reason as the howler monkey. That's his War Face. It's an active display against all other beta male challengers to show Trumps dominance.

Or his face got stuck like that.

From the article:

“That’s every single kid in this city just putting their name down, showing they exist and taking the city back.”

They ripped out the carpets. It made everything better.

Pluto for President!

And people wonder why the whales are fighting back.

Dr. Scott!

Now I play hard like my girl's nipples be

The game sour like a pickle be

Needs more goat.

Doubtful. The whole marvel train is crashing.

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Bleeders, from the mid 90s. Coastal Maine chuds.


he's been dead the whole time

Next next.

Dorkwood should be something real.

Broccoli, garlic, and ricotta, extra crispy so the broccoli gets a little scorched.

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I live in New Haven. The undisputed pizza capital of the world. If we're getting delivery it's a 75% chance it's domino's.

(Pizzeria pizza is better at the pizzeria. We go out for the nice stuff. We aren't total monsters.)

I have the flattest buckwheat pillow and it's perfect.



I don't want to yuck your yum, but how and why is this pizza. It's an architectural masterpiece.

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I had a seat mate in math class that would do that, and sneaky eat during lecture. She brought an extra for me sometimes. Flavored noodles are a game changer.

I'm a heathen. My standard domino's order is thin crust with pineapple and light cheddar, dipped in blue cheese dressing.

Broccoli rabe in season is the absolute dream topping for this, but it's so niche and hard to find.

Joel Schumacher's Batmen movies, especially the Clooney one, were so awful they changed the tone of superhero movies from that point on.

I watched them both very recently during an extended Arnold Schwarzenegger movie binge, and it's absolutely worth hate-watching them again for the sheer wonkiness and absurdity of... everything. Try tallying the Dutch angles. And girl power platitudes.