meme dump rule to – 329 points –

Oh come on. Hot dog filler serves a purpose and can be quite tasty. Don't bring it down to the Ted Cruz level.

Well, have you tasted Ted Cruz? He might just be tasty, and actually provide some value as hotdog filler

Found the article. It's from last year. And they include this fun tidbit: "Memorial Day is the unofficial start of the summer. Labor Day is considered the unofficial end. Between those two holidays, an estimated 818 hot dogs are consumed every second". I don't know what to do with this information but now every American who reads this has to live with the fact that we will, on average, eat over 22 hotdogs during the summer months

I haven't eaten a hotdog for over 5 years. That means someone in America needs to eat 44 hotdogs to make up the difference.

Ah yes, hotdogs georg. He's a statistical outlier and should not have been counted

My first thought was that ‘dog filler’ is a strange way to say dog food, and why the hell was it hot? 🐶

you will never convince me this is wrong and not a joke.

Ted Cruiz Jr is fucking hot dog filler (in human shape)