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Joined 12 months ago

No this was all merged into YouTube many years ago after it was announced long before that they were ending it. This is Lemmy so everyone is just gonna pretend Google just announced this and make a big deal out of it because "Google bad"

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Looks like a bullshit case. They filed the same case against open AI earlier. I'm sure there's more to come. Thing about Google is, they are painfully transparent about anything they do, they had spoke about this and released articles and research papers and yada yada yada for years now. There doesn't seem to be anything that Google can even be charged for in this case.

Privacy theater*

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I have 3 windows machines in my house that are over 50 days running right now

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Websites need to generate revenue. If you run a torrent site you are probably well aware that those who visit your site are craftier than your average web user. If people are using ad blockers then you aren't able to generate revenue to pay for hosting and your own time maintaining things. Your option then is to try your best to make the ads on your site even craftier to try and bypass adblockers so you can monetize. Your other option is to let all the ads get blocked, get no revenue, make the website become solely your financial burden.... Or you know. Your users disable the adblockers when on your site and the ads won't have to be so aggressive and your site can monetize.

In reality they should have just said nothing, by recalling it and notifying the general public far more people are going to be aware of this. Had they just said nothing it probably would have flown way under the radar

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Could someone Garrison this puppy up and obvious labels on everything?

When I think back to how immature and reckless I was as a teenager I can't believe I was legally allowed to drive and considered a full grown adult at the age of 18.

Is this the same as Plex's 'watch together' feature?

One of the important skills you learn as a science fiction fan is the ability to understand what fiction means.

I left lemmy a few weeks ago for this reason and I come back today to see what's up and it's exactly as you described. We aren't the only ones either

I think you mean Apple. Amazon is only half the size of Apple

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Yeah I don't know if you have been following what's going on with ARM but they have been liquidating like crazy for the past year or more. With everyone investing and developing for Risc-v, including one of the largest ARM CPU manufacturers Qualcomm. That leaves Samsung and Apple in the lurch as they are both ARM dependent and were late to joining Risc-V. Just last week they both pushed $40m into ARM to keep it's value up.

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I'm in the US and the only time I see mention of edge is when installing windows and then again when changing my default browser, which is kinda silly but not something I bother wasting mental energy to care about when it's something that shows up once and then never again. I would love to see legislation in the US match what some of the European countries have but considering how things could be, it's of least concern to me. I paid for Windows once in my life via an OEM license I ordered from a German retailer and I've had about 16 or so computers since then and all of those have either been custom built machines, used computers, or parted together boxes so if they want to bug me about installing their browser which effectively will recoup revenue based on data from me which varies from useless to misleading and probably becomes a net negative and moves them further from their goal. Then sure, I don't mind clicking that "no thank you" button

I guess this is their final move of desperation. It will help inflate value for a while at least which will buy Samsung and Apple a bit of time. I still think they might be too late to the plate though. We'll see

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Insightful doesn't mean you learned something from it. If you say something is insightful it means... It's definition really "having or showing an accurate and deep understanding; perceptive." You can understand something and still say it's insightful.

If their stolen credit cards worked why are they selling them?

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You should try re reading what you just said

I can't tell, is this an angsty teenager take against YouTube Music.

I think this is something people like to hyperfocus on, these days the workflow is win key and a couple letters. I hear so many Linux teens go on about the start menu and I always struggle to try and recall what the star menu looks like

Android tablets are much much better for this. See super display

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Try installing fresh from USB. Typically works for me on any machine that says it couldn't install on

You don't need to speak in absolutes dude. There are definitely good public trackers out there that use ads. No reason to get all angry about it.

!Remindthem 6 years

As a millennial that was born near the end of the cut off I think millennials will adapt well and likely better than most any other group except maybe Gen x.

We were brought up in the infancy of personal computer technology where everything was more difficult and convoluted than it is for preceding generations. We started out at minimum using DOS and having to circumvent the older operating systems where even the simple task of chatting with your friends online was a multi step process. Since that point things have really only gotten simpler.

If we were to create a meta person who has the general computer competence of their generation and tested them I think we would find that Gen x and millennials are not only as well adjusted to modern technology but also faster to adapt to it. They will likely be faster at solving issues and problems as the skills and knowledge they had to adopt early in life to do even simple things still applies to the basis of all computing that we have today. Even very simple things like file navigation, adjusting basic computer settings, setting up a computer, modifying files, and even using web searches to troubleshoot problems are strengths that millennials and Gen x will have that will likely see a fall off from there after in the other generations.

Computer incompetence has become increasingly more common over time to the point we are reaching now in the United States where it's fallen off so much is becoming a crisis as kids growing up now can simply only use phones and tablets and actual basic computer skills have become an issue. With the cheap cost of electronics there is even less interest in kids to learn how to solve issues on their devices as they see it as easier to just buy a new device altogether and avoid troubleshooting altogether.

FOMO circlejerk

Same, also what day of the week

I tried looking for the Mars Rover that is using a compute module and couldn't find any that were using one which makes sense because it's not radiation hardened and they need to operate well outside of the temperature range that the modules actually tolerate. They seem to all be using a radiation hardened version of an IBM power PC 750 that is manufactured by a company name BAE. Ignoring that fact though the Mars Rover does not meet the same low latency processing requirements that this meme is referencing so we can move along further.

"Most Ukrainian drives use it too" while I can't quantify these numbers it does appear that the Ukrainian military uses orange pi's for their "kamikaze" drones which is good for that application as it's easy to source and doesn't require any heavy demand. As for everything else I was able to locate on the subject, it all appears to be typical DSP processors Analog Devices SHARC's and the TI equivalents such as the TMS320F28335 As for the Iris-T I could not find any information one way or another there. It's indicating high velocity and use of radar so I can't imagine they are using anything other than a DSP processor as you are going to need to shave every single microsecond of response time to maximize your effectiveness.

I think this is one of the first Astroturf posts I've seen on Lemmy

This is great advice. To add to this, over sleeping in general will tank your energy and make you feel even more tired. To add to this I know personally that feeling as if I have slept through a big portion of my free time will make me feel very upset and definitely make my depression worse. It's taken me a very very long time (probably 6-7 years) to actually realize this and force myself to not just slump around on days off but to actually get a proper amount of sleep and wake up early in the morning. Typically I will get up anywhere between 6-8am and I always feel much better as I know I have so much of my day ahead of me to work on projects or even just relax and watch TV, play video games, or spend time prepping for my week ahead just to do some simple things to minimize the amount of work I have ahead of me during the week.

The way ads are displayed effects how effective they are which in turn effects how valuable they are. More people turning to adblockers reduces the effectiveness of the ads and devalues the advertising method as a whole, more adblockers being used, lower effectiveness. YouTube then has to resort to putting in effort to combat adblockers which itself costs even more, ads have to become more intrusive to retain their value so YouTube can maintain it's own servers and pay it's content creators and it becomes an endless cycle of "fuck you I want your service for free and you are trampling my rights for trying to profit off me using your product". In return all YouTube asks of you to obtain an ad-free video watching session for a month is $4 ($22/month split among 6 users)

I'm an android user and Apple maps has become a real problem numerous times in the past for me. My daily work involves me and multiple people traveling from one place to another and meeting at odd places (event production). And people using Apple maps can go from something simple as them not being able to find a destination in a search to being sent to the wrong location way far away, tricked into going down over way streets, and the most annoying, directed straight into bumper to bumper traffic. Ugh, everyone learns the first time but still...

Doesn't appear so, seems Google is okay with them unionizing. According to a ruling from a while back Google is required to bargain with the union just as much as cognizant is but it appears cognizant is the one which is unwilling to bargain with the workers. Google's track record with workers leads me to believe that they have no issue with workers unionizing.

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Thing is there are so few things to count against Windows compared to MacOS or Linux, they need to make the most minor of inconveniences seem astronomical by comparison. "Haha you have to install a security update you can delay for 5 weeks that takes 4 seconds to install"

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How about disposable, dispensable clothes like in Idiocracy?

Yeah I read this article and other sources on the subject that give more details. Google has said they support them organizing but it's not up to them. As far as I'm aware Google is the only tech giant that has an employee workers union

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I don't know how people determine bad laughs. I love loud obnoxious and silly sounding laughs, those are the best. I feel like those are the ones people typically think are bad but I guarantee all of you that they ARE NOT they are the best.

What happened?

If your fine want updates you can literally just... Duane them through group policy. But that's not a good idea. What they are forcing are security updates. You really want those. They don't take very long at all and their effectiveness increases based on how many people are up to date. The more people who are up to date the more difficult and expensive it is to create malicious software, it also becomes more difficult to spread malicious software to begin with.

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