29 Post – 280 Comments
Joined 7 months ago

Mostly lurking. United States southerner, gay, working retail. An amazing combination

It's so stupid, ain't it? The logic is so broken when you think about it. So the south has oppressive laws. You think that's bad, because people deserve better, right? Except then you hate people for being oppressed, so much that you want them to suffer further punishment.

So you don't actually hate oppression, right? So then why don't you like the south?

Liberals are some of the stupidest creatures alive. (I'm a leftist)

Appalachia is flooded and tons of people can't get clean water or evacuate due to roads collapsing. Opened Tumblr, saw a smug liberal practically orgasming over "you Trump voters" getting what we deserve.

I guess I'm fighting with my only friend again. I told him I explained something badly and he misunderstood it. He told me he's too stupid to have serious conversations with. I reiterated that the communication failure was on my end, and he's not stupid. He suddenly flipped the script and said I always make him feel stupid and that I think he's lesser than me. Even though he was calling himself stupid and I was trying to reassure him? I attempted to comfort him and asked what I could do better, since I actually really admire him, but he hasn't replied.

It's almost time to return my library book and I've barely touched it. I carry it everywhere with me, but we're so busy I have to work through my breaks and I pretty much fall asleep when I get home. I guess it's more of a hobby for well off people.

Maybe next week will be remotely decent.

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These guys are telling on themselves. "She used to be a man, so she'll do [horrible thing]."

So you do [horrible thing] to your partners??

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Social media drug? Like screen addiction?

I think technological solutions can help, eg app blockers and screentime trackers, but that's not even half the solution. You need to figure out what need you're trying to meet with your phone, and find a low tech version. You can't rely on tech to cure an over-reliance on tech.

Just because you're aro or aroace doesn't mean you don't understand heartache and loss. When we empathize with fictional characters, is it because we've been through exactly what they've been through? Doubtful, because then fantasy wouldn't exist. But we've had similar emotions, so it resonates.

I don't really see why songs would be any different.

It's like a sweetened, fizzy sassafras drink. Pretty good depending where you get it.

The USA has a weird thing where we use the words for alcoholic drinks to describe non-alcoholic ones. We also call spiced fruit drinks "cider" and actual cider "hard cider". Not sure why.

Walmart lets us wear pins on our vests, so I used to do that. The first time I had to heave a heavy item against my chest and lost several pins I stopped doing it, though 😕 still get loads of pins every Christmas...

Can someone explain this to me?

if you have done that thing, upvote it. If you have not done that thing, downvote it.

So if someone says "never have I ever eaten food", then I, a food eater, upvote it, right?

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Lil bit of a bummer, feels like I just exercise, work, and sleep. My limited free time has been spent on my family, which.... ughhhh by the time I realized they mistreated me all my life and I hate them, they'd lost power over me, so basically they're not pushing me around anymore and think we're all friends, and I don't know how to tell them that I'm retroactively spiteful. So I play nice.

Gonna try so hard to get some reading and drawing done in the coming days.

I failed at moderating a server with three of my closest friends. I'm not running a server for the entire town.

OP WATCH SCAVENGERS REIGN. Unless you're sensitive to body horror.

Especially if you're sensitive to body horror?

Maybe Homer's got shit he's not telling Marge

Reddit won't truly be obsolete until we one up the cbat sex thread

Feeling nostalgic and drank a bottle of chocolate milk on my lunch break. Discovered I was lactose intolerant after I clocked back in. I was the only one covering the deli counter.

That makes a lot of sense, thank you.

I thought they were just trying to hammer home how wild it was for the file to get that big, since it's just a text file.

They look ridiculous but it's more the way her shirt clings to them like it has actual sleeves for the tits, I think.

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This sucks for so many. People use timestamps for content warnings or to help viewers avoid spoilers. Commenters use timestamps when talking about the content of the video. It's insane to change this once it's so ingrained in how people use the website.

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Reddit's pretty good for niche support communities that still manage to have an active userbase. I wish I could cut the cord entirely but Lemmy just isn't there yet.

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I straight up don't understand the things people get mad at me for, but they always say I started it. I hate autism

Reddit is so useless. I write occasionally, and whenever I hit a wall researching a character's background, everyone tells me, "ask on Reddit!"

I stopped asking on Reddit five years ago, because I can't get any feedback besides a handful teenagers making wild guesses. Thank you for trying, kids. I guess.

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That's actually the joke of the original comic. The kid calls the guy Shrek, and the mom apologizes for her daughter's rudeness before saying something like "no, that's just an ugly bald man".

I like how every time it gets edited, there are people in the comments who notice the Shrek similarity but don't always agree if it's intentional. The artist did a good job on that front.

Have Windows users ever wanted a single thing they added since XP? It seems like every time I upgrade they add some cluttery nonsense I can't get rid of. I moved to Windows 10 for software compatibility, and I still hate it.

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MS Paint, an old clip art CD, and notepad. It's time to make some unbearable personal websites

Been a rough week. Friend is going through a crisis and pushing everyone away. I'm simultaneously worried and mad. He kept giving reasons for being mad at us that contradicted his previous reasons, before going no contact with all of us.

I've checked his socials here and there to make sure he's alive. I'm sure he'll be back but I don't think I can keep doing this.

My siblings have both already done the thing where they threaten to kill themselves then get mad when I take it seriously. I can't have a third person doing that.

Sorry if that was heavy. It's just hard because I love him but I carry all this grief from people who keep telling me they'll die if I make a wrong move...

God, please. My best friend lives over there and my heart breaks for him and all our trans siblings every news cycle.

Where's that tweet where an anti-vaxxer used the bubonic plague as an example of a disease that went away on its own.

Anyone else instinctively look for the Obvious Plant logo?

Congrats on being a girl!

There's that Shen comic where Shen— a millennial— is trying to tell a zoomer that their house is on fire, but he keeps saying inane stuff like "there's a smoky chonker".

I think that sums up our legacy pretty well.

In my 20s I got really optimistic about aging. See I was unschooled and never really had any life outside my home life, which wasn't great. Didn't get a high school diploma and starting my first job felt impossible.

Soon I made a group of friends, I discovered art, and I felt like I was capable of learning and growing and having a fulfilling life. I actually looked forward to being 30 because I thought I'd have matured a lot and learned how to live.

30 now. My friends were toxic. I lost my passion for art. I can't find any work outside of retail and I can't get an education because I'm so busy making ends meet. I feel like I've regressed into the worst version of my shut-in child self. I work and I get what sleep I can and I have no relationships.

I really hope this is part of the process.

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That they weren't feeding us well. I didn't know enough about nutrition to fully make my argument, I just remember getting sulky when we went shopping and our cart was 90% junk food.

Sometimes I draw nsfw of my own characters, who are decidedly not sexy because that's not what I designed them for. But then I spend too much time writing and developing them and get invested in their private lives.

I'm usually too embarrassed to render the drawings and sometimes to even save the file. Shoutout to people who do this for a living, couldn't be me.

This would never work!

Pretty bad. I have a friend who's going through a crisis, and I don't want to downplay it, he's been wronged and his situation is dangerous. But he's been lashing out at the wrong people and my feelings are starting to get hurt.

On top of that, multiple family members who always need my time and money and talk about killing themselves constantly. I can't stand being responsible for this many people. I feel like I'm preemptively grieving 24/7. The weight is completely unmanageable.

I'm trying to set better boundaries without becoming callous, but I just want everyone to be OK.

I bring this story up whenever my queer friends start with gender essentialist bullshit. We go from statements like "only a cis man would write like this" to a woman in a mental institution.

A guy followed me around the grocery store when I was around 20. I didn't have a car and didn't want to walk home with a stranger following me, so I just walked around the store for ages.

At one point some guy asked me if I noticed anything strange about the guy following me. I don't remember what I said. At another point, a friendly stranger started making small talk with me, and asked my name. I was nervous but that's really common around here and I didn't know how to leave the conversation.

I saw both guys reporting back to the guy following me.

Don't know what they wanted. I ended up hiding in the women's restroom for a few hours.

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Not the best. Have some kind of recurring fungal infection that I've just been slapping with OTC cream, but it keeps popping back up in random places. Had two yeast infections this month. I don't think I'm particularly unhygienic so I don't know what's going on, but I've racked up enough medical bills and my savings are gone due to moving expenses.

Speaking of moving... no progress. My friend who owns a van forgot they were going to help me on my day off 🙁 I think I'm getting depressed being stuck in my current place surrounded by boxes.

I'm also lonely. I lied and told my long-distance friends that I'm taking a screen break to focus on moving, but actually I needed time away from them. I have moral scrupulosity OCD and they know it but keep doing things that aggravate it, like reading these really intense moral stances into things I say and self-flagellating for not conforming to what they think my opinion is. One of them told me outright that he bases his morals on me. (I'm a mean, paranoid dropout with no background in ethics, social sciences, or philosophy, so this is a baffling choice.)

I know my mental health is my responsibility and it's not their fault I have OCD, but my mind tortures me when I'm around them. I feel like a cult leader. Like I'm going to break them, or lead them into trouble. On top of that, they can't stand the rituals I developed before talking to them. So in this case I think taking responsibility for my mental health actually means fucking off. I'm focusing on befriending my coworkers and keeping it extremely casual. I never want anyone to be that invested in me again.

I hope next week I can post about how I'm happy in a new place and my coworkers liked getting sushi.

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When you put long hair on your stupid snoo and suddenly male redditors think you're the sexiest woman to walk the earth.

It's been good, objectively, but for some reason I'm not feeling it.

My medication has been amazing for getting me through the workday. For some reason my brain instantaneously converts boredom to anger, plus I tend to fixate uncontrollably on really negative things. I don't think I've freaked out or embarrassed myself at all since starting the medication, though.

I've hit all my gym goals this week, which I haven't done in months, so that should be a good sign for my mental health, too.

But I don't know, I still feel like a sad, lonely person. My friends all have such great relationships with each other even when I have to walk on eggshells around them. I can't make friends offline because I have nothing really interesting to bring to the table.

Plus I'm dreading cutting my hair because everyone is so nice to me now that they think I'm femme. Actually I just had a lot on my plate and stopped cutting my hair and dressing up for a while.