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Joined 4 months ago

The only sane thing to do, full on assassinate, or kidnap in secret and report youve assassinated, all the justices that ruled in favor of presidential immunity. Nominate a new set of justices, with confirmation under threat of further assassinations, bring the case back before the new supreme court to rule against presidential immunity

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Who's gonna apply it?

You dont wanna just be blowing around the oven-like air trapped in your house. Open two windows on opposite ends of the house, and point a fan facing outside at one of the windows. This will pull air from the opposite window and create a crossbreeze of fresh air.

Lying shirtless on a hard floor can also help cool your body down

I say theres plenty of time and any other democrat would have a better chance of beating trump. No one likes Biden, no ones voting for Biden, theyre voting against Trump. If he drops out for someone else, tell me you wont vote for the replacement. Still a democrat, still not Trump, younger.

How about people that think Biden should drop out so democrats have a chance of beating Trump.

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Stop fuckin strawmanning, jesus

The people criticizing Biden for the genocide arent trump supporters. Its left leaning voters that...arent fans of genocide.

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No, you cant have typed out that obvious sarcasm and seriously meant it. A little bit of genocide? Thats how you're describing someone you're voting for?

Why are so many biden supporters arguing like a grade schooler. "YeAh WeLl ThIs Is HoW yOu SoUnD"

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Biden = old, senile liberal alright with a little bit of genocide.

Are...are you agreeing Biden is awful?

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That man looks partially embalmed

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Less than half is less than half

The problem is we're on course for Trump winning. Trump has voters who like him, he has voters obsessed with him that will oust even other republicans if Trump wills it. He's also got voters that are just voting against Biden, whoever has the R by their name. Trumps gonna win if all you have are voters that are just voting against Trump. No one's excited about Biden. Throw in any younger dem politician right now and youll see a dam breaking of voters excited to vote for someone they dont have to worry about getting dementia in office.

Sorry, theyre banned here because china made em

Its not believing they can, they just can.

Theres no such thing as an impartial person.

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I think the best strategy is to assume the worst. Assume that theyll take whatever bribes they can get away with, empower their political party however they can, seek to harm groups theyre hateful towards, etc. Restrict what they can get away with, do not permit any self accountability, keep the roster changing so corrupt roots cant go deep.

are you talking about the Independent Bernie?

Netanyahu has been prime minister for 16 years, just won reelection in 2022, and has been a murderous, zionist bastard the entire time.

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But once again, the letter—which TNR viewed—offered little additional clarity.

so by "taking a turn" they mean remains on the exact same path with no new developments.

But once again, I hate modern journalism

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He was never an innovative car maker, he's never made a car in his life. He just had money.

I hate modern journalism

here's the senate bill they're talking about

It's a very weak bill, only kicks in at over 50 homes purchased, is not retroactive so existing damage to the market is unaffected, and only affects taxes on interest. Plus a lot of other restrictions to make sure this doesnt affect rental properties at all. Frankly I think this bill is meant to make more affordable property for landlords than anything.

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article doesnt present any pressure they are facing. also

Drug production costs are often shrouded in secrecy with little clarity on how they relate to prices, if at all.

Prices are never about cost, its what people are willing to pay. Which gets brutally exploited by pharmaceutical industry.

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I dont understand, everyone bought bigger SUV's and it didnt help

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I cant believe shaming a conservative didnt work, again

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this would entail the inclusion of more conservative viewpoints on campus.

Guess it's not about intellectual diversity

It was a bizarre thing. Energy drinks are at least marketed as having extreme amounts of caffeine, but this has more, is sold at a bread store, and the caffeine is intentionally downplayed.

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As someone living for decades in rural Mississippi, Rural conservatives are willing to hurt themselves if it means hurting others. They fight against raises for themselves so the "lazy" people dont get what they dont deserve. They fight against healthcare subsidies for the poor, subsidies that they themselves would qualify for, because they want revenge on "welfare queens". They are horrid people that go to church every sunday to hear teachings against all of the shit they do.

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Republicans are just making things up entirely and too many people are humoring them. Impeachment isnt for airing grievances against job performance, its for crimes. This was never legitimate.

We banning guns yet? Alright see yall next mass shooting

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thats cool how money lets you just, reject consequences for years

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Been weird seeing the reactions to this news. Suddenly everyone's against porn.

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a threat to US auto industry? You promise? Cus US auto industry is a climate killing powerhouse of gas guzzling SUV's. Any politicians wanting to pretend to be capitalist, or to be in favor of the environment, let me buy this car.

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Its bizarre shit. Imagine being found guilty and sentenced to prison, but then you just leave the courtroom and go home

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Because we havent had a general strike in a while

Time until full charge isnt really a relevant metric for utility storage, you want larger storage, which would increase full charge time. Rate of charge is what matters.

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Wheres all those people that were telling me he'd be jailed with the next contempt charge?

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Hey its that guy that was found in criminal contempt of congress and is supposed to be in jail

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Weve got to implement term limits on justices now that people are starting to figure out lifetime appointments are easily gamed with younger justices.

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We're already in the authoritarian regime everyone is worried is coming.

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