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Joined 1 years ago

Oh I guess I never knew that 100% of the air nomads were benders. Is that cause they exile any non-bender children? Seems pretty unlike them…

Kinda saw the writing on the wall the past few years, but damn. That’s a big part of my childhood right there

Wait, so when I politely “ask app not to track”, they might still be tracking me? No way!

I have no strong feelings one way or the other!

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Oh holy cow, those servers are running at some pretty high temps!

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Dude you’ve got the complete opposite problem I do. My text game is dog shit, I’m much more of an in-person kinda guy

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I remember reading a book about this hacker student kid that would do that to sneak out of the school because they had gait recognition cameras. Can’t remember the name of the book though…

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My dad was recently telling me that (in the USA) headlights were regulated to something like 130 watts (or amps, idk. It was something about the amount of power used by the bulbs). This was back when halogen bulbs were used for headlights, and there was an effort to try and pump the most amount of brightness out of them while staying within the power limits.

Then LED became more and more common and that power limit was basically a nonissue. Manufacturers could then turn up the brightness as much as they wanted and that’s why headlights are such a problem now

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I love black licorice. Developed a taste for it as a kid because it was the only candy available at my grandparents house. Now if I’m hanging out with buddies and I don’t want them mooching off my snacks, I’ll bring black licorice. I’ve only met one other person that wanted some and I was happy to share haha

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Or hell, drink it straight from the cow and swish it around like mouthwash until it forms into cheese

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Subscription based friendships

Ha! I love his little fist pump on the last frame.


I remember reading a comment thread on reddit about a guy who discovered his friend refused to wash his ass crack in the shower because he thought it was gay.

Because it’s both a continent and a country.

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This is sofa king wee Todd did

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And his name is “JOHN CENA!!”

Also the classic deez nuts

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Or maybe option 4?

Taking a bunch of edibles to make you sleepy at the right time

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What a responsible young man


I remember pictochat getting banned on my school bus because we were saying bad stuff like “butt” and “ass” and probably drawing pictures of dicks. Ahhh what a time to be alive

I can respect that

Oh I’m sorry did you want those in the glass? 2/4, best I can do

Aaron Carter’s “How I beat Shaq” is pretty hilarious. They actually got Shaq in it, but it’s clear that Aaron Carter had no idea how to play basketball. And they have to make it look like he’s better than Shaq? Yeah right

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Makes ya wonder how much profit they made over the years

I’ve asked the TSA dudes while going through security this exact question and they confirmed that, yes you can take fully frozen water bottles through security.

You can also just read on their website that, as long as it’s fully frozen when you’re at the security screening, you’re fine.

Oh, whoops!

I dropped my Monster condom that I use for my Magnum dong

From the videos of Skyrim AI mods I’ve seen, I don’t think it’s that far off. At least for your basic, run-of-the-mill NPCs. They’re already able to know if you take off all your clothes and will ask you stuff like “hey we don’t allow that in here” or “you must be cold”.

We can’t be that far off from a truly immersive RPG game

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Yeah I kinda agree with you on that one. The power of AI to quickly drive a meme into the ground is becoming apparent

Heck, slings were around even before bow and arrows and can definitely be considered long range

I believe our lord and savor Adam Sandler is the proprietor of such a device

Well it’s good you recognize that at least. Moderation is key

Yeah I agree, despite all the recent events, I’m still not worried at all about flying. The number of car crash complications I watch on YouTube make me extra cautious while driving, but I’ve never felt in danger while flying, even in heavy turbulence

Have they said anything about it not being available on Steam Deck after a recent update? Pathetic

How many times do I have to tell you, take your jleats off before you walk on the jarpet!

Merry Chrysler!

Huh, I’ve got a weird sense of déjà vu

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Is this a reference to the Asian dude that somehow maneuvered himself into a public toilet and ended up dying of hypothermia because he was halfway submerged in sewage overnight?

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We must befriend the Ja’Vi so we can extract all their unobjainium

I got so hooked into the settlement building. Downloaded a handful of settlement mods and spent 3 whole days repairing and outfitting the Castle. Then something happened to my mods folder and I had to redownload them all and didn’t make note of the order I had them in before. Loaded in the game and everything was broken/invisible. Huge letdown and I took a 7 month break. Now I’m getting back to it and finishing the main story before doing the DLCs

Yeah I was gunna say, I’ve actually seen a video of these being made and totally forgot about them until seeing this. It’s an actual product you can buy lol