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Joined 12 months ago

A billion people is probably the primary thing, and a large portion of the geography has a climate that's pretty ripe for diseases to flourish.

100% Party Cannon goes the hardest

The image sensor is square... it should just shoot 1:1 scale and let you crop it to an orientation later

The dominoes have been getting set up since the 70s. Just because it looks fast once they start getting knocked over doesn't mean there hasn't been extensive prep in getting there.

650 what though? 1st of the month there's 650 freshly dead bodies at your doorstep.

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They kinda do, EU has a mutual defence policy as well

That's a shit dojo 100%. Everywhere I've trained if someone pulled that shit, they'd at the very least get sat the fuck down for a good long chat with the sensei, if not kicked out entirely... not to mention pushups, so, so, so many pushups.

Probably something with a .ru TLD

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Well, budget's tight given recent events, all they can afford is the MadCatz now.

And more often than not, the people that left were the higher performing employees. Penny-wise, pound-foolish.

But only if you send them a cheque for your entire life savings

I don't think those AIs have watched a competitive ping pong match. Shooting/archery are probably ok, I'd also say curling is a solid option at least for the winter olympics

For as long as Google is part of FAANG, they will have a nearly unlimited supply of fresh grads to burn through, and fresh grads still line up to work there to get that name on their CV.

They can still trade in rubles with other countries that are willing to trade with them. It's not inconceivable that they can 'launder' a trade via, say India:

  1. Russia buys a few billion-ruble toothbrushes from India

  2. India invests the equivalent in USD with $DJT (minus a cut)

  3. India uses those rubles to trade at market value for goods with other countries that also trade in rubles

Replace India and Saudi Arabia with any 2 countries on this list:

Not to mention, who is in control of making the tests? Mental health/aptitude tests have had a history of being at least a little bit racist, kinda like the old 'intelligence' tests that were designed to prevent black people from voting.

Not only that, they'll lost their best talent first

I don't think it's a manufacturing thing, people sometimes use cast iron pans to melt lead for casting

Username checks out

I grew up around both, for simply telling time, digital is far better. Analog though to me gives a better sense of the passage of time I guess you could call it? Like, you can see the hour hand has moved a distance after a little while; or if I want to do something for half an hour, I just have to watch for when the minute hand is pointing 180 degrees away from where it was when I started, things like that.

If you're not qualified to diagnose someone as a psychopath, you are equally unqualified to determine that someone is not a psychopath, especially if you've only "hung out a few times."

It's PR bullshit to give an excuse for backtracking basically

At least he went that route instead of other bigoted parents who actively drive their kids to self-harm/suicide and never learn this lesson.

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Alternate take: Since this happened before he was president, it's less likely to get quashed by scotus with the presidential immunity argument

100 stickers on my back window letting everyone know

"For free guns, break glass"

It's even better than that... We do have proof of 'intelligent design', except the intelligence doing the designing was people. Virtually all of our food was cultivated over centuries to be the way it is today. We literally forced evolution to happen to make bananas, tomatoes, corn, wheat, livestock, etc.

But you're still kinda right. Not voting is a vote for trump, and conservatives know this. Disenfranchisement via drug convictions is a key weapon in their arsenal.

Trump's nuclear football only contains the Staples' "that was easy" button

That type of pay phone has been in use in Canada for >25 years, card reader and all. We had a row of them in my high school back in the 90s

I grew up around cattle farms in Canada, and pretty much every farmer owned a rifle, but it was to protect the livestock from stuff like coyotes and other predators.

Frankly I already “dumbed it down” quite considerably

r/iamverysmart in a nutshell here

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Rittenhouse took a field trip across state lines to do just that

Hard rationing of greenhouse gas emissions

You're more or less describing cap-and-trade, where corporations have a limit of carbon emissions as 'credits' which can be traded on a market. So a company that doesn't produce as much emissions can sell their surplus credits to another company, so the market as a whole doesn't exceed a set amount of CO2 emissions. As it stands, in this or other carbon tax based systems, people pay for emissions in the form of sales tax on CO2 producing products.


I'd imagine they'd just leave again eventually. If suburbia was an advantageous place for them, they'd already be there.

Nuclear power plants within or adjacent to urban centers, especially in colder climate regions.

Nuclear plants are somewhat geographically restricted to needing to be close to a suitable water source, there's plenty that are next to or inside metropolitan areas. That being said, high voltage transmission means that a plant can still be a few tens of kms outside of a city before transmission losses start to add up. Also, small-scare reactors have been under development for use in remote communities.

Gray water recovery built into homes and municipal water systems.

Any sort of dirty water recovery is more efficient at the municipal scale, and plenty of towns are already doing that.

Urine collection programs for phosphate recovery.

Seems that's not a super easy thing to do (read expensive), but there's research being done... also apparently, a good portion of it in wastewater is from laundry soap... but as in the above, more efficient to just collect all wastewater and process it on a large scale.

You have to pay income tax even if your income is illegal, that's how they got Capone.

I wonder if we can "recycle" desert sand to have more of the properties that we're looking for.. It seems the biggest problem is it's weathered in such a way that it doesn't bond properly as an agregate like sand harvested from the water does

These are less for your education as it is for management/HR to absolve responsibility: "We trained them to not do , it's not our fault they did it"

Python is the language of choice for most test automation

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Who are you to judge where I put my salami?

Of course it's Pelosi, she can't let anyone else get their grubby paws on her precious ice cream! /s

And would also weigh a ton

Not only that, anywhere that a business is allowed to use cameras, they would want to have big, obvious cameras to try to prevent shoplifting.