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Why don't these Republicans pull themselves up by their bootstraps and stop waiting for handouts from Nancy Pelosi?

There's no way farming was only done 5 sporadic months of the year, that livestock keeping would allow you to just fuck off and not work that frequently, and they often did things like produce parts of their own cloths etc which I would count that much sewing/darning to be work let along the rest of the homesteading requirements...

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I don't think they're implying that he is wearing those, it's just a reference photo for anyone who doesn't know what spatz are.

Vin Diesels real name is Mark Sinclair and weve all accepted that too. Marilyn Manson's name is Brian Warner and Alice Cooper was born Vincent Furnier. Stage names are pretty common with performers

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Seriously my adhd management system is basically "putting shit where I'll trip over it" and then waiting to get sick of still deliberately stepping over/around the inconveniently placed item.

Beer brewing was originally a field dominated by women.

The presitege associated with a position can also change the expected gender. Women traditionally cooked meals at home but "Chefs" are predominately male, especially famous or celebrated Chefs.

Let's also not pretend that older generations arent likely wildly under diagnosed because of stigma and lack of any resources. That means Gen Z may just have a totally normal amount of anxiety.

1 page (niche industries maybe 2). If you can't get your point across in 1 page then that's a huge red flag....24 pages? When I was in HR I wouldn't have even read that resume, I'm amazed he's gotten a single interview with that let alone 60.

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While I agree that most of the talk about helping those struggling is empty I think it's a bit disingenuous to imply suicide by airplane was the only option available to him. This happened in America were there are almost as many guns as people. Hurting others during a suicide attempt by trying to crash a plane is a choice.

We definitely need better mental health resources but killing 83 other people wasn't his only option.

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I do at least agree with her that she shouldn't be a mother.

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I hate when people let their off leash dogs run up to my leashed dogs (we only walk in leash required areas). They always yell "they're friendly" And I have to yell back "mine arent". A suprising number of people still just mosey over slowly half-heartedly calling their dog while lm actively backing up and restraining my growling dog. One of my dogs is a rescue and she will fight anything if it charges her, a dog, a bike, a horse - she does not care.

Some people should not be allowed to have a dog.

This is the part everyone misses. I worked in HR for a number of years and 90% of my job was telling low/middle level managers "you can't do that to your employee." (I wasnt high up enough to be dealing with c-suite level complaintants), 9% was recruiting and paperwork, and 1% was telling an employee "You did something potentially terminable."

Most people only seem to recall that 1% and then keep talking about how "HR isn't your friend/on your side theyre on the company's side." Which is true! But they also didn't see the 1000 times I slapped their managers hand because I was on the companies side not the managers. Unless your really high up your manager is someone's employee too. HR isn't siding with you manager for shits and giggles, there is a reason management won a complaint against you and it isn't "HR likes management better." It's that they framed your problematic behavior better than you framed theirs. Frame everything you report to HR as "this is why it's a liability for the company" not "I don't like x,y,z. So-and-so is mean."

Also remeber just being a bad manager (not doing something immediately terminable) isn't a firable offense. Yelling/being a low level dick for example may not be something deemed firable. One complaint isn't gonna e enough and ideally multiple people will complain as well.

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Realistically executive salaries probably won't cover a salary increase across the workforce foe the whole country. Not doing a stock buy back just might though.

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People keep saying that's phrase is harmless. To me that sounds like the type of confused and stupid thing Maga people would yell while committing a hate crime. That combined with two people not taking no for an answer while advancing on you? It sounds like a threat.

When I was living in Virginia I was in a pretty rural area so my view of Virginia might be colored. I found it to be a really red state ( at leadt the part I wan in, not sure about the part this took place in) and yelling at someone there for thinking about your twinkle sounds like a prelude to bigoted violence to me.

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You are absolutely right...except the article even states that Brittni described herself as a transgender woman. So it seems appropriate for us to take Brittni's word on that.

She's paying $1650 for a house? You'd pay more for a house in a neighborhood where every night is the purge here.

There is a tradition of throwing coins into the Trevi fountain in Rome to bring you back to Rome someday.Trafalgar Square has a fountain with a bunch of coins in it.

This isn't a strictly American thing. In fact it probably came from the old Celtic ritual of throwing valuables into water as an offering for the gods/ancestors. So it didn't even start in America. Like most other things we imported it and then became annoyingly extra about it.

It looks like he has chrome pinned to his task bar in the bottom left.

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A third of vegetables grown in the US come from California and an even higher percentage of fruits and nuts.

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So this happened in Olympic skeet shooting, it used to be coed, then in the early 90s where a women won so they split the competition moving forward into men and women.

Olympic Pistol and Rifle were split in the 80s because a women tied a man (he even won the tie breaker). In pistol and rifle the women course of fire is less than the men's so you can't directly compare them either.

I'd say it should be a requirement for human integration tech that the CEO has to be willing to get the first one launched. But then there will also be people like the Titan sub guy who care nothing for their life either.

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And those millionaires typically won some sort of fame "lottery" (which has its own issues) like Pop Stars or something.

Out of pure curiosity does anyone know where "new growth fir" lumber is the typical building material? In the US most homes are built using Pine but that can't be true everywhere.

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What are the chances the upvotes are fake though?

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I've never met a person irl who didn't think this guy was unfunny and a super creep. I could never figure out why he was famous cause I've never met a person who was even kinda a fan of his

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Trump already doesn't listen to any voice but his own.

This misinformation could kill someone. Steak and chicken are not the same and do not have the same heating requirements.

If you sear the outside of steak it will kill most harmful bacteria including salmonella. That is not true of chicken where the salmonella is more likely to be throughout the meat.

Please don't give out dangerous food safety misinformation.

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It's worded poorly, the article is saying that he maintained the "normal weight" of 180 pounds after he finished fasting and didn't gain it all back again once he started eating.

To be fair Mrs. (And to a lesser extent Mr.) Don't have an obvious pronunciation from the spelling either. You've just been hearing them said out loud for most of your life.

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By Lemmy standards I'm perversely unconcerned with my privacy. But I just updated all my glassdoor info to wildly incorrect stuff (name, location, industry, job title, etc) then deleted it. Even for me this is a bridge too far.

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So most places online that sell sex toys have very innocent names that they bill you under. They will often list it as "you will see this charged to innocent-sounding-name" so that you don't accidentally assume it's fraud on your statement.

Since I haven't seen it might be the same attitude you displayed with the question OP. Immediately wondering which woman's fault it is that a man is acting badly.

Honestly the craziest part of that lie, to me, was how electable it should have made Hillary sound. She led the coordination of a million person movement in one day for a major event, at so low a cost that it was unnoticeable in any budget, and so seamlessly that no one noticed it happening at the time? That makes her sound like a logistical and strategic badass.

For context, Russia has been at war with Ukraine for almost two years. They have lost 9 Generals. The US was in Afghanistan for two decades. We lost 1.

9 is a fuck ton of senior staff in 2 years.

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Seriously what are people doing with these things that this entire thread seems to think this is typical? It never even occured to me that these could get tangled and I loved playing with them as a child.

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Are there any lawyers taking on cases like this? Cause I'd consider donating to a patreon if someone was out there fighting the good fight

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Also as someone subscribed to both, the games are way cheaper. So it makes sense that more people can afford a continuous gaming subscription through them.

DnD is definitely one of those hobbies where each table is different and (as long as no one is being hurt) none of them are wrong. The toxicity some people bring to the table can scare away newer people entirely and that sucks for everyone. Less DnD people means we all get to play less DnD.

So yes a typo. The typo they are referring to isn't the amount. It's the fact that the article says the fine can stand in place of the prison sentence. Your link specifies the fine is "In addition" which means they get jail AND a fine.

There are also sometimes some of the same principles of found family and inclusion that get kids into gangs too. A military unit can very much feel like a family sometimes (depending on the unit). Once the money lures them in the brain washing starts to make them a cohesive fighting unit and that often includes group loyalty and strong feelings of inclusion.