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Joined 11 months ago

I don't even remember the last time Stephanie Sterling did anything like this, so it was just a weird blip. Not that she doesn't goof a bunch. Still a great channel to stay up to date on the things that actually matter in the games industry instead of the usual hype machine shit. The only thing I don't care for on the show is the wrestling stuff and when the editor does some schtick.

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Ooh, I want an 8bitdo Steam controller.

Average IOF soldier.

How long until the majority of the Internet is inaccessible to non-Chromium browsers because the pages "don't support them"?

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Considering every Fallout game from the last two decades made top 20, I'd say yeah it's probably the show lol.

You have plenty of answers already, but one thing I want to point out that might not have been mentioned yet: The DS line of handhelds are unique hardware; the Switch is not.

By that I mean there is a vast library of games developed over ~15 years that were designed for the dual screen layout. Don't listen to what anyone tells you about emulation; those games are much, much better when played on actual Nintendo hardware, not because they run poorly on emulators, but because your phone, monitors, Steam Deck, and TV are one horizontal screen. Every alternative layout I've seen for emulating DS games is an awkward compromise to fit two screens on one. It sucks, it doesn't look good, and you'll have to change the layout on a per game basis because one size absolutely does not fit all.

Now look at the Switch. It's a standard 16:9 720p touch screen. Everything that can and will ever be built powerful enough to emulate a Switch will display those games in the way they were intended to be presented. When Switch emulation is perfect (and it's most of the way there) there is no compromise. You can already play Switch games on other handheld devices at higher resolutions and frame rates than the Switch itself can handle and it's an objectively better experience.

I only offer this perspective because you're talking about a very long term view of device ownership. We are now well past the period of game development on two screens as it existed on the DS line of handhelds. I highly doubt that phase of game design is ever coming back. And like it or not, many of those games are best experienced on the original hardware they were designed for and that will probably still be the case 20 years from now. On the other hand, we already have a plethora of alternative hardware options for games made for the Nintendo Switch and those numbers will grow considerably between now and 2044.

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You're in luck! There are millions of people playing games on Twitch. Who knew?

It's not really worthy of Patient Gamers because I bought it shortly after launch (in an actual box at Best Buy), but the Orange Box was one of the most absurdly good deals I've ever seen. I can't even calculate how many hours I've gotten out of it because it ended up on an old Steam account, but TF2 alone is easily my most played game ever.

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This is unreal. I'm looking forward to a new wave of modern ports for N64 games I missed.

Well, obviously. The audience was there to see Biden because they presumably like him. You think the protestors were going to suddenly win over his strongest supporters after yelling for accountability from their hero? Biden, the audience, and the press covering the event weren't getting what they wanted to hear, but they needed to hear it.

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This is probably one of the more active communities I'm in, actually. Lemmy's just not that big, I guess? And that's fine with me. I don't need an endless scroll of posts daily. I catch up on my subscribed pages within 20 minutes each day. But if someone wants to encourage more conversation I'm all for it.

As for what I'm playing this month, I just got a used Steam Deck and that's dramatically opened up opportunities for me to play through my PC games that I haven't gotten around to. Started Psychonauts 2 and I'm pretty impressed with how little Double Fine had to change since 2005. It feels like 20 years just never happened and it's so far a very natural progression of the first game. Having a great time with it.

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OK, but is it actually booming?

Piracy of movies and T.V. shows really took off when torrents first appeared in the early 2000s. It seemed to peak five or six years ago, as new streaming services proliferated.

According to the European Union Intellectual Property Office, piracy bottomed out in 2021—before increasing again. “Current piracy levels are still nowhere near what they were five years ago,” Van der Sar wrote in a recent article.

We're seeing a slight uptick possibly because of how fractured and inconsistent the streaming services have become, but we're definitely not in some piracy renaissance yet.

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More like it would be justified for Hamas to blow up Netanyahu's neighborhood to try to kill him. Even then, it's not even a fair comparison. These are refugees who have already lost their homes and families to Israel's attacks and now they're being targeted directly as a group. It's about as high as war crimes go.

Pro-tip for more votes: Say "cease fire"

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What the fuck.

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Doesn't matter. If your PC is ever compromised, that feature is a one stop shop for stealing everything you have ever done on your computer.

Based on what I know of the Switch homebrew scene, I cannot fathom how this would work. Any ideas?

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It kind of is. YouTube has decades of history. Unfathomable amounts of video. No indie platform will ever come close to hosting more than a fraction of a percent of YouTube's library and be as accessible and as fast. It would cost an unbelievable amount of money in servers and maintenance let alone moderation. The problem is this is a service, like many others that exist today, that does not bring in more money than it costs. YouTube exists because it's a branch on a megacorporation tree, but even Google will eventually need to find a way to make it profitable. It is impossible to fund this for free or anywhere close to free.

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If right wing boomers leave Facebook who will be left?

Way to redraw your red line, Biden. Absolute fucking coward.

I kind of wish all forms of popular media could just, like, agree to defund a bit. Just step things down a few notches. There's just too much money involved for anything truly unexpected to happen in these industries.

Kinda hard to just trust those sites not to hide malicious shit in there.

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Literally who is voting Republican over Gaza? And before you say it, no. Not engaging with a two party election in which both candidates support genocide is not the same as voting for the one you don't like.

The exact reason I opted not to get this phone. I kind of don't understand why so many lesser known brands have such limited bands on their phones. Does it add that much to the cost?

If both parties are going to genocide Arabs while they're in charge, the blood is on their hands and no one else's. Only assholes and morons will blame Arabs in the US for the massacre of Palestinians.

I only know it thanks to the Camelot song from Holy Grail.

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Taki Udon demonstrates a Switch emulating a Switch running Minecraft with better performance than Minecraft just running on Switch stock firmware.

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You have a fundamental misunderstanding of transit activists if you think that's what they want. The meaning behind Fuck Cars is that we have harmed and destroyed so much of the world, our cities, our cultures, and our quality of life for the sole benefit of the private car industry. Obviously trucks have their uses in agriculture, construction, etc., but they have no business being driven through heavily populated neighborhoods. Cars should be a tiny fraction of the world's modes of transport and instead it's often the first and only option.

Incredible. Their "AI" is just a bunch of people watching cameras in India.

Right. Law enforcement, defenders of democracy.

If you want to keep happy memories, never rewatch a comedy special older than 10 years. It's incredible how fast most jokes age.

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It worked for Netflix. It's easy to scoff at the clearly customer-antagonistic policies these services are turning towards, inevitably accompanied by the "well, they lost me as a subscriber" flood of comments. But the unfortunate truth is the vast majority of people just shut up and pay, resulting in big net income for the corporations that enact these policies.

100%. I'm very happy for the people in the Linux community who have collectively supported a free and open source operating system that is effectively as good or better than the two leading OSs with massive billion dollar corporations behind them. That's unfathomably impressive, deserving of all this praise and, of course, should have wider adoption.


I've spent my entire life on Windows, my professional career on Mac OS, and the last dozen or so years with my phones running Android. I absolutely do not have the patience and free time to become fluent in another fucking operating system. And I've tried. On at least two occasions, I've attempted to run a media server on Linux. The experience was utterly fucking miserable and made me want to give up on technology and live in the woods. I have no doubt that I'd have a different outcome with better resources or more time to learn properly, but I'm done. Hopefully the successes of Linux drive change for the better in the other two. Linux doesn't need 100% adoption to make an impact on the way Microsoft and Apple develop their own systems.

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Visited Japan recently and was surprised at the lack of fucked up chip flavors. Sure, they were somewhat different, but still clearly chip-appropriate food flavors. My friend there tells me stuff like this tends to be sold at very limited times and also varies by region. So weird flavors are more like rare special editions than the norm.

History would suggest that, but I'm starting to believe we're in a tech service bubble that's ready to pop. I touched on this in my comment, but it's becoming clearer than ever that the vast majority of the services we use today are not sustainable on a number of levels. Economically, they're all a mess.

Food delivery services are bleeding money constantly in the hopes that one day they'll find a way to profit. They won't. It's an insane business model. The actual cost of the service is many times the price of the food you're buying. Uber/Lyft already isn't keeping prices low enough to be a cheap option anymore because they've coasted too long on VC funding and it's time for them to start making money. But they still aren't and if they charged what it actually costs to operate, no one would use it. Many online platforms can't sustain themselves despite being major social media hubs. Streaming services spend more on buying up movies, shows, IP rights, and other streaming services than their subscriptions bring in.

The endgame of all this means everything will become unaffordably expensive for almost everyone, the services utterly nosedive in quality as companies cut costs and fire staff, or they go bankrupt and collapse. I think we've already had it as good as it's gonna get and we're going to go through a period of corporations slowly pulling back everything they've pushed into our lives with investor funding over the past decade. It's not just Lemmy's favorite buzzword "enshitification." I think a lot of what we expect from the Internet is not sustainable and it's not going to stick around in any form we would want.

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What the fuck does this even mean?

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It's such a buzzkill to lose a race because you took a turn you shouldn't have after blazing through the first 3/4 of it in first. For a game that requires twitch reactions at high speeds, it certainly was a choice to make players have to constantly take their eyes off the road to find the map.

This is Microsoft, an American corporation, actively developing the things the Internet spazzes out about China probably doing. How happy this makes China? Buddy, imagine how happy this makes every marketing company in the world, your local police department, and your own government, all of which have a much more vested interest in everything you do on your computer and are considerably more of a threat to you than the ruling party of a country on the other side of the planet. Seriously, y'all need to get your fucking priorities in order. It's borderline satire how fast your average Lemmy user slaps the China Panic button as soon as a privacy-related issue hits their front page.

Please pay attention this time, it's getting old: Holding Democrats accountable for their support of genocide is not the same as supporting Republicans.

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Fixed headline:
Israeli war cabinet to consider doing more war crimes after illegally bombing Iranian embassy