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I never timed it up precisely, but on my desktop with an MSI board, it sometimes feels like I’m waiting longer for the board to get past the UEFI into the bootloader than for the whole OS to load off my m.2…

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I swear, every time one of these posts/comments pops up, the chances root issues are caused by Nvidia hardware is insanely high.

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I was raised in a relatively high wealth family. Not personal jet rich, but still rich enough that we were going on vacation to fancy places a lot, dad had pretty cars, a big house, we went on ski trips, and played golf, etc. My wife was raised by a single mother with a more or less absentee father, working where she could to raise her two girls.

I already knew I was lucky and privileged, my parents kept telling my siblings and I, but it never really registered to me just how much. The skill I learned a lot about is empathy, I think.

If your answer is more than “one”, it usually means you don’t have the right pillow for your sleeping position. I have broad shoulders and I was a side sleeper. I used two pillows for the longest time, otherwise I had to twist my shoulder in while sleeping, or tilt my head towards the bed, neither being really comfortable for long time periods. Then I bought a thick foam one on sale in some random store I was at, and it made a world of a difference.

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I'm utterly convinced overloading the term "open" was a very bad mistake in terms of how much confusion it created. Yes, "open-source" in the OSI definition means open to read, but also open to modification and redistribution. Having to make the distinction and explain the difference with "source available" is in itself a failure in communication.

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Did these conservatives miss American Idiot, or are they just being reactionary as they so often are?

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The non proportional font on terminal 🤌

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Not gonna lie, I never really asked myself if nano was still in active development or not. It has just always felt like it was “finished” in some way.

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I honestly don’t think that’s the case. Generational divides aren’t that strongly defined that they have a specific cutoff date and time, people don’t really agree on exact moments. Some people who were born after said cutoff are better described by the previous generation, and vice-versa. For example, if you go strictly by date of birth, by most definitions of the term, my father is a (very late) boomer, but his life experience is much more similar to what defined Gen X’ers.

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I don't understand the logic behind the idea that it makes you "less clean" to wipe yourself off of excess water literally seconds after cleaning yourself in the shower. Think about it: to legitimately spread germs around with the towel, you'd need either the towel, or the area you're wiping off, to be unclean in the first place.

My wife likes a separate towel for her hair, but it's because she has very long and thick hair that's hard to dry out. Not doing so would mean leaving a trail of water dripping on the ground.

For me that's just wasteful behavior - if you're that concerned about cleanliness, those towels need to be washed regularly, therefore 4x the water usage...

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Then I power through what should have been my whole day of work in 2h30 before going to bed. Then I go try to sleep very late on an adrenaline high, wondering why I tend to burnout, cause I'm so great at this.

Anyway, the medication seemed to have calmed me down a bit on this.

"Amusia" is apparently a thing, which would be the inability to feel patterns in pitch, beat and/or rhythm in music, so I can definitely see those people not enjoying music so much. I can't relate at all, but I guess I can't exactly relate to what it's like to be blind either...

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It’s incredibly easy to fall into the trap of seeing modern societies as more advanced. There’s no reason to think they weren’t just as intelligent and resourceful as we are today. They just lived a long time ago. If history can teach us one thing, it’s that nobody rules the world forever, as advanced a civilization can be.

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The second Google bought them out should have been the moment you started to be on the lookout for a potential way out. It's unfortunately really on brand for them. There's not a lot that survives acquisition.

I only tend to replace if all of those are met:

  • there are neat additional features or a performance gain that's noticeable in regular use
  • there is some maintenance history
  • It doesn't completely break my workflow.

So far, only things I've actually replaced are aliasing ls to exa/eza, and switched to ripgrep for most of my uses of grep.

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French speaker here: what makes it funny for me is it kind of sounds like someone trying to say “pomme de terre” with a stuffy nose

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Sometimes when she tells me she’s going to do… anything, really, I just say something along the lines of “no”, “out of the question” or “you’re not allowed to do that”. Almost 15 years later, it didn’t get old - for me! - yet. As for her, I think at this point she just tuned out these things hahaha

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I coasted by in school, doing pretty much nothing, relying on my quick learning skills then forgetting everything immediately after. Teachers were apparently super anxious about my lack of attention in class, but then stopped stressing out when they saw my grades or asked me any questions. I just did my shit while they taught the rest of the class. As far as I can remember, back then they were talking about hyperactive kids, not really ADHD. I didn’t fit the criteria for hyperactivity. My brother did, but I did fine in school, so I was okay, right?

Then higher education hit, I got kicked out of one school, more or less crawled my way up and barely made it into university after a couple years of messing around. I dropped out halfway through, thoroughly depressed and even more confused about my own capabilities. I just couldn’t keep up, when I managed just fine as a kid and teen. I didn’t know what was happening to me. I felt like a fucking idiot.

Somehow, I have now wiggled my way into development/programming for the last 8 years by doing an accelerated pre-universitary program and job hopping my way to better roles. I have lead teams, helped businesses grow from startups to getting acquired or having internal growing, I do pretty fine financially speaking, have a beautiful wife and kids… but it really never feels like I’m doing that good. I know I am doing fine, objectively speaking, but I suck at being objective with myself lol

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GUIX is a GNU Project. You know, Stallman et. al, the guy behind the FSF, or well… the GPL itself (GNU General Public License). If it happens with GUIX, Stallman would be the biggest troll in existence, and we’d have much larger problems to discuss about open source as a whole.

It’s literally just a link. They don’t send shit to Kayak unless you decide yourself to click that link. Yes, Kayak could track you. That’s true of most sites they could link to. They also advertise this fact pretty clearly. And as far as I can tell, didn’t they confirm it would be made opt-in?

Total storm in a teacup situation…

The maximum amount of light that can get in your camera is determined by the aperture size, meaning how large the hole in front of the sensor can open, also commonly called f-stop. Smaller f-stop means more light (as it’s a ratio)

The Realme’s regular wide-angle back camera has a maximum aperture of f/1.8, while Pixel has f/1.85. Meaning technically, they’re more or less equivalent, you shouldn’t get that much more light in so little time. This could be the Realme camera software making really shit post-processing…

Interesting, I feel the opposite. I have had a few run-ins with… interesting people on here, but nowhere near as bad as on Reddit.

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I ran out of Vyvanse three weeks back. It’s been months my rather low dose didn’t do its full effect anymore, I just didn’t go back to see my doc to get it adjusted. However, looking at how much of a disorganized mess I am these last couple of weeks, I guess it was still doing something - holy shit am I not getting much done, like, at all 😬

No shame in that, it's literally like getting drunk on lemonade. Shit was delicious.

Not like I've drank any in like 15 years, but I have some fond memories of younger me drinking this crap lol

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Yeah, I’m no graphic designer but the fediverse logo looks like a nightmare to render at small sizes, which is what designers are looking for in a logo, typically - something that is easy to recognize, tells something about the product, and scales well at all sizes, from favicon to building sized ad. I like that it conveys its own meaning really well, but it’s also extremely busy. So many crossing lines in such a small space just looks like a garbled mess at small sizes. Take this image and scale it down to 16x16px, you can see what I mean.

I won’t lie, I’m a bit curious why someone asked someone who has never performed an audit to perform one, what they’re actually hoping to find, and what they plan on doing with the results…

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I’d rather have them on Bluesky/AT than Threads, to be perfectly honest…

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Yes, fuck tipping. Absolutely. Pay your employees.

However, “doing [your] part” would be stopping to frequent places that have employees that are tipped. Most of these employees can’t make a living off the base salary. You’re not passing the message you think you may be - the only person you’re penalizing is the employee. The business got your money regardless, why would they pay their workers better?

Hell, around here, minimum wage for tip jobs is a couple bucks lower than regular minimum wage, so not tipping means making those employees pay taxes on tips you didn’t give them lol

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There's hopefully some context you're leaving out for the sake of privacy or something, but... Why would your ex consider a move to Europe for your work? I wouldn't even expect my wife to be 100% on board with uprooting her entire life to move halfway across the world.

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Raw/natural PB tastes so much better anyways. I can’t buy anything else since I’ve tasted it.

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CDs just don’t have that “collector’s item” characteristic (yet?). Physical album sales are low enough nowadays that enthusiasts that are looking for a specific medium probably make up a very large portion of the buyers.

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The practice of calling a product “FooBar X”, unless it’s literally your version 10 that you just happen to be marketing in Roman numerals, feels a bit like those businesses that named themselves “Plumbing 2000”, it’s a bit tacky and doesn’t tend to age well IMHO. But hey, it’s not like it’d be the first software with a slightly kitsch name I use either lol

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Oh, man. I’m in my 30s, and now that my son is 6.5yo and has found his passion for chocolate milk, I rediscovered mine. We purposefully limit how much we buy every time we do the groceries, or we’d both be drinking the thing day and night. I’m slightly lactose intolerant, on top of it…

Most of what differentiates a distro from another is one of:

  • package manager
  • default packages/configurations (including the desktop environment)
  • init system

The rest well… it’s Linux.

I don’t think we can necessarily call all killers psychotic. Antisocials in the broadest of terms, maybe, sociopaths, probably, but they’re not necessarily all losing touch with reality.

In his case, given what we know so far, it does sound rather likely.

I'm glad you found strategies that work for you. However, I had a couple thoughts:

I don't know if it's a bad choice of work from a non native speaker (as a non native speaker myself), but you don't "fix" ADHD as much as you work around it. It's a neurobiolobical condition, it's something you have, or you don't. A successful ADHD treatment is all about symptom management. You don't "cure" yourself from it. I also don't mean to rain on your parade, the "fixes" are more like Band-Aids. From experience, how one's ADHD expresses itself tends to shift with time, and along does the strategies that work or not.

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Here it's the pickup trucks

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This. OP seems to discredit those numbers based on two arguments.

  1. They’re not personal computers but work PCs

  2. Those computers are mostly using a web browser and that’s it - no “paradigm change”

However, this is ignoring that

  1. those computers counted when they were on Windows too
  2. those genuinely working from a browser could probably have done so on Windows as well, no “paradigm change” either going on here
  3. the usage stats are counted from web hits anyway

Considering this, I’m not entirely sure why the numbers wouldn’t be any more or less significant than before.

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