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I don't have any bosses, but as a consultant, I use it a lot. Still gotta charge for the years of experience it takes to understand the output and tweak things, not the hours it takes to do the work.

Jake the Snake saying that he knows a joke he shouldn't tell, the entire audience being like "don't tell it," and he told it anyway and lost the whole audience who was with him up to that point. It was the racist/xenophobic one about dropping silverware down the stairs to name your kids. There were a few Chinese people in the audience.

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"What's he going to do, attack me?'

-woman who was attacked by bull

Lol I used to work for a company that has been bought and renamed several times and now is under the WebMD umbrella. They were trying that "remote work is bad" be a decade ago, and it's funny that now they are part of a larger company that still isn't with the times.

Might not even be in your language

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Eating lunch or going to a movie by myself. Traveling alone and not having to really talk. I like doing those things with my wife or friends too, but not having to worry about anyone or anything else for a bit is great.

I have a lot because ADHD hyperfixations. Here are some of the more niche ones:

SCUBA diving 3d printing Woodworking Finger drums Martial arts Power lifting FPV drone building and flying Board games and tabletop RPGs

I'm sure there are more, but these are the more recent ones that are really hard to get anyone to join other than my wife.

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Safety equipment, especially SCUBA. Also clothes, shoes, your bed, and your computer chair.

If you drive a lot, a "low-end" luxury model that isn't fully equipped will likely drive better, be more comfortable, and every feature it does have will be at least a little bit nicer than the equivalent in the "normal" brand.

You might even get a lower sale price on a used luxury car vs buying a new Toyota or something these days.

Maintenance will definitely cost more, but the experience of having that work done is a whole lot better than how it used to be on all the shitty cars I've had.

Not everyone will agree with this one, but I pay more for better seats on planes too, and tend to fly only with Delta for status. That's because I have extra blood clot risk and need the wiggle room, and because I have beef with most of the other companies due to many years of experience.

My travel curse has largely been managed after getting all the stuff that gets you through the lines faster, including global entry.

Recently we were about to miss our transfer and there was a dude waiting at the gate when we deplaned who loaded us into a Porsche and drove us around the runway directly to our next gate. That was probably random, but there's a 0% chance Southwest or Spirit would do that.

Also treat yourself to some fine dining if you are able, even if it's just once every year or two.

Maybe get someone to deep clean your place (even once a year) .

Note that I am in no way a baller when I say these things. I always thought you had to be rich to get anything cool like that, but it's not attainable than you think, assuming you're not in a paycheck -to-paycheck situation (which many are and I certainly was for like all of my 20's and a good chunk of my 30's).

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Dungeons and Daddies, Behind the Bastards, and the Always Sunny podcast. To a lesser extent, "that happens."

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Good, kind, and nice are not the same thing.

I like the pixel series and recently went with the 7 pro. Wanted to wait until the 8, but my 5 had other ideas.

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The Something Awful Forums still exist, and I go there a lot more than I go here or Reddit these days.

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By that logic, not voting for Trump is the same as voting for Biden.

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Painting minis with an airbrush, also powerlifting.


People would have liked watching Grandma's Boy more if they had robot eyes.


I'm glad I'm not the only one into the old British Guy music. Pete and Bas rule and I like the Northern Boys alright too.

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Half life 2 (especially episode 2), HL: Alyx, Mario 3, Sonic 3 (with Sonic and Knuckles attached), Sonic 2, space station 13, dead by daylight, portal 2, guitar hero 3, I dunno, one of the metal gear solids or Garry's mod

These religious NES games. The one I remember was called Exodus. It was basically a ripoff of an existing game, but Moses themed.

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My team and I built an automated restaurant management/ordering system that used touch screens as my senior project in college, way before they were a big thing (we put lcds into a table and used one of those things you put over the screen to make them touchable).

After college, none of us continued working on it.

My wife drinks chamomile every night before bed. I drink different kinds of tea depending on my mood.

Also having an actual "afternoon tea" with all the food is excellent.

No wheezing the juu-uice!

Lifting weights, scuba diving, martial arts, 3d printing, mini painting, fingerdrums, building and flying drones, planning for various trips, make presentations and present them at conferences, play videogames and TTRPG (or DM them), go on random adventures and make things.

I switched to only private trackers 5 or 6 years ago and haven't looked back.

They let in Trump Glumplich.


Yes, I have the physical edition, but mostly play digital because setup is so involved. It's a brutal game.

My first car was a 1994 Pontiac Grand Prix, and the thing was a tank. It was my favorite car I've ever had up until I got a 2018 Mercedes GLA a couple years ago, which is also a tank and objectively the best car I've ever had.

Degrees don't mean much to me and you can learn almost anything for free these days. Now, having good mentors would be cool, but I went to college and there weren't any there either.

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Yep, looks a lot like him

Did he look like this as a puppy? https://imgur.com/a/ueJzDuN

I'm pretty sure mine is a mix of red heeler/cattle dog, and maybe like a border collie or Shepard of some sort.

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Pete and Bas go hard

They had me at "Ron Stampler hides in his pants."

The Last Dragon or Ghostbusters, probably. I still watch those both at least once a year. So probably 50+ times for both of those.

Three years. I dropped it a whole lot of times in those years and eventually the battery swelled and pushed the screen off.

That looks a lot like a younger version of my dog. What breed/breeds do you think he is?

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It would be neat to be able to go the other way too.

Yeah I've only had one or two "good" teachers in any schooling I did. I wouldn't consider any of them as mentors. Definitely had a bunch of crappy ones too.