
4 Post – 252 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Outlook.com, duh!

You like to see homos naked? That's cool, man, whatever.

One toke is over the line? Sweet Jesus!


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Why? A lot of people, like myself, have reclaimed it and use it to describe themselves. As long as it's not used in a negative or derogatory way, like as an insult or name calling, I don't see the problem?

a screenshot that shows this post above another post that reads "they had intense gay sex" with an arrow pointing above it, to this post


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a screenshot of a random word generator. The random word generated is "no" Ha! Perfect!

There's a little menu in the top left corner when you're on the main/front page that shows up when you first open the app. Click that and a sidebar pops out. By your current username is a little down arrow. Click that, then there should be a little plus sign and something that says 'add account.' Tap that, then it asks you for the instance link, your username, and password. Hopefully that helps!

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You can say whatever you want, just like always. But sex workers and their allies don't have to like or support you using demeaning terms to refer to them that they don't like.

If you want to be a decent, considerate person, just refer to them as sex workers (instead of hookers, or prostitutes, etc. Some don't like the term escort, either.) It's not hard.

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I'm so glad you replied to that comment with this. I immediately thought the same thing when I read the original comment. Thank you for spreading this important information that too little people know!

I vote cricket bat, then throw a bucket of gravy on them as they lay on the ground. Then spit on them. Then kick them... A lot!

Jerboa already supports it. I've been using it for a couple months now

If I Google "table dancing" (in a fresh new browser I just installed on incognito mode with a VPN and everything + I never watch porn or search this stuff or anything, so it's not just customizing it to be sexual for me - I encourage you to try this yourself) the first result in the Wikipedia article about it, which reads:

A table dance, or bartop dance, is a dance performed at (or on) a table or bar, as opposed to on a stage. It may be an erotic dance performed by a sex worker or it may be done as a leisure activity.

As you keep scrolling down, the next thing it shows is images of erotic dancers table dancing, the next thing is a list of nearby strip clubs, the next result is the dictionary.com entry for table dancing which reads:

a form of entertainment in which naked or scantily dressed women dance erotically at the tables of individual members of the audience, who must remain seated

The next result is videos of erotic dancers table dancing. And so on, and so on.

So, yeah, there's definitely, without a doubt, a strong sexual/erotic connotation/connection to the term and the joke they made.

Poor guy. My heart breaks for him. I hope people are understanding, compassionate, empathetic, and aren't hateful and harrassing towards him about it, but, realistically... they likely will be hateful and harrass the poor dude, because some people are just sucky, entitled, and rude little jackasses (and I hate it so much and I don't understand why people behave this way!) I hope he can find a way to handle it all okay. :(

Curse my stupid-ass sense of humor for making me laugh out loud at this goofy shit!


Yes! This blog post is fantastic. I read your article through this archive link (since my phone is being finicky with the direct site) and loved it and I'm glad you wrote it! You totally nailed it on every point and voiced a lot of things I've noticed and concerns I've had.
On the topic of non-anonymous reports: I've definitely already found myself hesitating or declining to make reports I feel should be made purely because they're not anonymous. Sometimes because the people I want to report are admins. I've already had weird situations of people following me around to other posts because they disagree with me and I don't want to add to that type of thing. Although I can understand that there are some potential upsides to being able to tell who is making reports, like to prevent misuse or spam... I dunno.

Thanks a lot for sharing it with us here! and thank you for the warning at the top about mentioning CSAM - and for calling it CSAM and not the other, worse, seemingly more prevelent term. I appreciate it and I appreciate you! :)

Okay, I posted! Don't tase grain me, bro!

Yes! Or proper physical therapy to have a professional identify why your back (or joints, or whatever) is hurting, what specific parts of your body need help, how to properly do it, etc. would be a fantastic thing to do, if you can access it.

I honestly agree that it seems silly and kind of detracts from your comments to add that to all of them, and may seem spammy to some people, but I also am pretty sure I get where you're coming from and kind of admire that you're sticking to it and not giving a fuck that some people think it's dumb or whatever. That's pretty cool.

And, really, it's not like you're hurting anyone by adding that link to your comments. Who cares? Do yo thang, buddy. :)

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I'm not sure, but it was pretty amusing and I'm very much a fan

Caron? More like doesn'tcaron! Ha! Amirite!?

Yeah, shit like this is a big part of why I haven't sought diagnosis or help for my autism or gender shit even though they're ruining my fucking life. Hahahahahahahelpme

Thank goodness!! I'm proud of and thankful for everyone who made it happen!

They have an app version available for 99ยข if anyone would like to support the developer! Everything is available in the free version, so you won't get anything extra if you buy it, and you aren't missing out on anything if you don't. I think it's super cool that they have all these helpful tools available for free and I hope more people who are able buy the app version to support them.

I have a few dollars kicking around in my Google Play Store account from taking Google Rewards surveys, and I like to use it to support devs, so I jumped right on it!

I'm hoping maybe having it installed as an app and on my phone screen home page thingy will help me be less likely to forget about it again and hopefully be more likely to actually think of using it when I need it. Any time I remember it exists, I can't think of anything specific to use it for...any time I actually need something like it, I forget it exists. ๐Ÿ™ƒ Curse this damn brain!!

Also, like others have said, they have a handful of other great tools on there. Click the little menu thingy in the top left corner and you can look through the other tools and get a link to the appropriate app store to buy the app and help out the awesome person who provides these helpful, life changing tools for free!

NO. He is invincible and nothing bad can ever happen to him.

Agreed! Your doctor can also help set up regular testing for you and tell you what to look out for and everything.

A therapist may be a good idea, too, for the same reasons you mentioned.

Learning that about Yu-Gi-Oh tournaments just brought the biggest smile to my face! It should be an obvious no-brainer that if somebody's going out of their way to be an asshole and antagonize people, they should no longer be allowed to participate!

If you can't play nice, other people aren't going to want to play with you. We learn that as little tiny babies! I don't know why it's so hard for people to grasp. But for some people, you bring gender into it, especially non-cis genders, and it's like logic just goes out the window and is overridden by weird bigotry that helps no one.

I'm a little bit of a joke.

I'm a bit confused about the coneys but I'm not sure.

I'm a blubbering mess.

Lol I always have way too much fun with these; I'll stop there.

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It looks like it's Google Trends, if I'm remembering correctly. If you search for that name, the page should come up, but I believe it's at trends.google.com. They're super interesting to look at!

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I don't know if anyone will see this, or how much sense it'll make. I'm so stressed and upset and everything, it's hard to think straight.

My beautiful kitty Ziggy, who I love more than anything, the only thing that's been keeping me alive, my fucking baby...is just full of tumors that are likely cancer. They're growing so fucking fast. I don't know how long she has and I can't tell if she's in pain, but I can't fathom how she wouldn't be with hiw distended her abdomen is from the tumors. I don't even know if there would be any options if I could afford it because all I could afford (had to beg, borrow, and steal to get the money) was a minor needs clinic at the next city's SPCA.

I don't know how I'm going to afford euthanization. (I'm disabled and unable to work and am dependent on my disabled mom.) The time could come at any moment from now to a month from now, but with how bad it is, it's likely to be soon.

It's all complicated by the fact that she's in heat because my mom has refused to get her spayed because it's 'not natural.' So she's suffering with the unbelievable amount of tumors, being in heat, and her favorite person being gone (mom's out of town) all while nearly eleven years old. My poor baby. I hope she at least makes until mom is gone for a while before it's time. She deserves some time with her momma before she goes. Especially because this is the longest mom has ever left her her whole life and she gets so upset even when she just leaves for an hour, let alone weeks, and while she's dealing with all of this...

I don't really have anyone to talk to but even if I did I don't know if I'd be able to because of my disabilities and health issues and stuff making it so hard for me to talk to people and find my words and gather my thoughts on the best day...with all of this going on (on top of a massive pain flare) I just can't fucking think and I CAN'T FIGURE OUT WHAT TO DO!!! She doesn't deserve to suffer!! I don't want my fucking baby to suffer!! What the hell do I do and how!? I AM NOT OKAY I was already suicidal before all this. God dammit. My poor baby. I hate life. What do I do!? I wish somebody would just fix it all for me and pay for everything so she can at least get hospice care or palliative care or something, and then a gentle euthanasia at home or something. I don't know. What do I fucking do!? My poor sweet baby. I may edit this to add the X-rays if I can bring myself to see them. They're fucked up.


Syncthing is another good option. I've never used NextCloud, though, so I'm not sure which is better.

I'm so depressed. I'm so sick of being disabled and useless and unable to work or make any money when everything costs money just to exist even without any quality of life. Everything is getting more expensive. Rent has gone up, the insurance they now require is more costly, the bank fucked up the auto payment so we had to pay late fees, the electricity bill is ridiculous (we're not the only one in these apartments whose electricity bill is suddenly ridiculous) and we're already late paying it and only have a few days left before we get shut off and violate our lease, local utility help can't help us because they either don't have any funds or we already used them in the past year, and I have NO idea how we're gonna come up with the rest of the 300 something fucking dollars as mom and I are both disabled and her son is a mooching piece of shit who doesn't contribute a lick despite not being disabled whatsoever. But he's mommy's little baby boy, so he gets to do what he wants. God I'm so sick of this. I feel like I need a rich fairy god mother to wave a magic wand and solve all my problems. I'm in so much pain I haven't slept for two days. I'm sick of this.

I know other people have it a lot worse than me, though... I shouldn't be bitching, but I'm a weak and whiny little idiot of a useless weenie. Bleh. Why do I have to exist when I've never wanted to my whole life? It's not fair.

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Damn. Poor guy! He didn't deserve any of that. I hope this whole shit show results in positive changes and better documentation, but I don't have high hopes, unfortunately. I hope Sascha is doing okay. Thank you for sharing this great article here!

Right!? Look at Mr. Rockefeller over here with his fancy checking account at his fancy bank! 'Oooh, look at me! I have so much money, I let other people hang on to it!' Pfsh... What a fat cat.

Oh my God, you're a genius! How did I not catch that!? You just made my shitty day a little better and gave me a much-needed smile - thank you for that! :) ๐Ÿ’•

This is super cool. Thank you for sharing it here. I love articles like this! Ants are wild, neat lil things.

(...)there are roughly 200,000 times more ants on our planet than the 100 billion stars in the Milky Way.

I just cannot wrap my head around that.

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Pretty damn bad. Everything feels so hopeless. Things just keep piling on and getting worse. Now I won't have phone/Internet service to help me talk to friends and help distract myself from my disabilities/health issues/chronic pain/life issues etc which is extra sucky since I'm pretty much bedbound. So I won't have a connection to the outside world anymore. And I still haven't figured out how to help my poor kitty and I hate that she's suffering and I'm too non-functioning and broke to do anything about it. I'm overwhelmed and I don't know why I'm posting this and it probably makes no sense but I'm trying not to dump my issues on my poor friends. So I guess I'm screaming into the void, I dunno. I'm sorry. I hate myself lol

I'm glad you seem to be recovering, Alyaza. I hope you can get some good rest and that you're feeling a whole lot better soon. Those sinus infections can sure wipe you out! I feel for ya. Much love and internet hugs to you. ๐Ÿ’–

Hell yeah! This comment is spot-on and it totally rocks and so do you.