Maoo [none/use name]

@Maoo [none/use name]
0 Post – 89 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

No no it's this:

  1. Decide you've gotta use tar.

  2. man tar

  3. Guess-and-check the flags until it seems to work.

  4. Immediately forget the flags.

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Gotta purge the right people

Finally someone is standing up to the woke mob. Thank you, WB conglomerate! You are the true underdog.

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Apple makes it basically impossible to do proper testing for compatibility without buying a Mac or paying someone else that has a Mac to run your tests. Their entire app infrastructure is like this.

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Surely this other monopoly will save us


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I do communist things.

The world is getting better in a lot of ways but this is despite the US, the primary state agent of death and destruction. What we can do is organize together against that while also building local class consciousness and support structures so that as that violent apparatus turns more and more inwards, our neighbors will be (1) less horrible to one another and (2) safer overall.

Well Ukraine itself is definitely losing. They will probably lose territory to Poland as well if this keeps up and they have sold their country out to capitalists, mostly Americans. Loans, land, industries, etc all to pay for "their" war effort. The common Ukrainian is who suffers the most under this. They will be more exploited (paid less for the value of their labor), see more social programs dismantled, and go into a serious recession/depression that may not lift for decades.

Russia is doing okay. The US is pulling Europe more into its orbit (making them pay more for less from the US while losing a lot of their industry), which is a loss for Russia, but that was the remand endgame of the US anyways. What was surprising, at least to some, was the extent to which Russia could survive and even thrive when subjected to the most significant financial weapons the West has. Overall their economy is certainly in a better place now and a chunk of Ukraine will be theirs and the other chunk will be weak. This is a victory for the ruling class of Russia and its overall geopolitical self-interest.

The US ruling class is making out like bandits as usual, funding its weapons industry, basically a cash injection for the owner class and the only thing the US ever reliably does (threaten its chosen enemies with destruction).

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I've never used Temu and for all I know they're questionable, but this article is not itself very credible. It's heavy on uncited economic assertions, makes a hackneyed national security argument, and is actually very light on the technical security details. Plus it suggests nonsense like TikTok not requiring the android.permission.INTERNET permission, lol.

On their "About" page they gladly announce that they're a private company hired by big corps and finance bros so on, and they have an unexplained focus on China. I suspect they take money to do hit jobs.

I'd be interested to see a security comparison between, say, Temu, Amazon, and Facebook apps.

Bankruptcy can kill Reddit. Give the C-suite some credit, they can still drive that sucker straight into the ground.

Critical support for admins alienating their users by managing to be more fascist than Reddit admins.

Many other answers emphasizing to be on the considerate side are good. I just want to add two things.

Some folks have said that when the way you present matches your pronouns, you have less need to offer them. Personally, I think it is good to offer them anyways when meeting new people. People don't always present exactly in a way that you might expect their pronouns to indicate. As one example among many, someone may present very femme but prefer they/them pronouns.

This also helps us (you and me both!) unlearn some of our learned gender associations and habits of inferring gender based on appearances. It can sometimes be unpleasant to deal with someone that's clearly trying to figure out their gender identity visually or by voice, etc - trans or not. For an extreme example, there are even cis people getting harassed about which bathroom they're using (the one aligning with their gender) based on reactionary assumptions.

Finishing up that topic, offering your own pronouns is also a way of letting others know it's okay to be more open around you, that you are a bit safer than the average person. This can be most impactful, imo, for people who are trans or questioning but who aren't out yet. A lot of folks are struggling at that point in their lives and it can really help to know who is safer.

My final thought is that when you don't know someone's identity, it's good to get in the habit of using their name or they/them. If it's a real person irl, then you'd still want to ask for pronouns soon-ish. Occasionally, they/them-ing someone can also become unpleasant, though usually it'll be obvious from context (e.g. someone who is trans and strongly prefers he/him might perceive continued they/them to be a form of harassing them). Grabbing pronouns soon-ish avoids any awkwardness.

UA, and by that I mean its state, has been a naked pawn since 2014, responding to Western interests to stoke and prolong civil war by the Russian border, target ethnic Russians with discrimination and violence (and Roma, and LGBTQ+ people, etc), and generally toy with joining NATO, a highly aggressive anti-Russian military organization.

The dominant Western propaganda narrative is to try to get everyone to forget the breathless reporting their media outlets did on Ukraine from 2013-2022 and to instead use absurd little terms like, "unprovoked invasion", which I would guess is also where the idea of UA being simply defensive comes from. Yes, they were invaded by Russia, but they've also been ratcheting up pressure on Russia for a decade through various cynical moves, beginning with a coup against a government that was becoming slightly friendlier with Russia. The most notable events just prior to the RF invading was a huge ramping up of shelling of the Donbas, including civilian population centers.

Anyways, yes it is bad to keep pushing the "escalate and fight to the last Ukrainian button". It would be much better if Ukraine were forced to negotiate peace and were not acting as a pawn against Russia rather than a state protecting its own people.

I'd like Ukrainians to be alive and not in a war.

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You're not at scale unless you're deploying OpenStack to run a WordPress site.

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That's a false dichotomy, though it's important to consider that the people in Ukraine suffer massively under the strategy of sending "aid" (which I described earlier in a comment removed with no explanation).

The Western/NATO approach, which is to say the US approach, has been to use UA to apply maximum pressure and pain on Russia. Prevent, avoid, disrupt peace talks. Saber-rattling. And prior to the war, funding Ukrainian Nazis and refusing to implement Minsk II. There have been so many options and opportunities, and the "stoke more war" button has been pressed every time.

The simplified answer is to use diplomacy to end the conflict. That is the best option for the lives of the people of Ukraine and for the existence of the country itself.

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Cults exercise very direct and personal control from the deified leadership to the followers. It tends to mean abuse between central leadership and the followers. Cult practices have similarities to religions and draw from religious and spiritual claims (and can become religions), but are distinguished by certain patterns of how they control members:

  • Isolate from those around you, especially family and friends that don't agree with what you're doing.

  • Recruit others to the cult.

  • Demonstrate value to the cult through humiliation and serving the petty needs of the leader. The petty needs will be described as being much more important than they really are.

  • Harsh punishment and violence for stepping out of line.

  • A culture of blaming followers for their sins, including things for which they are not in any way responsible or at fault.

  • A hierarchy of power that is mostly about who gets to mete out abuse.

  • A specialized set of terminology for common things so that they become an in-reference that offers will not understand.

  • Isolation of "troublemakers" or people that fight back. Keeping them separate from one another.

The small size of the cult makes these things have a qualitatively different impact when it comes to social control. It's not about some established mysticism or conservatism that you carry out some action or feel some guilt, it's a distinct practice where every person around you forces conformity based on the whims of a very personal power structure and just a couple people who get to decide everything, and you usually live with them.

Anyways, the main issue with Westerners criticizing Islam or Muslims is that the discourse is absolutely saturated with racism and Western chauvinism that is just a more veiled version of what white supremacists say. It's not particularly informed and, as part of the dominant hegemonic mindset of the oppressor class and oppressor nations, it gladly ignores that the most extreme, voluminous, and unnecessary violence is carried out by the power structures they implicitly or explicitly support, secular or not.

Some Western criticisms of Islam tend to present themselves as academic or at least thoughtful and informed examinations of theology and cultural practices. Sometimes they even take a critical look at other religions and cultural practices. But they very often lead to lazy and bigoted policy and advocacy positions because it's less about understanding in order to improve the world and more about identifying an enemy and it turns out that the global movers and shakers would absolutely love to use those "principled" stances to justify the domination and destruction of entire countries and peoples with your consent.

You'll notice that Sam Harris has become a full-blown islamophobe and neocon. He is not improving the world through knowledge or action, but justifying oppression by the global hegemonic powers that want to pillage for profit by playing on stereotypical racist fears. He's also gone down the self-help grifter path. He's really just laundering reactionary views through a distinct language of "skepticism", views that would fit right in at a "race science" consortium in 1912 and a bloodthirsty US State Department meeting on how to justify the genocide of brown people in the Middle East.

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Gentoo is good for learning. It's not really a privacy or security-focused distribution per se. It promotes you being comfortable with the command line, configuration files, networking, unix-ie things, and of course compiling programs. If you're tired of the compiling there is basically no downside to switching to Arch as a "one step up" distribution.


%.2f% means it will format to two decimal places max. So 5.877 will format as 5.88 and 1 will format as 1.00.

Read Das Kapital Volume I by Karl Marx

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The number being somewhere on your computer isn't something I'd worry about. The real risk is from a liberal autocomplete that might throw it into website forms where you don't want it to be, including hidden ones. Maybe there are protections in place since I last let Firefox save anything like this, but it used to try pasting address and CC info whenever it could.

The main question I would have is why use it instead of protobuf? Having native support for binary values aside.

5 more...

User experience with all software is pretty shit and Linux is no exception


If it's a desktop/laptop, I recommend Pika, which is just a nice frontend and scheduler for borg backup. If it's a server, I recommend borgmatic.

The nice thing about borg is that it does all of the things people usually want from backups but that are kind of frustrating to do with scripts:

  • Encryption so they're private and can be uploaded to cloud storage safely.
  • Compression so they aren't too big.
  • Uses snapshots with deduplication so that they don't take up too much space.
  • Snapshots happen on a schedule.
  • There's a retention policy of how many snapshots to keep and at what interval (1 snapshot per year for the last 4 years and 1 per month for 12 months, for example).
  • You can browse through old snapshots to retrieve files.
  • You can restore from a snapshot.
  • Ignore certain files, directories, and patterns.

It is surprisingly difficult to get all of that in one solution, but borg things will do all of the above.

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Russia has the power to stop the war and retreat.

I assumed that the folks rationalizing sending arms to Ukraine are people whose governments are doing so, or are otherwise in that sphere of influence. They can politically organize to stop that. They can't politically organize to get Russia to do anything. That has to come from people organizing within Russia. I'm attempting to ground this discussion in the real world, which contrasts with the world of propsganda and facile abstraction that is unfortunately common, and implicitly devalues human life.

If someone here is a Russian in Russia, I encourage you to safely politically organize.

Yeah the west and Russia where saber-rattling. But Russia choose to act and it.

The West acted, of course. Destruction of the USSR, shock therapy, creating Russia's political system (including supporting Putin's group), NATO expansion, Euromaidan, funding Ukrainisn Nazis, refusing to implement Minsk II. All of this exists in a regime of maximizing domination.

And now promoting war, preventing diplomacy, sending weapons, trying to punish states falling out of line, causing global economic issues, particularly for poor countries, all because hurting Russia is more important than all of this suffering. Story of the 20th century, really. Fall of the USSR revealed, clearly to sll, that this apparatus was not defensive or reflexive, because it not only continued to operate, but ramped up in the absence of opposition.

The thing is putin will only use diplomacy on his on terms, and these terms alone will threaten the existence of Ukraines souveränity itself.

Russia's general thrust of demanding a neutral Ukraine is as sovereign as it's going to get for Ukraine, and would be more sovereignty than they had before or during this war. The status quo is a coup government that does the bidding of Western powers and doesn't even have the de facto autonomy to even negotiate peace. Its current trajectory is to become a failed state picked apart by Western capitalists, probably with its Western portion taken over by Poland and its Eastern portion by Russia, but not before hundreds of thousands of more dead Ukrainians - normal, common people.

Personally, I don't want that to happen and therefore oppose the status quo of funding the destruction of Ukrainians.

And victim blaming is never ok, even when you think the victim is an asshole.

Who is victim blaming? States are not people and I've pointed the finger at states. The victims here are the people of Ukraine and they are already suffering dearly under the policies I'm criticizing. The West, including through arms, treats them like expendable pawns to hurt Russia with, and has for at least a decade.

Man that really sucks.

I'm guessing that it's not reasonable to get the guy to chill or get the builsing tuned up so that it doesn't transmit so much vibration.

The "ideal" wouls be a platform that can move laterally (and a little vertically) but that damps the vibration. Imagine a platform the bed sits on, but with springs below it. Or something fancier that acts like a spring but uses another mechanism. This way, the bed will move less initially (the floor will move and the bed will have to "catch up" based on the weaker + delayed pull of the spring) ans be damped.

Keep in mind that I haven't tested any of this, but here are a couple ideas.

  1. Casters/rollers, each of them on a little square (maybe silicon?) that keeps them from rolling too far. This will have weak lateral damping ans probably zero vertical. Imagine something like this but you actually buy one larger than specified so it can still move a bit:

  2. Put a box spring under your mattress and literally attach springs on the bottom and sides so that it only contacts your bed frame / floor (not sure what your setup is) via springs. Strong springs so that they don't bottom out when you lay on the bed but not so strong that they don't damp enough. Probably bed springs, basically.

  3. A second soft mattress to put under your mattress. It's basically just a set of springs and is already the right size. This is probably the best option.

Also, if your bed is next to the wall, move it 2-3 inches away from it.

Hope this helps!

Its screen is only 0.2 inches smaller than the Pixel 7a though. I want a nice 5 inch Android phone!

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I hadn't heard of radicle. I like that forgejo has CI

This is 100% true but there also aren't really any reliable alternatives for long-term firmware support. It's either private companies offering 2-4 years or a somewhat open alternative whose longevity as a company and support capabilities (dev support) are unproven.

I'd say it mostly comes down to whether you want a phone you can tinker with and that supports a slightly better approach or something with the benefits of mainstream adoption and support from ROMs like GrapheneOS.

The girl reading this comment

lol libs read a book challenge: impossible

The only spyware you should be concerned about is that from your own country. That's the country that can actually do things against you with the information. What are you worried about "China" doing with your chats or metadata on which apps are open?

1 more...

They just pay a vendor for it and don't care about the things you do.

It's the only viable browser engine that isn't chromium-based. And it's open source and very functional.

A series of news weirdos on social media, a critical reading of major news outlets, issue-specific advocacy groups, individual journalists on YouTube etc, and criticism orgs line FAIR

One you can put openwrt on and that is fast enough for the highest 802.11 protocol your devices support

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The core issue is ignorance and and poor abilities at investigation. School fails so many people. And, societally, most people seem to feel they're entitled to opinions even if they know nothing or very little about a topic, which helps keep them ignorant and unable to critically investigate topics and sources.

Finally, the "trust in institutions" issue. These institutions should not be trusted, they have been overtaken by capitalism. Healthcare is profit-driven and the tendency is towards poorer science that covers up dangers and inflates benefits. In addition, people have no sense of agency over the state (they're correct about that), so a feeling of understanding can temporarily substitute that.

The question is what to do about it. Well, individually, you can do very little. You can try to convince people through argumentation, like you mentioned, but this is very difficult. The example of vaccines makes it clear that this is someone that bought into these ideas without critically engaging. They probably did so for a number of reasons, including societally-ingrained hubris, peer pressure, personal experience, personality, politics, and the production value of whatever got to them first. Your task is to sow doubt (ask challenging questions) and try to rebuild from shared understanding.

The best way to combat this, more generally, is not as an individual, but as a member of an active organization that combats all of this at once, and with a plan for how to do so adequately. This would best be a socialist org, as the thing you're fighting is actually the discursive mass media and education aspects of capitalism. e.g. on COVID's origins, the common understandings and claims in the West are simplistic and unscientific, and only exist for political reasons, to scapegoat why a given country did so poorly at handling the pandemic, to isolate China in a new cold war. You could become an expert in the science, follow geographic phylogenies and the terminology of epidemiology, but you don't really need to: you really just need media criticism skills, which is all about politics, economics, and being a big nerd.

Use tasksel to install, then choose a different desktop on the login screen