0 Post – 258 Comments
Joined 11 months ago

Beth Bourne sucks.

Rustdesk is great. I've also used AnyDesk.

Recently I've used Parsec on a couple systems and it's zippy, but I can't get keyboard shortcuts to work for some reason.

Really? Despite how much of a flop it was, if I owned one I feel like I'd find it fun?

Though now that I think about it...did it even have many games?

3 more...

Hmm, good point. I have an astigmatism and slightly different vision in both eyes so now I'm questioning if it would even work for me.

Wow. I mean, correct me if I'm wrong, but I feel like Ford's future is going to be a struggle.

You can't simultaneously be late to a growing market, back out of a growing market, and refuse to invest in a growing market and hope to succeed...can you?

24 more...

EV competition can't come fast enough. I love my Model S, but when the lease is up I am not buying another Tesla unless the board removes him, like, completely removes him. No stock, no continued royalties or pay out, I want him gone.

What a piece of shit waste of a human.

11 more...

I knew a guy in college who had to do this, he had a degenerative eye disease or something that no amount of glasses, hard contacts, or whatever could fix. It seemed like it royally sucked, but he always seemed in good spirits.

Except I vaguely recall he impaled his own leg on a sharp branch while jogging because he couldn't see it. That would suck.

7 more...

I've averaged ~12 job hops in the last 6 years and I wouldn't change a thing. Compensation growth has been roughly 6.05x. The previous 6 years was...maybe 3? And maybe 2x.

I owe the big corps nothing. I meet expectations and deliverables and I support my team however I can, but that's about it.

30 more...

$0.058 / kWh at home for me.

About $0.115 at my friend's house.

About $0.25 at some public chargers.

11 more...

I think everyone should just collectively decide to quit paying their CC, en masse.

Mostly because I'm curious what would happen.

1 more...

Still better than Jerry Seinfeld.

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As a Tesla owner...good. Screw Melon Tusk.

At the moment, it doesn't make a ton of financial sense for me to just go buy something else, but I feel ashamed driving this thing every day now and it sucks.

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What would be even more wild is if you edited/replied to yourself and said, "nvm figured it out"...only to later discover it and not remember what you did

My diet, probably

Fuck Republicans.

Perfect. I have a 1-on-1 meeting with my manager during that time.

1 more...

What a time to be alive.

It's already dead for me. It used to be the only way I could access random reddit links with my VPN, now it too gives that stupid rejection page.

So, reddit was dead to me, but now it's extra dead to me because I'm not disabling my VPN just to view some link. If friends send me a reddit link, I'll just ask for a screenshot.

4 more...

This post is amazing.

My Tesla lease can't end soon enough. I'm so fucking sick of Elon. I momentarily hoped the board would remove him...but, nope. Get fucked Elon.

That has to be the most bullshit explanation I've ever seen...this year. I can't believe the person that wrote it didn't cringe so hard they collapsed in on themselves.


That'd make a good movie scene.

Steve Huffman looks increasingly douchier and shittier with every passing photo.

What a damn chode. Fuck that guy.

Well that's sketch as fuck.

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I am super confused what an internal monologue is as I'm fairly certain I don't have one.

If I did, I feel like it would annoy the shit out of me.

22 more...

People waste way too much time and money restricting shit instead of making the world or even their surrounding community better. Ugh.

Having owned, partly owned, or at least been very friendly with restaurant and bar owners..., no they do not. Maybe they do if you end up on some radar or something, or get reported? But in general day to day and inspections, no.

5 more...

I paid $100 for my Brother printer and I've spent...maybe $100 on toner cartridges since 2010.

So, yeah, HP can fuck off.

Bottom, because I put my phone in my pocket top down.

Can confirm, I run enterprise at home and have yet to see some of these shenanigans I've seen posted.

But there's still enough I hate about Windows 11 that I'm slowly transitioning to Linux and then just running windows in a VM for things there aren't good alternatives for.

What a year. Keep it up everyone!

At this point I wonder if they just do this shit to see how many people subscribe to it so they can laugh at our expense.

As a contract software engineer that works with UI/UX designers across multiple industries and technologies, Google's suggested UI/UX is typically not used.

I'm open. I have a small, local business with 8 employees. I take a $1/yr salary and no profit distributions. Everything goes back to employees right now (including benefits being paid for). If we have a bad month, I just cover everything with my own money.

That said, it seems like the idea of being unionized would improve morale so I'm all for it. I just don't know where to start.

Per another thread, foregoing a union in lieu of an ESOP would be better - which I'm also all for. Just open to any feedback.

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The tone of this blog post feels tryhard and pleading.

Which makes me happy because it sounds like they realized, legitimately, that they fucked up and there is money on the line.

Well, too late. Too bad. So sad. Cry more.

Sadly true. In my earlier years I watched new hires sometimes start at the same or more than I was getting after 1-2 mediocre raises.

At one of my last longer term jobs, I was miffed at the lack of compensation increases over the last 2 years, so I told them I was quitting. I even said I don't have anything lined up, but I just can't continue knowing the market is paying more. They ended up magically finding a 20% increase for me - where was that before?

Anyone pro-Mullvad that can explain to me how it's better than PIA?

To my knowledge, which may be wrong, PIA has faster speeds and is also entirely RAM-based.

That said...I'd gladly switch if that's untrue and Mullvad is better. On the outset, it sounds like Mullvad triggers search engine captchas less, which would be a nice win.

edit: Well, you all convinced me. Made the switch.

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