First (I repeat, first) test of menstrual products using actual blood published last week (I repeat, last week) to Mildly – 254 points –

Archive link to story here:

Posted here because there is no community for Absolutely Infuriating (that I know of).


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4 billion people, affected 5 days a month, for 40 years.

Nah, you're right - not worth the paperwork.

I mean, the ridiculousness of the disparity is highlighted in the article: we have a standardised measure for hot sauce, but not menstrual product absorbency.

My wife is pregnant. In her last month now. The discomfort and sacrifices woman go through... I've been joking that if it were men being the ones going through pregnancy, we would've perfected incubating the fetus in a machine or something decades ago. Also, 12 months of paid paternity leave, at the minimum. I'm not sure I'm joking...