Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024 to World – 510 points –
Donald Trump poses the biggest danger to the world in 2024

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This isn't news. It's an opinion piece. Could we have opinion pieces in a different community to news articles?

Eh. Rise of fascism is a pretty big deal. Not really an opinion thing either that is factually what he is. The republican party released a document outlining how they plan to implement fascism in the US government.

The republican party released a document outlining how they plan to implement fascism in the US government.

Even though I know what your talking about, I really think if your going to make bold statements like that, you should at least link to the document. I am sure a certain percentage of people rolled their eyes at that comment.

Yes. Rise of fascism is a massive deal. Yes, arguably factual too that he is the current head of the fascist movement in the US.

The Republican Party releasing a document outlining how they implement fascism in the US government is news.

But the article is still not news - new information - per se. It's an opinionated presentation of the news. I don't disagree with the opinion, I'd just like to see a separation of communities for news and for current event discussion with a focus on articles like this, less so news articles.