1 Post – 98 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Yeah, the key problem here is that any open forum, of any considerable popularity, since the dawn of the Internet has had to deal with shit like CSAM. You don't see it elsewhere because of moderators. Doing the very job Op does. It's just now, Op, you're in the position. Some people can, and have decided to, deal with moderating the horrors. It may very well not be something you, Op, can do.


Oh wait, they're serious? Sorry, let me fix up my reply a bit...


Because radio stations' DJs would say "and here's artist with song name", I firmly believed that one of two things must be true:

Radio stations had the bands always playing live for them


Radio stations would present a local DJ, but they would then tune in to the artist playing the track live for a larger station

What's even funnier about this is that my dad has at the time taught me how to use a tape deck to record radio and CDs to tape. So I clearly understood recording mediums. Just, the idea still lingered in my mind for a while.

Don't forget daddy owning an emerald mine

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I'm thinking that I might buy it once we have creation kit access and mods that add story and flesh out the game a la Fusion City Rising and companion mods for Fallout 4

I've seen the "Microsoft should just buy Unity" argument a lot lately. And while I think it's probably a better management than current, I imagine Microsoft is hesitant having only just come out of a, what, 6 month long legal battle in US and EU courts regarding acquisition of ActiBliz? So a good idea, but one I can imagine might not happen...

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Holy shit. The only time I'd be ok with my carrier doing that would be if I didn't have to pay them a single fucking dime. You don't get to double dip, carriers. You're already over charging for data use.

To be fair, a considerable number of cartoons actively portray exactly that.

Was Istanbul now Constantinople...

You mean we shouldn't blindly trust random, almost entirely anonymous, users giving out executables to be run on the very same devices we do banking and important life paperwork on? Say it ain't so!

"Well, PepsiCo, you didn't buy enough ads this month, so we're gonna have to drop your verification."

He really is just doing his damnedest to show us how stupid he is, isn't he? And I suppose when it all falls apart, he's gonna run to daddy in his emerald mine and ask for bail out funds?

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With how Google marched backwards on cloud storage since the turn of the decade, GMail is getting even less promising. Once my wife and I finally move out of here, I'm going 100% self hosted, setting up my own email server, et al

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The president/protagonist of Saints Row IV

So here's my perspective: you should get a cat you'll love, because that cat will need to depend on you for care. Not going to be a great relationship if 2-5 years down the road you find yourself sighing, reminding yourself that "it's for the internet" and/or "I'm not a cat racist" / some other bullshit as you sign the credit card bill for $50/mo in cat food, litter, cleaning supplies, etc, or worse, $500+ in vet fees to treat an illness.

No, you need to love your cat because you love your cat. Not because a rando on the internet said you're morally obligated to love any/all cats.

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Yeah, them deciding that no stage is sacred and not allow for any offline or private play was extremely frustrating and made it so that I just lost the ability to give a shit at all about the game

I mean, it's pretty much required in school. I had about 5 presentations each grade from late elementary through the end of high school

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And yet they couldn't extend the same courtesy for me when they raised my grandfathered family plan

Package not found: functional-government

Did you mean: anarchy from people-are-tired (universe)

With how stressful things have been lately? I might just look like that in just under a decade...

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Running xfce4 Fedora brilliantly on an old Dell Chromebook thanks to this, fully recommended!!

Import python.Joke.ShellProgramming()

What makes you think modders aren't interested in making quests? Have you seen Fusion City Rising for Fallout 4?

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Especially since their angle is a good midpoint of the trifecta of performance, price, and size.

PXE, or network boot. It is basically never used (and rarely enabled, if ever, by default) by the individual, but can be helpful in, for example, a large scale OS deployment. Say IT has to get their corporate image version of Windows 10/11 installed on 30 new laptops. They could write a ton of flash drives, but it'd be easier to just host a PXE boot server and every laptop just listen to them.

V6 specifically in that instance would just be for the reason of "we need to move away from v4 anyways"

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The only thing play protect has done "for" me lately was remove file access to Poweramp the day after I got it. Fuck Play Protect.

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Given I hadn't heard about it prior to your comment, I'd venture to say it's already working

They were certainly Bethesda games. I'm not even remotely fond of multiplayer fallout. But for 4, it's a marvelous modding world that I've sunk over a thousand hours into.

Of course, an argument can be made that this is the evolution of the number of companies that used a variance of "AAA" to appear first in the phone books of old

I've been subscribed to the same family plan, since about 2014ish. I like it, but really don't appreciate that they raised the price for basically fuck all. Only reason I haven't canceled it is that creators I watch on YouTube get far more from me as a Premium user than ad-based viewership

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As a link to a different website, at least. This one links to imgflip

Wait- OnePlus is good, actually? Last I heard was massive disappointment in the company

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I know you want a gift card from target!! I just need to know which one!

Unpopular opinion, but I thought his single, Oh Fuckles, It's Knuckles, was a masterpiece

If he's telling us this, does that mean we get to bill him for the upgrade?

inside their stores

You should see Walmart WiFi policies

When you browse to a website, your browser passes info about itself to the server hosting that site. This info is intended to help the server provide the best rendering code for your browser. This is called your User Agent.

However, Google is using it here to identify Firefox users, and is apparently choosing to lump them all in a box called "adblock users" instead of trying to identify an ad blocker more accurately.

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I mean, I imagine a primary reason is also that the mainline distros don't use it by default, necessitating one to look for "spins/flavors/whatever" that use it instead.

Somehow, despite being chronically online since xkcd had only double digit comics, I have only just now discovered this webcomic. Thank you, random stranger, for posting this.

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They sent me a claim form for a steering wheel lock. I traded the vehicle in for a Ford

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That's especially good since I haven't been calling you, which means that's a spoofed number