1 Post – 289 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I'm resigned to probably giving up youtube (at least for a while, as the ad cat and mouse continues) in the not too distant future. Little of value will be lost... and going back to seeing ads is not worth the price.

Good point, but if I'm going to the bother of transcoding remuxes to AV1, I'll probably knock up a script, at least for the first while.

Rather obvious that 'What product did live up to its advertised claims?' is a more useful question...

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So far fine in FreeTube, touch wood.

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Interesting, do you have an automated workflow for this?

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I've had MeGusta at top weight for quite a while (years I think), should probably try ELiTE, wonder what the bitrate diff is...

Inconvenient package management


If there's a flatpak, no problem.

Once you realize you do package management in distroboxes rather than the main OS (rpm-ostree etc), no problem, plus you have the AUR at your disposal.

So Ima go not fair, although there is something of an education gap atm.

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Yeah, I had that at the beginning, then added to my fstab

# enable sddm and therefore good themes
/var/sddm /usr/share/sddm none rbind 0 0

and then it works, kludgy, but sddm is apparently working on allowing themes in /etc, sometime soon.

Fair cop on the inconveniences, although I've found it fine after an adaption phase, coming from fedora it was lesser than hopping to a new distro. Hard agree on knowing the nuances being problematic, clarity and accessible education is sorely missing, certainly the steepest part of the learning curve.

I just run 'distrobox upgrade -all' in my Daily.service, didn't need quadlets (although after adaption I quite like them for containers now).

Why would I use a system that isn’t supposed to change if I want to change it?

There's a bunch of benefits, atomic updates, intrinsic rollback, security of immutability, safe automatic updating and it goes on. Some things are not quite ready yet, e.g. things like sddm which should probably install themes to /etc (which they're working on), so as often happens in linux, workarounds ensue. Making one directory mutable does not destroy all the benefits.

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Yeah, I had that at the beginning, then added to my fstab

#enable sddm and therefore good themes
/var/sddm /usr/share/sddm none rbind 0 0

and KDE themes with sddm components install fine now (most themes install fine into /home, does Gnome really not have per user themes?)

Essentially you can tactically make things mutable as needed, use sparingly, but maybe not even trying lessens your opinion, no?

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You're welcome to your opinion ;)

Srsly, no-one going with the "it's free real estate" meme.

Jokingly, but also really, seems a waste. I get they don't want the overhead, but just boost it north, perhaps to a Lagrange, maybe just high orbit, but someone will come along to salvage eventually...

ETA: Also, one of the beauties of SpaceX is that Musk doesn't muck with it (yet), working too well without him, unlike everything else he's bollocksed up.

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I was just colloquially referring to away from Earth as North.

Probably unenforceable, like so much of EULAs, but enough to deter the small guys who can't afford the lawyers to defend themselves. Bully tactics. Shame, because an open playing field would benefit everyone but nvidia, also a shame that AMD, who probably could defend themselves, dropped financial support for ZLUDA.


I hate them more for pioneering Software as a Service rent seeking crap. Why own software when you can become a revenue stream for Adobe. Die in a fire.

This is crap too tho.

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No longer taking new papers for a couple of years? now. Crying shame and a pox on scientific advancement.

Remember GIGO (Garbage In, Garbage Out). Due to years of SEO and content farming (which google profited from, so you get what you deserve assholes) most of the internet, by volume, is self-congratulatory, for profit, garbage, or, you know, reddit garbage. Hopefully someone points a large LLM at the library of congress or other large, well curated data source, but of course copyright will not allow, thanks mickey mouse. Wouldn't surprise me if the military is already on it, hopefully that leaks...

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Got as far as

I can install the driver from Nvidia itself and install it that way

and noped out. Protip, never, ever install the driver from Nvidia, that's windows thinking. Find out how to install it from your distro (in this case RPMFusion, or better for this person, bazzite). It might even work, but it will break on updates.

Edit: Also foot shooting behaviour with cinnamon, get things working using distro default, then try on cinnamon.

You're probably after the vizier. Apocryphally, the queen's moves as currently seen originated when Queen Isobella I of Spain was pissed that the queen was a weak piece, it did indeed arise in Spain during her reign, whether for that reason is left to the reader's imagination.

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Narrator: They were lying about not using the data. They already had.

3D Curve. Horseys jump...

obstruct ... search engine spiders

An interesting way to nobble search competitors and potential LLM competitors too. Strategic now that their search results have gone to shit due to profiting from SEO and content farming. Could see then having advantage on fresh data.

As a linux dev, this conspicuously misses mentioning Visual Studio.

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The general datahoarder hive mind seems to be moving away from shucking and towards manufacturer refurbished drives, see for example, especially in RAID where you can lose a drive with impunity and warranty is uncomplicated by shucking.

In RAID and similar strategies the redundancy comes from a parity drive, which protects against the loss of one (or more with some schemes) drive, so if you only have two drives of the same size it's just a mirror (50% of total pool) but you can have a drive die without data loss. With four drives you get to use three of the drives (75%), five you can use four (80%) etc. Classical RAID uses identical sized disks but there are other approaches that allow different sizes e.g. mergerfs + SnapRAID or Unraid, here you lose your largest disk to parity.

RAID is generally faster than the individual drives, e.g. mirroring is nearly twice as fast.

Perhaps go with another 2*8Tb which will get you 24Tb usable and use the 16Tb for offline, preferably offsite backup (remember RAID is not a backup, it protects you from disk failure, but not user error for example accidentally deleting things)

Generally well reasoned and interesting, but, the only thing that defends against EEE is

ActivityPub enjoys the support and brand recognition of Mastodon.

Ima guess that Meta's support and brand recognition dwarfs Mastodon's, not re-assuring and rather self absorbed imo.

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Is it time to coin 'Late Stage America' or should we go straight to ' The Decline and Fall of the Roman American Empire'

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Oddly specific, but totally a red flag.

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Welcome to enshittified search, many have noticed it's approach for years. Although this specific issue indicates you may be going about things ass backwards, if no-ones done it you're either a pioneer who should be aware or you're on hard mode coz you didn't think it through or do your research.

It all boils down to content farms for advertising dollars and SEO borking search engines for profit, not going away soon. Two approaches to mitigate, git gud at prompting llms like GPT or find a better search solution. Apparently kagi gives some good results, or at least has a lot of stans. I stood up a personal SearxNG instance, so now I get results from multiple engines and have the ability to blacklist content farms, and a whole bunch of other things (personal bangs!), it's significantly better, not 2010 better, but better. A local 8x7B mixtral helps quite a bit as well.

Garbage In, Garbage Out. One of the oldest and most immutable laws of computer science.

Evaporate it to solid, store it if need be, or distribute it back into the sea in absorbable chunks. The water's ending up back in the sea eventually anyway, see water cycle, so it should be zero sum, just need to avoid local overloads. Seems eminently solvable.

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doesn't it rely on them ? more of an indexer...

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Xitter ! love it, now lexicon

Usage: Can’t wait to watch Xitter (pronounced Zit - ter) pop after Musk wrecks the train.

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Craziest all week for me, guess I curate my feeds different...

If it's suss use a vm before your main OS.

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Does the set of all sets that are not members of themselves, contain itself?

Russel's Paradox lit a fire under mathematics, leading to all sorts of good things (and a few bad).

I have read some headline


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Kodi will let you switch engines to VLC.

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Pirate, learn to back up, own forever.

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