Avid Amoeba

@Avid Amoeba@lemmy.ca
32 Post – 1560 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

On one hand I'd like it if the Democrats put up someone more certain to beat Trump. On the other Joe has shown he supports labor and things are moving in the right direction in that regard. I'd hate it if he we get a corpo Democrat that halts this progress.

Brilliant idea squid. You're getting promoted!

And boy did Boeing have to bring out a lot of mops on Thursday. But this time, it kinda, sorta just maybe wasn’t Boeing’s fault.

I'm sorry what now?

They'll do an unprofitable thing? X

Hot on the heels of the debate that pushed the probability of a Trump presidency higher comes another decision in a string of decisions undercutting regulatory power. Boy are corps gonna wipe the floor with workers if Trump wins. 😔

You just wait, by all accounts, we're gonna put our own fash prime minister with a huge majority next year. I am very afraid.

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This is how you get Christians to lobby for no religion in schools.

Now if there's an imam to step forward, we could really accelerate this process.

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Agreed. But I'm very afraid. I don't know if they'll be able to make him step down, and I don't know if an alternative would be able to close the gap with pipsqueak.

Somehow I think Islam is the bigger problem. I think they don't take the Satanic Temple as seriously. 😂

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I was able to SSH into mine and I'm running their Docker container with a Unifi Controller instead of a cloud key.

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For home, second hand Ubiquity might be. You can get flying saucers taken off from corpo upgrades for dirt cheap.

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I don't know whether they even had any data on change difficulty. I think it was more like - we needed a vaccine yesterday and Moderna and BioNTech had the mRNA technology just ready to be able to spin up a vaccine quickly. And that was good enough to save a lot of people from severe disease.

Perhaps to people who are used to watching ad infested cable and don't pay for ad-free streaming. So it's not that ads aren't detracting from the experience but that some folks are used to it. Getting those folks is growth. Number go up.

It isn't? You might be looking at a different market.

No mass ID leak article would be complete without an ad for another online entity that requires ID submissions.

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Oh for sure. I ran them without a controller for years. I only set it up to do a wireless bridge.

Well their job is to keep the line from going down so... They seem to be doing their job.

I read the story and specifically the bit about the Github account. Isn't this the Polyfill lib's Github account? Because if that's the case, how would a bundler solve the issue? The new owners could modify the original source, then the CICD jobs would happily publish that to registries and from there down into the bundles. Is it a different Github account they're talking about?

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Nice. Unfortunately this won't tackle the mountains of sites that use bundlers.

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Perfect. This is consistent with what I was thinking and that Cloudflare's changes won't fix any recent bundles that might include malicious code.

Israel has been a pushover? This is the mindset that will keep this insurgency alive forever.

I heard an ex MI6 head cite some numbers on the current state of Hamas. They said that about 60% of the current fighters were orphans from previous wars. There's gonna a whole lot more orphans from this one.

Israel is assured unsafe from another Oct 7 at least for a decade after this war, probably more. People won't stop fighting when they have nothing left to lose. This expectation that these people would do something different than what you would when your families are killed is delusional.

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The labor law challenges have already started.

"At least some of the acts and omissions alleged by South Africa to have been committed by Israel in Gaza appear to be capable of falling within the provisions of the (Genocide) Convention," the judges said.

You read this and your takeaway is that the ICJ concluded there was no genocide committed by Israeli? Interesting.

Yeah, as someone who's fought against the RIAA/MPAA copyright lobbying in my country, I think I'm on their side on this one.

I think you mean Xorg instead of X11.

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I know it’s officially not cool to like Rick and Morty anymore

I'm sorry what?

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Of course it does. But I think what matters is the magnitudes and what do every one of those children have to lose. If you want security, you have to move to fewer and fewer children having this experience and to more of them having something to lose. Hamas made this equation markedly worse on Oct 7. Israel's leadership made way worse thereafter.

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Thanks for the recap. Yeah I think I was more or less aware of most of those bits. I guess I didn't get to the conclusion. 😅 Also I think they handled Justin Roiland's issues fairly unambiguously. Assuming he was a bastard, I didn't skip a beat watching the Justin-free season.

I'd like to put Simona's mind at ease because economics research into the relationship between wages and productivity shows a casual link where higher wages increase productivity. That is, higher wages force firms to invest in technology, equipment and training in order to offset the increased labor cost.

Because Ubuntu LTS works very reliably and because there's a huge body of information and large swathes of people who can help on the Internet, and because every project and vendor tests and releases their stuff for Ubuntu/Debian and has documentation for it.

Despite the hate you see around these shores, Ubuntu LTS is among the best if not the best beginner distro. Importantly it scales to any other proficiency level. The skill and knowledge acquired while learning Ubuntu transfers to Debian as well as working professionally with either of them.

Also, with the fuckery RedHat pulls lately, it's a disservice to new users to get them to learn the RedHat ecosystem, unless they plan or need to use it professionally. If I had to bet, I'd bet that the RH ecosystem would be all but deserted by volunteers in the years to come. I bet that as we speak a whole lotta folks donating their time are coming to the conclusion that Debian was right and are abandoning ship.

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Just signed up after they announced the non-profit and migrated all my mail. So far so good.

I wouldn't go from Google to another for-profit though. I know how it ends.

For a moment I thought it might have GPS. 😅

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It's the same problem with every other monopoly. Everyone wants it, both shareholders and customers. It's objectively more efficient to standardize on the same equipment or software, train workers on it. It's better for workers too since their skills are transferrable. It's only bad when the negatives show up, such as price gouging by the shareholders, or them cutting corners in quality or security. But my point is that not going with a single vendor isn't free on all sides of the equation, it requires work, which is why on average we tend to prefer monopolies even as consumers.

To put it bluntly, I really don't want to have to think about grocers profit margins and prices after having worked 9 hours. I just want to get fucking eggs and bread from the store nearby. I don't want to drive or bus ride to another one. It won't happen. And that's why it doesn't. The assumptions about the individual (constantly shopping around for the best price) in the mainstream microeconomic theory are just wrong. This translates into small businesses (not only) shopping for their dealer sales software system.

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To a central server via a cellular network. So GPS and a modem. There are such trackers, I thought this was one of them. 😊

Crashes aren't normal even in Windows. Rare crashes mean a hardware problem 99.7% of the time. Typically RAM as others have pointed out. The only way to figure that out is 4 passes of Memtest86+ without red. Yes 4 because the the first pass is a short one made to spot obviously bad RAM quickly. Less bad RAM might need more. I've had a case of 4 sticks that each pass on its own. Every two passed on their own. All 4 failed on the third or fourth pass. And if you think I tested for shits and giggles, I did not. I was see checksum errors on my ZFS pool every other day. No crashes. Nevertheless, if it wasn't for ZFS I'd have corrupted files all over my archive.

“Despite the company’s stellar performance and record earnings, many Googlers have not received meaningful compensation increases” a top-rated employee question read. “When will employee compensation fairly reflect the company’s success and is there a conscious decision to keep wages lower due to a cooling employment market?”

With this leadership, when you unionize. It's literally what they're for.

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Pot, meet kettle.

To add to this, at least Android being open source allows for alternative versions that can be used on some hardware that truly don't track and can be consistently supported long term. With Apple's devices, that's not a practical option.


From the news today:

Google’s relationship with Apple is particularly significant given its unilateral access to iPhone customers. Internal Google notes of a meeting between Sundar Pichai and Apple CEO Tim Cook released Monday by the DOJ give an interesting insight into that relationship. The meeting, which began as a discussion of the regulatory environment in D.C. eventually turned toward the question of Google’s place as the default search engine on Apple products.

Cook, according to the notes, told Pichai he believes the two companies were “deep partners; deeply connected where our services end and yours begin.” In another note from the meeting, Pichai reportedly said, “Our vision is that we work as if we are one company.” Pichai tried to distance himself from that line during this testimony on Monday.

Oh boy, oh boy, oh boy!

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It's an extreme example that perfectly illustrates how profit is extracted from employees by the employers. He didn't have any leverage to get a larger share of the profit from his labor, as is the case with most employees. You could call it toxic behavior, and it is, but it's the expected behavior, the behavior incentivised by the system.

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Yup, it's much easier for content creators and aggregators to broadcast their stuff over the Fediverse. No API fees and restrictions. Just become a node in the network. Then as they make useful content available on the Fediverse, the Fediverse will grow its userbase, returning something to the content creators.

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"fund for the women who have been sexually assaulted by Donald Trump".

It should be a civil lawsuit fund. Pay the legal bills for other women to launch civil lawsuits against him. Bury the fucker.

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