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Mercy from Overwatch is a perfect example of why pure healers don't work too well in shooters. She is consistently throughout the games lifespan either been too overtuned or too undertuned. It is very difficult to find that balanced spot for pure healers.

They either end up too powerful and require constant tagging by the opponents team which is frustrating both for the healer player and the opponent team. Or they become almost mandatory for a team too win even in a casual setting, which is incredibly unfun for both teams.

In the case of being undertuned though, if they're not powerful enough then no one picks them as it is just not as fun or engaging to play as a pure healer.

Or finally in the case of medic from tf2. They become a fairly predictable 1 trick pony, low reward class.

Overall pure healers in shooters just really don't work well for the medium/genre. I love being a support player myself in games. But I loathe seeing pure healers in shooters. It's nearly always just a source of frustration rather than fun

I cant tell if people in this thread are trolls, ultra elite linux shills, or just people incapable of following simple instructions...

Like I get it, windows bad or w/e... But to act like it takes longer than an hour or two to install it, let alone 2 whole fucking days is just asinine.

Imagine having enough of a skill issue that it takes you 2 days to install Windows OS. The OS that idiot proofs itself by literally holding your hand on every option and walks you through itself to install.

Im not even joking, I re-install and have installed windows the past few years multiple times on personal devices for myself and my family and friends and even do it for professional devices and servers for my job. It is brain dead easy, enough that my tech illiterate grandparents managed to re-install it before I could make the drive to meet them and do it for them... I can't take this OP or anyone else seriously if they can manage to install a linux based OS but somehow have 2 days worth of trouble with Windows OS...

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You might not, but you gotta remember that the public is also filled with idiots

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Imagine being in Taiwan and having full access to information about China and the west and still shilling for China. Those types of people should be looking for a dominatrix, not a political philosophy...

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Wait what's the difference between Atheist, No response, and Nothing?

Also why is there a generic Christian but then also Protestant, Catholic, and Orthodox? But then they just Muslim and not it's different denominations? Why even have different denominations when you have the generic catch all and the Other category?

This graph categorization makes no sense!

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The CEO of Unity is also the former CEO of EA. So that tracks

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Years ago when I was in a bad place in life I attempted suicide using a tank of nitrogen and an oven bag. Thankfully I was stupid as hell and didn't tie the bag properly or something. So when I passed out the bag managed to come off somehow. Still not entirely sure how it happened but either way I'm thankful it did and I managed to survive for better days.

Anyways, Im telling you this to let you know I can very much confirm that breathing nitrogen is painless and was no different than regular breathing.

Your body only starts the alarm bells when it can't exchange out the co2 in your lungs. It can't really tell the difference between pure nitrogen and some other gases coming in vs the optimal mixture we need to breath. So the alarms never really go off. There's more to the science behind it, but it's kind of a glaring flaw evolution left in our bodys survival system that can be taken advantage of including for use in anesthetic.

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I'm so confused, this seems like a string of really weird decisions

  1. Why would you buy from gamestop of all places online when they're so ubiquitous that you could walk into one anywhere and buy it new with the box instead?
  2. Why buy it from gamestop online for full price when you could buy it digitally for full price or other online places with a discount.
  3. Of all things to buy new, a pokemon game is one that buying used for cheaper is a better option all around, and gamestop specializes in used games.
  4. I'm still stuck on this but why gamestop? Amazon and ebay have the game much cheaper new, and with the box guaranteed too

Op get a refund and save like 20-30 bucks buying the game from elsewhere with better quality control.

Edit: To make it perfectly clear since people can't differentiate, I ain't blaming OP at all. Gs is a shitty company who I wouldn't trust to provide free air. OP needs to get a refund and buy elsewhere from a company that will treat him better. My questions are just me personally being curious about what lead to picking gs in the first place given their reputation. It's not victim blaming and I dislike that I even have to make this disclaimer instead of being able to trust people to understand nuance

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How the fuck do you managed to just casually lose a 3090ti and a companies proto-type cooler design that came with it... AND THEN AUCTION IT OFF AFTER HAVING TWO EMAIL EXCHANGES SAYING IT WILL BE RETURNED!!

Like, I've been through some managerial fuck ups before with getting shit mixed up or sent off incorrectly...but this is on a level I'm having a very hard time understanding just what the fuck went wrong, how it went wrong, and if they even have a single rule or policy in place to keep track of items.

Then there was all the other errors they mentioned in the vid, like basic facts and specs about a component... Like how do you manage to fuck that up as well? That is the type of shit you look up in 5 seconds on Google.

LMG looks like a clusterfuck that needs some serious intervention

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We are at a point where this is rapidly becoming the only solution left to combat the rampant corruption. Especially in regards to the courts.

Yoooo I loved the Delta force games as a kid. Shame it's Tencent bringing it back :(

Yeah sort of. At first I started feeling very drunk, but not like normal drunk. I can't really think of good analogy other than it was like half way in between drunk and a small amount of anesthetic maybe?

It was this slow dip into unconscious, it wasn't like sleeping where I'm vaguely aware of the passage of time. But it wasn't the instant knock out of anesthetic or normal unconscious either. It was like lowering myself into a pool if that make sense. Wasn't a bad feeling, just kind of different. Had an awful migraine that lasted a couple of days afterwards though.

Thanks I'm extremely happy everday with my failure! Lol

I don't really like bashing or putting the new generations in negative light... But in this case it is true. Late gen x, Millennials, and early gen z grew up with computers and tech that was more troublesome and where forced to learn how to naturally troubleshoot. On top of that we got eased into the more advanced and user friendly stuff.

Later generations where born with the easier user friendly stuff and don't have to troubleshoot nearly as much.

Of course this is also a generalization and does not reflect on an individual bases

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Parts of 2018 and Ragnarok and the ending of both actually had me tear up a bit, not many games accomplish that. It was very heartfelt and emotional I enjoyed seeing a proper character arc for Kratos and his kid and watching them develop.

I also really liked the themes of redemption and trying to be better not just for yourself, but for the people around you, I liked that Kratos has to reflect on his actions and actually come to terms with how he was for all intents and purposes, a monster.

I liked that even enemies where made more complex and given good character arcs. 2018 and Ragnarok are so well done and I love them. The old GoW trilogy was also fun and had good writing in it's own merit and direction, but the new games are something else entirely in a good way and I vastly prefer the character and relationship focused writing in the newer games.

I'll have you know I start plenty of shit and demand an apology for your assumption!

I don't understand the value of this comment and it seems like it's being pedantic and splitting hairs for an unimportant reason. Whether or not she was sleeping when the bullet entered her is ignoring the main point. If you want to call it misinformation then that's really stretching the term for misinformation.

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I think it's more practical in terms of being used for layering with kevlar to reduce overall weight of a piece of body armor. While at the same time making it cheaper and more cost effective than traditional body armor materials as mentioned in the article.

So rather than this being used as an upgrade to kevlar (which with more testing it might be able too) it's more like a side grade to reduce costs, as mentioned in the article silkworm silk is already used on a commercial and industrial level for other applications.

Granted it'll probably be a good few years before the silk being made by these genetically modified worms is both made consistently and is more refined with further testing and then distributed. But still it's something that material scientists will likely put to good use for reducing costs in lots of fields.

Unironically the music in the new Doom games that Mick Gordon made was like at least half of my interest in playing them. It just pairs so well and makes the experience 100x more fun than it already is.

So no Mick Gordon + they way they treated the situation already has me soured as well. They'd have to have something extremely good cooking to win me back

At some point you have to make a choice. Either grab a hose to help put out the fire and fix things or you stand on your high ground, praising yourself for how noble your intentions are as everything around you burns.

High roading only works if your opponent has a conscience and can understand guilt. The side that is playing with matches and gasoline this whole time has shown very much that they do not have one.

And to address your original point, yes there very much is a difference. One side is doing things for tye sake of hurt others or progressing a goal that is downright evil and tyrannical. Your doing it to protect the people they're trying to hurt and to oppose their tyranny.

Will it be clean? No... but anything worth fighting for has never been clean. The world isn't just black and white. And the idea that stooping to anothers level makes you the same as them is about as binary as you can get. The world is filled with nuance and a whole range of colors that needs to be observed

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Not the guy you replied to, but... Yeah? There's not a lot of valuable data in that wreckage to be gained. At least not any data that wasn't already anticipated, known about, or already tested prior. Like the previous guy said, a multitude of experts said it was a bad idea. People who worked for the company and spoke up about the issues where fired.

The entire internet mocked the situation because the man had the hubris to think he knew better than decades of scientific and engineering testing and safety of the materials being used. Many engineers even sent letters to the guy telling him to not use certain materials because they are and have been known and proven to fail at the types of pressures, temperatures, and environment he wanted to take them too.

The only valuable data that I can even image being in that wreckage is figuring out what exactly failed first, the window that wasn't rated for that pressure. Or the carbon nanotube hull that engineers already knew would fail since carbon nanotubes are not good at repeated exposure to stress and microfractures and breakages.

There really isn't that much data to be gathered here that hasn't already been tested and proven multitudes of times before. Except maybe seeing how well the game controller held up if they can even find it

... That's definitely not what is happening regarding the internet hate mob theory you have. A very large chunk of people who are outraged actually like or liked Linus and I've been seeing them express dissapointment over this behavior.

Can you explain exactly what you are confused on or having trouble understanding after watching the GN video and reading all of the comments that have replied to you so far? If so I might be able to help break down a timeline and highlight the issues in a simplified manner.

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The process itself of breathing in the pure nitrogen and going unconscious was completely painless.

When I woke up later on I had a terrible migraine that lasted a few days because not breathing in enough Oxygen will cause headaches and migraines. Had I not woken up though then there would not have been any pain from that side effect because I'd instead be dead

Hey man identity theft isn't cool. Imma need you to stop being me

I feel like that conspiracy is too smart for the CIA. Remember this is the same organization that regularly had employees secretly drugging each others coffee with LSD so much that it became common place around the office. And also tried to convince communists in the Philippines that vampires where real despite Philippine culture/mythology not having vampires.

It's already started happening on the state level though. Currently 17 states in some capacity allow or use ranked choice voting with 4 using it as their primary means for state elections. The thing all these states have in common is that the change to ranked choice was endorsed by Democrats

Also if you really just want the same pokemon but better, check out rom hacks. Many of the pokemon community rom hacks are way better than they have any right to be

Take out "the letter" part and search as just: "countries in africa that start with k". For some reason it seems the search involving the words "the letter" got fixed but others did not. Confirmed I was able to get both results by doing that and as of this typing I still able to switch between the two results by just adding or removing those words

I guess I'm now stuck in the digital world with my companions that consist of a pile of sentient poop and a Dinosaur that can breath fire and talk. Both of which will experience the cycle of life, death, and re-incarnation roughly every few weeks.

I will chill in the idealistic socialist town and happily eat the freshly grown meat straight off the vine that the living plant monster gives out to everyone for free daily

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I think a lot of people assume a multiverse works that way because popular fiction makes it look like it does. However popular fiction is using something more akin to an omniverse (idk if there is an actual agreed scientific definition for a collection of multiple multiverses so Im just using that).

Using your analogy with the donkey kong discs being different universes with slight alterations in the warehouse (multiverse). In an omniverse scenario that you see in popular fiction, next door you'd have another warehouse but instead of donkey kong discs it is mario discs, or maybe donkey kong plushies.

However again that's all speculative of if there even is a multiverse let alone something larger than that

Buddy you're trying to nitpick something that no one cares about that still has the same result. At the end of the day the people will still be eating the cracker in a business zoned church.

Whatever beliefs or arbitrary labels are held behind the gesture do not matter at all to what is being talked about

Or a neat way to power a deadly laser ray gun

I genuinely don't know how Ill use the web without ad block. Cause I damn sure ain't going back to paying for anti-virus like in the 90's for a web experience that is objectively worse and less magical enough to risk it.

Drive by malware and viruses from ads has gotten scarily good at infecting systems without you knowing. It's worse than ever as it's not just a sketchy site issue thing anymore either. Even reputable sites have ads that only take one misclick to infect you now

Google needs to be broken up. Honestly most tech companies do as they have consolidated way too much

Having played both games, I gotta say while DRG does have hordes, they're not on the same level as HD2. HD2 is the first game in a while that truly has made me feel overwhelmed by the amount of enemies thrown at me and I love it. In HD2 I even find myself doing stealth a lot to sneak past patrols.

Overall though I don't think it's worth it trying to compare DRG to HD2. They might look similar in some aspects. But they are vastly different in gameplay, experience, and mechanics. It's apples to tomatoes, sure they're both technically red fruits, but that's where the similarity ends.

The quote is accurate. But man am I tired of seeing it pop up in every thread related to American quality of living going down the shitter the past 30 years

There was a period in the mid 2000's of like 3-4 years where social media was fun and not super toxic. It was still toxic to a degree, but nowhere near like it is now. Then it started to decline rapidly once the general public started to get involved as smart phones became better and better at helping keep people terminally online.

I hate sounding like a hipster, but everything good or at least semi-decent really does come to an end once it gets saturated by the general public.

So I'll try to break it down best I can as it seems more like you understand the time line but not the reasons people are upset. I hope you don't take offense to this but are you on the spectrum? Asking as I have a friend who's sister is and usually have to break down explinations like this for her (though that's much eadier in person rather than online where it won't translate as well), and they way you talk reminds me a lot of how her perspective works.

So to start, could you give me your reasoning as to why you don't think this is a review, like more pointed reasoning besides being informal, as formality is not a maker or breaker of what makes a review now a days. Many definitions of what constitutes a review have excluded the formal aspect in the definition due to our changing world.

To most people a review is generally made up of the following points by doesn't necessarily need all of them to qualify:

  1. An overview of the product
  2. A look of said product in it's usable state and/or it's packaging and contents as well
  3. An overview of the performance of the product
  4. A final synopsis summarzing of the product from the reviewer usually detailing a recommendation or not.

I cannot tell you if Linus set out to make a review video or not, but Billet labs did send them the prototype with the intent to either show off their concept design or review the product and garner some publicly to a market audience they are targeting.

However what I can say is that Linus has not if it was a reviewer or not, and from what we can gather has no disclaimer saying it is not a review, and it's final presentation results in providing and setting up the audience to experience what they think will be a review. It does not help that Linus also does do reviews on the channel in the same format of this video.

This primes the audience into believing this is a review. If it was not a review it should had been explicitly stated to avoid confusion. As of now though, the video meets the expectations of the audience both from past experience and the general idea of what a review is in the public consciousness.

As to the value of the product itself, while I can tell that you do not think it is good value for the price (I agree). Their are many enthusiast in the PC modding scene that out of pleasure for the hobby will drop 1k+ on components that do less than this water block purely because they like it it's look.

This water block is not really meant for the average consumer, it is meant for the enthusiast, that will drop lots of money for a custom water cooling system where they invest absurd amounts of money for a cool looking cooling system. And when compared in that lense to other enthusiast and custom water blocks and cooling systems on the market it is actually reasonably priced as some can go for upwards of 1k to 2k with lower end water blocks being ~600 ish, and many in the enthusiast community find that a good value because that's what is expected in that niche. That niche enthusiast consumer is the target market audience for this product, not us regular consumers.

I think the super car analogy is quite fair as, for a daily driver, a super car is not something a normal person would want or need for that price for daily communiting... But for someone who has a hobby of either collecting or working on cars. A super car for them would be a good investment.

For the auctioning thing I'll try to keep it brief. Whilst it was a mistake, likely due to mismanagment or overworked individuals. That is not a good excuse that only raises further concerns, questions, and outrage.

As someone myself who works in a similar vein of IT where components get sent to and fro to various individuals. Not being able to keep track of a prototype collaboration piece and the associated GPU that was sent with it for specific testing purposes is a level of mismanagement that I have yet to see.

At some point they honestly would have either had to go out of their way to let this happen, or their internal systems are so terribly setup and mismanaged that it slipped through. For a claimed professional business, I honestly can't tell you which looks worse to the public in a PR sense as both are egregiously bad options. And even in isolation they alone would indeed caused massive backlash, what they did is near completely unheard of except in some of the worst businessing blunders cases told as horror stories in businesses classes as what not to do.

To give context, if Billet labs was not just two guys doing a start up. Or if this had happened to say AMD or Nvidia who can afford lawyers, this would have been a massive lawsuit that could have bankrupted LMG.

It's a violation of so many industry practices and professionalism standards and frankily even a breach of some laws given the right arguments. It is really hard to overstate just how bad this was given how laid back everyone has been about it. LMG got very lucky, that Billet labs does not have the resources to bring LMG to court for a protracted period of time.

Finally just wanted to say, whether Billet Labs gains from this incident is not really relevant. Billet Labs while being compensated now, is still tangibly set back in their RnD time and would have most likely preferably not been involved in any drama at all. As most companies would prefer.

I hope this helps even somewhat as I tried to be as detailed and thorough as possible in my explinations. But I am on mobile doing this through the day and conveying ideas through text is more difficult for me than in person. So there might be errors and other such stuff. If it still is not helpful, then I'm sorry I couldn't have been of better assistance

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I can confirm from personal experience that breathing pure nitrogen is painless and not at all like suffocating. If you want, you can check my profile to find the comment or look for it further up in a reply to a different thread in this post

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That guy is misinformed. He is talking about hypoxia which is what people commonly think of when dying from lack of oxygen, think of drowning. Hypoxia triggers the alarms in your body that cause the fear and pain you associate with suffocating due to the build up of co2 in the body.

With inert gases like nitrogen however it is different. Check out this wiki article, in the process drop down tab is provides a pretty good explanation on the matter