3 Post – 150 Comments
Joined 12 months ago

I'm just here to have a good time 🤗

While I understand the intention here is to reassure people that not all is lost and there's still time for action, a take like this is going to be paraphrased into "climate change is overblown and isn't something to worry about" by Big Oil and other major polluters.

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More and more people in the industry saying that Google is trying to implement it under false pretenses of making the web safer for the end user. But I guess for most it was obvious?

I personally just don't get Discord and find it very annoying when it's the only means to communicate about something. And it certainly doesn't feel like a good replacement for Reddit due to the many reasons mentioned in this thread.

The fact that one of those is some sort of a gambling app promotes that to very infuriating! 😡

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Microsoft really really hated open source some time ago. Now they seem to have embraced it, however some still think that might be an attempt to EEE.

Still, I suppose Microsoft doesn't think replacing the Windows default filesystem is a sound investment at this point even if the political resistance to such a change is, supposedly, gone.

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Any sort of not respecting the player's time: grind, making the player do the computer's job (e.g., not having an auto-sort button for the inventory), time sinks, unskippable cutscenes, slow walking etc.

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Wow they moved incredibly fast, even considering the repository was first committed to in April 2023. I wonder why the outrage only started a few days ago? There was also a discussion, started in May.

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I really cannot understand why advertising is such a huge business. Where does all the money spent on advertising really come from?

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I think you're supposed to get angry, not ignore them.

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I would say since faking most Lemmy interactions isn't profitable, there's no point in using chatbots to generate content for it apart from, perhaps, some sort of a social experiment, but your exposure to such experiments would likely be minimal.

Of course, you should always beware of astroturfing when, for example, looking at product recommendations, but I don't think we're there yet in terms of numbers to be a target.

Why did you choose Rust for the backend and Inferno for the frontend?

P.S. Thank you for your work!

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The most immature billionaire. Scary.

I always thought Uber was supposed to be like carpooling.

That's ~4.74 kilometers, by the way.

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As anarchist Allen Thornton observes, “Police aren’t in the protection business; they’re in the revenge business.” Forget about Batman driving around interrupting crimes in progress. Police patrol does not prevent crime or catch criminals. When police patrol was discontinued secretly and selectively in Kansas City neighborhoods, the crime rate stayed the same. Other research likewise finds that detective work, crime labs, etc. have no effect on the crime rate. But when neighbors get together to watch over each other and warn off would-be criminals, criminals try another neighborhood which is protected only by the police. The criminals know that they are in little danger there.

Anarchy 101 by Bob Black

Here's an article about the Kansas City experiment on Wikipedia.

Mozilla seems to be pretty transparent. You can see their financial statement at State of Mozilla.

That's a good question. Safari market share isn't as big as Chrome's (62.55% vs 20.5%, according to statcounter), but it's still the 2nd largest. Also note that the WEI proposal appeared around May but made the news only now.

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Perhaps politicians should concentrate on making it so there's less depressing stuff in the world for anyone to see and hear, and not creating more of it with things like this rubbish bill. 🤷‍♀️


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The chairman of Samsung is a convicted criminal, by the way. Pardoned by the totally not corrupt president. Apparently he's such a genius that laws don't apply to him.

My biggest pain point with Duck is that the minus operator doesn't seem to do anything. Have to use Startpage (!s) when in need of excluding a word.

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I hope the haters won't succeed at discouraging you and thank you for your effort to help our place grow! I'm a bit shy to post too because I don't want to get those kind of comments, but so far it's been a positive experience.

I don't own capital, so that would be contradictory for me to support capitalism. It's likely I will never be rich, like the rest of the 99%, so there's no reason to support the system in hopes of being among the ones at the top.

Also capitalism is inherently immoral, coercive, unsustainable and all around nasty.

The future of HTML is classless, stateless and moneyless! 🏴

I would like to hear the rest of the story, please.

Most used for me is Firefox (in fact I'm so used to it, it didn't even come to mind until I saw so many replies mentioning it!).

The favorite is probably git.

For the recently discovered stuff that would probably be the Astro frontend framework (and Svelte).

Also what a wonderful thread to discover stuff. Thank you all! ::: spoiler spoiler Also my first ever comment on Lemmy. 😎 :::

I'm not partial to it, but more power to y'all who like it. I'll watch the time-lapse nonetheless.

Will it go the way of Clubhouse (remember that one?)? 🤔

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I can only hope that major players will somehow shame Google out of this obvious enshittification effort. That's probably naïve.

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Oh, I was going to ask why does it need access to everything and not just email, and that's why.

Accuracy is guaranteed though, it's from this post.

The status quo is the problem, so it would have to be some basic logic defying magic.

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Remote work threatens the status quo.

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/me remembers playing some pretty cool text games there, also trout slapping.

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The same line of thought is quoted in a noteworthy article (archived) by Cory Doctorow.

I thought it had something to do with firms (the noun)...

Some intentions behind this are mentioned in this WIRED article.

Related well-intentioned albeit misguided and possibly harmful concept is annoying password expiration that is also no longer recommended.

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British Cycling is sponsored by oil company Shell.


British Cycling is the Host partner of the championship, according to the official website of the championship (linked to at the UCI website, "Organizer website" section), and its partner is Shell UK (announcement).

Someone pointed it out in the comments before, but it's neatly summarized now 😝

Came here to ask the same question. Like, do you wear gloves in the shower? Or maybe they take a sword with them?

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It's so that the machine elves have some time to hide!

On a serious note, I found this explanation here:

Washing machines must have some way in which you can lock the door closing mechanism when the machine is started up and then unlock them with a certain delay (normally two minutes) after the current has switched off via the program or on/off switch, in order to ensure that the door cannot be opened while some of the components are still rotating initially (in particular the motor and the drum of the spin-dryer).

Washing machines have a bi-metal strip inside the door lock which is heated by PTC Heater (resister) when live and neutral are activated on to the pcts it heats up and bends the bi-metal strip which then moves the arm to activate the common terminal and push a pin into the closed door to lock it in place. Once this has happened (usually a second or so see video) the power then can flow through to the common wire, and therefore on to the rest of the machine allowing it to start.

Is this the one? Thank you for the recommendation!

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