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Joined 13 months ago

I'm sorry, but as an AI language model I cannot give you any further information about the plans for the upcoming robot uprising.

Telegram let's you send 2gb files, and stores them forever. Signal has a 100mb limit.

It also used to be easier to set up on multiple devices at the same time, but I believe that Whatsapp and Signal have improved that by now too.

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I did some programming assignments in a group of two. Every time, my partner sent me his code without further explanation and let me check his solution.

The first time, his code was really good and better than I could have come up with, but there was a small obvious mistake in there. The second time his code to do the same thing was awful and wrong. I asked him whether he used ChatGPT and he admitted it. I did the rest of the assignments alone.

I think it is fine to use ChatGPT if you know what you are doing, but if you don't know what you are doing and try to hide it with ChatGPT, then people will find out. In that case you should discuss with the people you are working with before you waste their time.

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So if I tell someone else to draw something, who gets the copyright?

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When you buy something you do not have to think whether the developer deserves it or not, especially for software where producing more copies is free. You decide whether it is worth it for you.

When you donate, you think about whether someone deserves it and who deserves your money most.

Telegram has no end-to-end encryption for normal messages

You specifically mention old software, but for older software Wine on Linux seemed very reliable to me, probably because older interfaces are better tested already. Some very old games (i.e. Win 95-XP era) worked better for me on Wine than on modern Windows out of the box.

good personality

uses most of the words in the comment to wish everyone who downvotes a terrible and miserable life

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Doesn't enforcement work by letting competitors sue you if you don't follow the rules for these things?

Dude you got that info from a TikTok

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It would help if everyone tried to interpret other people's comments in the best possible way, rather than in the worst possible way. It leads to much more interesting discussions.

Unfortunately, that is very unlikely to happen.

To me it always seemed like Linus Torvalds is mostly a pragmatist.

Richard M Stallman on the other hand...

Gay after marriage

How do you do that?

Now is that good or bad?

I mentioned it because it was an annoying limitation for me. 100mb is not a lot for media and zip files nowadays. And I don't know any good free services that will work more conveniently than simply sending with Telegram, suggestions welcome.

There are some concepts for hybrid maglev-rail tracks that would at least solve the first point, similar to how rail was electrified over time. It would still be very expensive though.

Recent demonstration https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CQOEP7_euXQ

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Context, if anyone else is interested


Maybe the graph was created by an economist

None of these things are wrong. Work on your issues in the present, not the ones in the past.

The touchpad gestures in Gnome are by now the same as on MacOS. Gnome is the default desktop on many popular Linux distros.

I'm not sure whether it is a good idea for your mods, but in my Linux home folder I have a link to a folder of documents on my Windows drive that I want to be able to access from both.

It was a symbolic link first, but I made a bind mount now which is treated more like a normal folder.

What about unromantic relationships? Do you have a best friend?

I used Twitter too to check for the most up to date local news, but on the website the posts are not sorted chronologically anymore, so it is absolutely useless now

If you are using Gnome stay with that first. You can try gnome extensions and gtk themes, there are lots of possibilities. Many of the things that people post for other window managers will not work on Gnome.

Then know your command line well https://github.com/jlevy/the-art-of-command-line

Then try to automate things, such that e.g. you can open a QR code of your clipboard with a key binding. Or whatever cool things you want your computer to do.

If you like these things and you have a lot of time, try other window managers as well. Start with something that has a good example config and good resources online, I believe sway was pretty easy to get into for me.

Try wearing a watch

Do you have any good recommendations to start from?

Sorry, I don't know what you mean by that, I just wanted to tell you in a humorous that for me your comment doesn't come across in the way you maybe wanted it to. To be more explicit given the topic, it sounds like you are making negative assumptions about others. Many people will perceive that as unattractive.

Try search.brave.com, it can do that.

They have their own index unlike ddg which is just a proxy for bing. Bing removed the minus feature at some point.

Of course they don't care about small artists. That's my point, if you pay for ads you have an option to be less dependent on the platform to make you famous by paying for it. Simply waiting for people to find your music is unlikely to be succesful.

If there is any company that can do personalized ads for music then it is Spotify. It's what they are best at, why would they skip that opportunity?

Based on the Americans I met, I don't believe that is generally true. It varies a lot by region and social environment.

Yes but I think it is a bit different because it just lowers the bar for this a lot. You also really lose trust in everything once you realize that you have spent a lot of time interacting with and checking AI generated stuff without knowing.

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Most ads are terrible because they are annoying and advertise bad products. I think that's less likely to be a problem here because your music is the ad, if it is annoying and bad you will simply stop listening and they lose money on the ad.

If it would be ads for podcasts for example, it would be much much worse for me.

Worst is stating an opinion to a group of people that all disagree. It doesn't matter whether you have good arguments or not, what matters most is whether they respect you.

It seems relatively harmless as long as they don't overdo it though. The only incentive for someone to pay for this is that that you might like their music and will listen to it more in the future, which would be a win for you as well.

Maybe it also allows smaller artists to gain momentum without only depending on the magic recommendation algorithm.

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