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I'm amazed it's 2023 and we've still not universally adopted a protocol better than SMS. Thanks Apple

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I don't blame him for not wanting to travel. Airplane safety is a real concern these days.

I installed a custom launcher that's close to the stock one on my Pixel 3 specifically to make it possible to remove the Google Search widget. Now I have a Firefox widget that points to DDG.

If any are interested, the launcher is Lawn Chair, and it can be installed via F-droid.

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Every day this week I've thought, 'Thank goodness for the EU.' They just keep stepping up against the tech companies.

I often wonder, "Can't my web browser keep Alphabet better apprised of my personal life and interests?" Yes, it can! Finally, an ad company that 'gets me'.

Agreed. Clinton Blowout mentality was a contributing factor to 2016. America may never recover if Trump wins again.

Apple's refusal to cooperate is both obviously profit motivated and infuriating. They've engineered this social gulf between iPhone and non-iPhone users. I often wonder about the collective social harm.

The low res photos and video are natural byproducts of squeezing modern media into an SMS message, but the 'green' bubbles take it to another level. The worst part is that the average iPhone user at best is apathetic. Meanwhile Cook suggested last year that we should just buy more iPhones as a solution.

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Shouldn't an ethical human choose tools that do more good than harm? As long as an application does that, does it matter if it's open source or not? The software we use in our daily lives is a personal choice and people shouldn't be shamed for choosing a closed source application. Especially one created by an independent, craftsman software company. Sync, and other well-designed for-profit clients, benefit Lemmy, an open platform. That benefits all.

Let me add, many of us are social media refugees, fleeing exploitative and closed platforms like Reddit, Twitter, and Facebook. There is also nothing wrong with continually evaluating the closed source solutions we choose to prevent repeating past mistakes.

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Nonsense. If there's one thing we've learned from Republicans about Republicans, it's that there's no such thing as being Republican enough.

Gross. Writers should be paid fairly.*

Edit: Previously read "Shame on Neflix". See thoughtful reply below.

This news hit me hard this morning. Bram's work has directly benefited my career for decades. He was a good human being who did good things. RIP Bram

sudo burp install cooler-ranch

Certain informative, niche communities like /r/neovim, /r/prequelmemes, and er, um /r/sex. I know there are comparable communities here, but the volume is missing. OTOH, everyone is much friendlier here. And, a smaller user base means our comments don't get buried among thousands. Also, I'm really enjoying new-to-me communities /c/risa.

Is there anything kitty can't do?

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It's an anagram of my real name, 'lcdou 991y9'

Agreed, I sure am glad Lemmy was here to catch us. What would we have done if it hadn't been ready and waiting?

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OP, here's another one! This one's also pointing out incorrect facts about Arkansas!

Here's my Jack-in-the-box story: In high school, Jack-in-the-box was just opening in our town for the first time. My friend group used to go there for the $1 Jumbo Jack. It was a first taste of adult freedom. Positive memories haha

Excellent. He's had enough delays. Five months is more than enough time as he'll have had 3 years to prepare for a trial such as this.

This hits the nail on the head. A major component of art is that it's an outlet of human creativity, something we find fulfilling to both produce and consume. If creativity is delegated to machines, what's left for us humans? At some point, we'll grow tired of Taco Bell and re-runs, and what then?

I've read this headline a dozen times today and everytime I smile.

I've tried to keep an open mind about AI as a tool. Humanity has lots of problems and maybe AI is necessary to share a planet with 8 billion people. That said, the people blindly embracing AI seem to miss the fact that they're controlled by large corporations motivated by profit not benevolence.

Also, it really is Black Mirror-esque that the first things we train our AI to automate out are creative in nature. Art, performance, writing, etc. These things make us humans and give us joy.

Quotes around words are sometimes used to add more meaning into them or place emphasis. Prager, let's not mince words: Racism "=" bad.

I'm sorry to say that I'm often one of those dumbass drivers (though I drive a little Civic). I need to do a better job of not pulling so far. Pedestrians and bicyclists deserve a sidewalk free of obstacles, and It's not good for the car either.

Yes, there are binders of younger people to take up the mantle.

Me too. I'm glad the EU is out there thinking about these things.

I've was doing the same until yesterday, then I found StreetComplete. Since then, it's so much easier to enter addresses. So much easier to add addresses while out walking than to carry a notepad or memorize numbers.

Just one more day and it would have been gone forever.

This is not a real term, but maybe Freudian Hint?

At first, I thought this was one of those rule posts.

It took me a second to see the words swapped.

  • Participation may cause mild to severe radiation burns
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That's an interesting thought, that could potentially create corporate day jobs for artists.

Edit: I don't believe in this idea, but thought it interesting. It's better for artists to exercise creativity.

I've noticed that, too. It wasn't always that way though. A couple of years ago, minus worked no problem.

IMO, the focus should be on being a good person and not on conforming to unrealistic gender stereotypes. One's gender presentation (or lack) is enhanced by universal positive attributes like honesty, confidence, commitment, charity, etc. This is not an original idea, but thought it worth saying.

One cool thing is that the comments are self documenting. I read the program earlier and it's quite clear what it does. Excellent accomplishment, dear colleague!

"If you immediately know the candle light is fire, then the meal was cooked along time ago."

I'm Spartacus

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If we keep doubling, will I eventually be a person on the tracks? There are a finite number of people, so eventually I would be, right? So, passing the buck would be equivalent to handing my fate to a stranger.

OTOH, if there are an infinite number of people, then this thought experiment is creating people out of thin air. Do these imaginary people's rhetorical lives even matter?

Either way, it seems better to kill 1 person at the start.

Firefox is one of the worst snaps. It pops up an annoying notification everyday reminding you to restarted it. Then came the crashing. It got to a point where I couldn't keep my browser running more than a few minutes at a time.

I wanted to like snaps, and I'm not overall negative on Ubuntu, but keeping the web browser functional is minimum requirement. The Firefox PPA is much more reliable.