
6 Post – 433 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just another Reddit refugee

This is not me. But the kinds of people I'm encountered in my social circle. I'm in the CS/Research industry, so all my tools are linux compatible and have been a Linux user for the past decade.

I think it's better to have a realistic expectation of Linux rather than consider it a 1:1 Windows alternative. I agree with your last para fully.

DJ Khaled: Suffering from success

  • Adobe Creative Suite. They will probably never release a Linux version
  • Industry standard music production s/w
  • Offbeat collection of educational/research s/w, creators of which don't know that Linux exists. They sometimes don't even support MacOS
  • Office Suite which is compatible with MS Office shenanigans
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Dis gon bi gud 🍿

Can you suggest a video which briefly explaines the lore of 1 and 2?

Microsoft: Abusing our dominant position in the market? That's just Tuesday for us

He doesn't know about the 3 shells

The site should now be just called "Formerly Twitter"

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Please go through the FAQ section of the git project. It's an eye-opener.

Q. Does this enable mass data breaches of website?

A. Yes. The next time you see a major data breach where customer data is clearly visible in the breach, you’re going to presume company who processes the data are at fault, right? But if people have used a Windows device with Recall to access the service/app/whatever, hackers can see everything and assemble data dumps without the company who runs the service even being aware. The data is already consistently structured in the Recall database for attackers. So prepare for AI powered super breaches. Currently credential marketplaces exist where you can buy stolen passwords — soon, you will be able to buy stolen customer data from insurance companies etc as the entire code to do this has been preinstalled and enabled on Windows by Microsoft.

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I've posted the link to the Github project so people can avoid it


reproducable jpegs? Excuse me?

I live walking distance from my local police department. If another person uses my NFT without my consent I will report them immediately. This is MY PROPERTY. The transaction has be verified scientifically on the block chain. Anyone who violates my NFT rights will pay the price.

Buddy, you have no idea who you are messing with. I have made a ridiculous amount of money in crypto/NFTs and I have the best lawyers. If you don’t delete those stolen jpegs, you’re going to regret it. When you steal someone’s property you get punished. Watch out.

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Modification of history is one of the most common tools of dictators

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Yo dawg, I heard you like Linux. So I built a Linux container for your Linux phone. Now you can enjoy Linux while enjoying your Linux phone.

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ahh shit...here we go again

Sudden resurgence of the movie "Face Off"

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And thus begins "why isn't the profit line going up?" phase of the company

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Not a good solution but a decent one. Create a work profile on your phone, using Shelter (Fdroid, open source), and put all your work apps on that. Your data and processes are isolated and you can turn off all your work apps with a single tap. It's like a secondary virtual phone.

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I am extremely intrigued by this. Is it possible to know more?

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Let me tell exactly what will happen.

  • Step 1 - It's opt-in. Everyone chill
  • Step 2 - It's opt-in but the opt-in button is advertised during startup
  • Step 3 - "opting in in crucial for your safety and comfort" advertised everytime during startup
  • Step 4 - it's opt-out now but it can be turned off in settings
  • Step 5 - it's opt-out but the off button is hidden below 3 layers
  • Step 6 - the opt-out button is gone but can be turned off with a registry edit
  • Step 7 - sorry, it's a core component of W11

We are currently at Step 1

This comment is taken from another lemmy post but I forgot the username. Apologies.

Bless his kind soul. He doesn't deserve the downvotes.

  • Better interface than Windows Media player
  • 100s of cool and edgy skins
  • Nice looking graphic equalizer
  • Nice music visualizer
  • Easy to make playlists
  • Tiny looking player which gelled with the early-mid 2000s vibe

And most importantly, it really whips the Llama's ass. TBH, there aren't a lot of serious reasons. It was just slightly better than the default music player. I personally feel the skins played a significant part.

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Well, it was interesting as fuck

I think we need to give it some time. I was not there when Digg went bad but I'm assuming that in the early days of Reddit, there was a lot of discussion about Digg. Once Reddit reached a critical mass, posts about Digg died down.

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Dread girl design is super cool!

Your first mistake was joining a Discord group for a software product. Github pages / bug-tracker or GTFO.

A UI designer's dream is a backend engineer's nightmare

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( •_•)>⌐■-■


Entire OnlyFans community furiously typing

Even though i'm not from this instance, this is such a nice way of keeping the users posted about changes. I wish more companies (I know this is not a company) went straight to the point, instead of using vague terms like "improved stability, fixed few issues with an update" when things are changed. I hope all instance owners follow this trend.

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Oh no, that's so sad! Anyway, what did you guys have for lunch? I had rice

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  1. Installation process of Linux is complicated to an average Joe (Bootable USB/ISO file/Boot priority/format <- what are these scary terms?)
  2. Lack of availability of pre-installed Linux PCs at physical shops
  3. Lack of availability of industry-standard software
  4. Confusion for an average Joe due to excess choice of distros/application packaging format. Average people don't want choices, they want to be guided.
  5. (Minor point) Most available guides for doing something heavily requires terminal usage which can be daunting to new users

It is an ergonomic and familiar solution for users who want to elevate a command without having to first open a new elevated console.

Yeah Microsoft, how exactly is it familiar for Windows users? 😜

If it happens, you guys are getting pwned

xxGubussySlayerxx: Are you hacking or is that Parkinsons

Don't you know? Some calculations can only be done locally. They are too complicated to be performed over the cloud. It needs to be done on your i3/4GB RAM PC.

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Musk fans then: finally! We have absolute free speech

Musk fans now: it's a private company. He can do whatever he wants

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Using a VPN to get a lower price on the subscription is not a service issue, that’s abuse of regional pricing, and no company would accept that.

The internet's most beloved company, Steam, also bans people for abusing the store using VPNs. So as much as I hate Google, i find nothing wrong with this.

The beans will continue till morale improves

You simply can't win against the internet in a trolling contest