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Joined 1 years ago

Peer-reviewed publication link

It should be illegal for news articles to report on articles without actually posting the publication link

Edit: pertinently, I’m not 100% sure that’s the same publication, as there doesn’t obviously even seem to be a journal with the title Microbiota (their citation)

The second-highest hit gives a clue as to why:

Relevantly to Lemmy’s existence in the first place, it suggests Reddit as a pretty pivotal training data source, which Reddit tries to cash in on while also killing 3rd party apps due to apathy

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Up next: companies continue 5-day workweeks anyway, because they’re not even rational in their mandates. (See also: forces RTO).

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Almost like they’re creating the problem in order to sell the “solution”

xkcd “standards” comes to mind

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Same energy: kitchen implements

My wooden spatula is cracking and warping after being put in the dishwasher every time, but too bad. I’ll use it until it splinters into pulp

Not dishwasher “safe” for whom?

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False; it says “100% Safe & Secured” right there on that logo. How could that possisbly be a scam?

How does this work lol. VPN is some third-party node that’s relaying network traffic. Do they mean stealing some kind of authentication credentials for said node (maybe baked into the VPN-connecting software itself?)?

Right — on Reddit, if you didn’t get to a post within say the first hour or so*, you were going to be banished to a vast wasteland of unseen comments with only one upvote.

Even if you did, well, your comment best be damned clever, funny, or interesting to be interacted with much.

This basically feels like a less lonely Reddit.

Mastodon also has this vibe for me (vs twitter). Basically, the superstar economy effect is less strong.

*or piggyback on an existing top-rated comment (trying to make one’s own relevant to it, or “hijacking” it)

Then, to the casual observer, it will look like everything is fine and dandy, furthering the astroturfing propaganda

Also managed to be pretty functional while blacking out nearly daily (at my worst), and interestingly enough, the anxiety during the hangovers (which became pretty much any time in between) is also what finally caused me to turn the corner.

His defense mechanism:‘mess with gecko, you get a pecko’ meme where tiny a lizard resembling the above is holding a thumbtack and staring menacingl

apart of

Perfect, I’m glad it’s not integrated

Right. Technically, iPhone X batteries could be considered “replaceable”. Practically, when I did it, I had to purchase an $80 kit with tools, then take on substantial risk that I’d break it irreparably(say 20%), and put in a solid 4 hours of effort to do so.

Valuing my time at $20/hour, and the phone at $800, that’s $80 + $160 + $80 = $320.

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To be fair, the screencap is just of the brony region, and there’s lots of other canvas with no mention of them.


So many don’t understand just how wildly inefficient bureaucratic hierarchies are; what happens isn’t the most profitable thing, it’s the whim of whoever managed to claw their way highest up.

Basically, the decisions are the manifestation of the artificial stupidity of brute force.

“Effective” “altruism” be like

So it’s basically “some stuff is E2EE, other stuff is not” which, absent knowing which is which, boils down to no E2EE at all.

Both are < HTML:

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C r y p t o

Tbh seems good enough for me, when I turn that stuff off

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Yeah, the fatalism is sad.

People lack both the knowledge to realize that different forms of society already existed (and do, currently), and imagination to realize that it’s possible to move towards a different and better form.

Moreover, how is anyone sitting in America (or a country with American bases) primarily concerned about the Chinese government? We have endless military and culture war/ propaganda barriers erected against them; we're basically untouchable, unless we plan on physically going to China.

(The answer is related to the propaganda barriers themselves -- it's acceptable / encouraged to criticize China).

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Arguably, more effective, due to their subtlety

Wow, the most recent GTA game is still ten years old?

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Like anything, depends on the threat model. Private from your little sister? Probably. Private from your boss, at least in the next few months prior to them being leaked? Also probably. Private enough?

That's to some extent a question that can only be answered individually, as everyone's threat models differ. I suppose this fact (everyone having differing threat models) is one of the reasons that so many arguments occur over security.

Even worse are the hydrogen fuel cell ones

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Efforts ought to be focused more on redirecting people to / advertising Lemmy. Any entailed increase in DAUs for Reddit would be, ultimately, temporary.

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Relatedly, this is why organizing and striking are important.

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if y o u e v e r r e a ll y n e e d

maintaining a subreddit for Reddit’s profit ambitions.

Always have been 👩🏽‍🚀🔫👩🏽‍🚀

Yeah but shipping finna be 3-5 business months

Can anyone verify that this is also true for platforms beyond windows (what is plotted in the link by default)?

(I tried to change the plot to show macOS and Linux, but the plotting site is dubiously functional on mobile, plus there are a bewildering number of plot options with long, confusing names).

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Preferably after enslaving them and sucking out as much surplus labor as possible

Perfect analogy. Gonna start using this

This is the issue with the tech industry as a whole right now. High interest rates mean the DAU jig is up.

I wonder what it would look like without these measures?

Back in My Day™, we had minimal MDM on the school computers.

Yes, the kids that wanted to fuck around (look at porn, download music, play games) fucked around, but they would have the old-fashioned way, anyway. The most common thing was just changing the desktop photo to a Lamborghini, or something. Anyway, we turned out…. Well… not necessarily ok, but I don’t fault the computers for lack thereof where applicable.

Admittedly, these weren’t personal laptops but just ones in the library or computer labs, but still.

I see, if you define government as “any collection of humans,” than yes, it’s always been extant.

What I meant, however, was a group of rulers that use force to compel others to do what they would otherwise not.

Written history is also a blip terms of the duration of the history of humanity, too. Something like 1%. We can access some of the rest via anthropology.

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maintaining a subreddit for Reddit’s profit ambitions.

Always have been 👩🏽‍🚀🔫👩🏽‍🚀

The hope was given this research, companies would be swayed by its evidence and logic. The reality is that companies operate off of neither.