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TPM is basically never for your benefit. It's becoming a requirement because Microsoft is going to one day say "you can only run apps installed from the Windows Store, because everything else is insecure" and lock down the software market. Valve knows this which is why they're going so hard on the Steam Deck and Linux.

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I think out of all the things I've heard about Elon Musk, this might be the thing that disgusts me the most.

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The Democrats should sue over this, you can't have a judge screaming "coup" every time they get outvoted. I'm sure a room full of judges can figure out what kind of law this is breaking, almost certainly there's some kind of "incitement" law on the books.

Anyone who still uses Unity for their new projects after this would have to be completely stupid. Of course they'll jack up the pricing again as soon as they can.

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The problem is that by that point it will have grown beyond manageability. You know the "Nazi bar" saying.

There's a bunch of people (who are Nazis) and they seem cool, quiet, well spoken, just having a drink. And they bring their friends and those guys are cool too. Then those guys bring their friends and those guys are less cool and now normal people don't drink at the bar anymore and you look around and it's a Nazi bar and you can't make them leave or they'll start causing "problems". So. I'm all for just using the brutal hammer of censorship.

It's not a free speech platform and no one ever said it was.

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Google's becoming pretty terrible anyway, it only seems to return pages that are selling things. I've switched to Kagi at this point and it seems to work better, it's subscription only, but you know you're the one paying for it and that means that you're the end customer.

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Block them too. They're not going to engage in good faith anyway.

I love the idea of Framework and I want to get one, but the price is multiple times of what I paid for my current machine... and this is better than the Framework in several ways. I'm hoping that a few of the Frameworks make it onto the second hand market and I'll buy one there. The idea of a laptop that's easy to replace and lasts forever is brilliant though, and I hope they take off.

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They probably are, but it's not really about cost, it's about fear. I fear that while it costs $x to switch to Unreal Enigne now, it'll cost $x+10 after a few weeks when they do their next decision, and $x+20 a month or so after that.

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I don't think there are any moderator rules at all. Reddit is just doing anything they can get away with, which is what corporations do anyway.

I am a bit surprised at how slipshod they are about it though, I'd have expected them to hammer out an action plan and then trigger it all in the same hour, but we're getting this slow trickle of changes which suggests that they don't have a plan at all, but are just sort of flailing.

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Something else that occurred to me. If someone posted something that was pro-woke in /r/conservative or on Parler or any of those other apps, they'd get banned immediately. "Free Speech" only seems to be a concern when it's right-wingers posting on left-leaning forums, never the reverse.

I think that taking the free speech argument at face value in the present day just means you're gullible.

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If I were running a Unity project, I'd be tempted to just jump to Unreal. No matter what promises Unity makes you don't have any actual guarantee that they'll keep them while Unreal has the "non-retroactive" clause directly in their contract. However painful the switch is, you'll only have to do it once.

Not always. A lot of the time people will just lie about what they actually believe and why they believe it.

For example. People are going to say they support free speech because they believe in it as an important principle for a free society. No one is going to say they support free speech because actually they're a full on Nazi and this is the only way to get their message out to the public until they get the reigns and then they can dispense will al the "free speech" stuff and lock down the opposition.

Actually this applies to a lot of politics related stuff. For example politicians always talk about how tax breaks are going to stimulate the economy, none of them say "well my mate paid me a few million under the table to push this, even though 'trickle down' has never worked in the 100+ years that it's been around".

Security patches, Everyone says "We need to insure that all new software has up to date security and patches.", no one says "We want to collect every single bit of telemetry and integrate end to end DRM and the only way that can work is if the device is completely locked down so the users can't bypass or root it.".

But I bet that we're getting a much higher proportion of the users that make actual content and have real conversations. The ones that only type out two word replies or pick arguments over trivial things can stay on Reddit.

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I think I saw Russia's name before, so it's not just you wondering about that. It would be completely unsurprising to find out that Russia is giving a push to plans that had been mothballed for a while.

Objectively, Youtube Premium is the one streaming service that I actually use... with youtube dlp because actually I can't stand the interface at all anymore; but even so, I use it and I feel ok about paying for it.

I use a physical sim. I'm not sure it even supports eSIM, but I'd be hesitant to ditch the physical sim for precisely the reasons you mentioned. I've swapped sims around between phones and even borrowed them from people when I was in a new area, something that's much harder with eSIMs.

So, just to be clear, you're saying that the attack against Israel was actually a secret Jewish conspiracy to make Hamas look bad?

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I think these rules are intended to be malicious. If you want to make it hard for people to organize but just banning them is illegal, the next step is to just make it super uncomfortable for them to hang around, so, no water.

I've started suspecting that a lot of people get through it by just avoiding their family... which, why get married then?

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More nixOS development. It's the reproducible builds on the OS scale, one configuration file that will always generate exactly the same system when run, and you can update and rebuild from that file without restarting the system in most cases. This should make triangulating and fixing distro issues much easier, as well as making a distro easier to maintain from the user side.

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I think the fundamental protection is always going to be the firewall that blocks all incoming connections unless you explicitly open a port for a running server.

It's frustrating that the article doesn't have much information about the delivery method for this attack. Is it a remote connection, or you have to run it locally and it escalates privileges?

There's a number of options including a chain of trust where you only see comments from someone who's been verified by someone who's been verified by someone and so on who's been verified by an actual real human that you've met in person. We can also charge per post, which will rapidly drive up the cost of a botnet (as well as trim down the number of two word derails).

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I paid approx $700 for a i5 with a Geforce 3050 and a 144hz screen. The RAM was weak but it was upgrade able so I got it up to 40GB, about $800 all up. It's an MSI.

The only downside is that it's such a pain to take apart and it's put together in a way where there's a very real chance of doing permanent damage when taking off the cover, since the case actually wraps around the ports and makes the motherboard bend when you apply any pressure to it. It came with 8GB of RAM out of the box, so basically unusable without the upgrade; still, I'm very happy with it atm.

Excellent point. If stealing is what keeps people fed, then the taxes that keep that store open are worth it. But also I think the reported rates of theft are wildly overstated, here in Australia we had our two largest stores basically admit they made up the whole "epidemic" so they'd have an excuse to raise prices.

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I've never had a bluetooth device that worked well and connected reliably, so "better than bluetooth" is not hard.

That might be why the Wagner mercenary thing is happening right now. For them it might be "Now or never" if they think there's a chance they might be up against NATO.

I think they expected a Skyrim style modding community to spring up over the next few years. To be fair, I think they might be right, since there are already Starfield mods and I'm still playing Skyrim 10 years after it came out.

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Ok, I have to ask. How would you apply this to any other conflict. For example the Allies fighting against Germany. Where did the German civilians fall in the spectrum of evil. Was fighting Germany justified, knowing that German civilians might suffer? If so, how is this situation different?

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The way I see it is that the real problem is that they wanted to. Normal people don't want to kill their neighbors and take their things, even if they could. This also applies to most countries. The fact that the Russians are thinking about invading other European countries is a problem by itself.

Do you have any recommendations?

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The mandatory DRM checks I think are 100% going to happen and I think that's the reason behind the TPM requirement for Windows 11. A completely secure bios->os chain is needed to completely lock out stuff like VLC.

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Didn't it turn out that Chrome was reporting every site it visited back to Google? Apparently it was a "bug" that was only meant to happen on Instagram and not everywhere but... It doesn't take a huge leap of thinking to suspect how incredibly convenient it is for Google's telemetry.


Instead of shutting them out of your life and trying to cancel them, try to educate. Show them why certain views are wrong and show them the outcomes of their beliefs. Rome wasn’t built in a day.

Because for a lot of people "they don't care". They think that they're strong and you're weak and they can get away with what they want to do because you literally can't stop them. From their perspective, trying to "reason" with them just shows how weak and powerless you are. A lot of fascists think like this and it's why people trying to convince them never quite seem to make headway. Also, they know that weak people object to their views, but, again, they don't care.

Oh wow, 100% improvements in some cases, that's no joke.

EDIT: In Nginx, there's one benchmark where they get tripled performance on the EPYC9754.

Do we really want more of their cash grabs on Steam? Their old stuff was great, but now the ship has sailed and their newest stuff just isn't that good anymore. Especially after the latest Diablo 4 patch.

Because last time I checked they just used Bing anwyay, while Kagi runs their own indexer.

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Maybe, but I'm betting that the CEO who floated the idea that FPS players would be willing to pay per-reload didn't push back too hard against the board's ideas.

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Bcachefs sounds incredible.

I donate to all the services I use. Including my Mastodon instance, Wikipedia, Habitica, etc...

EDIT: And I mean monthly. Except for Wikipedia where it's just yearly.