6 Post – 195 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Corporations when some dude steals a copy of a 30 year old movie: 😡

Corporations when they steal billions from their workers salaries every year: 🤑

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I still don't see how it's legal for an accredited university to have rules prohibiting sexual activity of their students

Want to be a religious school? That's fine, but you won't be accredited to teach any Gen Ed classes. Have your catholic pastor school, or your rabbinical school, that's fine. But you won't be making those into general education colleges.

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I genuinely think that advertising should be illegal at this point. It's a ridiculous concept.

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I hate the crypto market so much, but ESPECIALLY nfts.

Nfts were blatantly a scam. It 2as a very in your face scam, it was giving money to someone else for literally nothing. It was obvious time from day 1 that it was just an avenue for rich people to launder money and have it look legit.

But the media fell for the new trend hook, line, and sinker. Instead of telling people it was a scam from day 1, which it *obviously was," the major news networks (at least here in the US) talked about nfts as if it was a legit new type of cool investment. They stopped short of telling people to buy them so that they couldn't get sued, but they hyped the fuck out of NFTs. CONSTANTLY. Any time I listened to any cable news for more than 30 minutes around mid 2021, I heard NFTs get mentioned at least once, and very rarely was that mention skeptical or a warning.

And now all the people who bought into the hype are left holding the bag, as always, a d the rich people who scammed them get to keep all the money, as always, and the media is facing no repercussions for their contribution to the scam, as always. It's so frustrating to watch

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If you're using git to track document changes then you're almost certainly in the tech industry and are quite familiar with the inner workings of your computer.

For 90% of people using computers right now, asking them to use git to do version management on their day to day work flow would be like asking me to fly a rocket ship to work.

I agree with the OP here, for what it does office is leaps and bounds ahead of any of the other software I've used to try to replace it and I always end up landing back on it.

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The thing is this shit works for right wingers. They genuinely believe that the ADL calling someone an antisemite, or even suggesting they might be, is the same as the government kicking your door down and murdering you because you used "free speech"

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I saw a little of ben Shapipos reaction to it through a leftist streamer.

It was hilarious. He was literally mad that a core message of the movie is that you can be whoever you want to as a woman.

Thats the slogan of the company Ben, idk why you didn't know that.

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This thread is full of people laughing at people who would pay for this, but I actually kinda empathize.

I got REALLY lucky and met my now fiancee on a dating app. It took about 2 years of trying to meet her, and in that time ithink I had maybe 5-7 dates. ALL of those were on OKCupid, back when it let you message people without matching. I am not the most good looking person, but I could get a good first impression through a message.

Tinder though? It killed my self confidence when I used it. I never got a single date from tinder. It is designed tonot get you dates, unless you're SUPER attractive, especially if you're a man. A lot of it is that there are so many more men on dating apps than women, I know that objectively. But it SUCKS when you're actively looking for a partner and swiping every single day to either never get matches or get matches who are bots.

For a lot of guys like me being able to get a good first message in feels like the only chance, and if you're seriously looking and starting to feel desperate (and these apps are designed to make you feel desperate) then dropping $500 for a month of being able to get a shot may not actually seem crazy.

These apps have designed a "dating economy" around themselves that tells people that they are not attractive or a desirable partner if they aren't getting matches, then deliberately tailored their algorithms to manipulate people into coming back every day for a chance to meet someone. It's slot machines, but with romantic relationships, and it convinces people that dating is like gambling. And these apps want you to feel like they are the only way to date, and if you're not "winning" and getting dates they make it clear that it's YOUR fault, and if you drop a little money you'll get some matches.

Yes, some creeps will pay for this to send dick pics, but I think most people who will pay forthis are actually desperate and convinced that it's their only chance at getting a date. It's disgusting these apps are allowed to do what they have done. And I say all of that as someone who won the damn slot machine jackpot and came out with a long term partner.

I personally think these apps are doing some serious harm to our society and need to be regulated but that's a different discussion

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"Look I know I called all these people groomers, which is a pretty serious accusation, and then used the power of the state that I run to strip them of some of the privileges they have, and explicitly said that I did that because they said something I don't like, but this is bumming me out can you just drop it? "

Until the dude making all of these claims presents actual proof I don't believe a word of it. So far all he has is hearsay, he can't identify the people who told him things, the few people who he did identify haven't come forward to my knowledge, and all of the documents he claims to have are top secret and not releasable to the public.

When you're making a claim as big as "aliens are here and the government has their ships and some bodies from them and is also covering it up," you need to provide more evidence than "I know because multiple people have told me but I'm not allowed to say who, also ive never seen them, and I have documents to prove it but you can't see them because the government says so."

If not by their actions, how do you judge someone? I cannot know "who they are" unless they either tell me or show me, and actions speak louder than words.

So many people will claim to be "good people" then go on a 20 minute rant about the "gay groomer agenda" and how gay people should "leave children alone" and how black people "commit too much crime and need to be policed more for it" when you give them one glass of wine and start talking about politics. Their overall stance is clear, and it isn't on the side of "being a good person."

I've said it many times: I think that copyright for all published art should extend for exactly one year after it's publication then become public domain. For almost ALL media, the first year is the time in which it make over 90% of its money. If you haven't turned a profit, or at least broken even, by then then you aren't going to.

After tjay I don't see why you should be entitles to royalties from every sale, especially with our modern system of mass distribution.

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This man got to go on JOE FUCKING ROGANS PODCAST and say whatever he wanted.

I'm so sick of major outlets giving antisemites so much airtime to say whatever the fuck they feel like. It's terrifying to watch this shit as a Jew.

At the wall plug so you can unplug the server as fast as possible before the drink it just poured destroys the hardware

... I'll see myself out

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Reddit always had this too though. In every app I used there was an "up voted" and "down voted" tab when I would look at someone's profile

Maybe it was an api thing?

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No this is what happens when terrorists overwhelm a border crossing and stsrt indiscriminately murdering civilians, then carry their mutilated bodies around as literal flags as they celebrate the murder in the street

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Why the fuck did it take 3 years forthis to happen? That just a ridiculously slow process after someone aided a coup attempt in broad daylight and lied on national TV about an election being stolen.

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Punitive reprisals to... The open declaration of war Hamas made today?

Who in their right mind expects a country to supply power to the country that literally just attacked them?

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We desperately need laws to regulate these kinds of privacy policies/user agreements. The VAST majority are way too long and complicated for a normal person to actually understand, let alone read. We need to limit what companies can/can't do with them instead of letting them do whatever they want to.

We also need a law that prevents them from changing the terms of service on a product someone has been using, then locking them out of it if they don't agree to the new terms.

I think they're just brainwashed by our capitalist system which says that if a person is wealthy it's because they worked for it and we're successful. We are indoctrinated from very young ages to believe that capitalism is a strict meritocracy where only the best, most intelligent, most deserving people become wealthy.

In reality most wealthy people inherited some or most of their wealth, and used that inherited wealth to create more wealth- because it turns out that once you are wealthy it's really easy to get more wealthy. They aren't wealthy because they are skillful or intelligent or good at business. Most of them are good at precisely one thing: giving some of their money to a professional who knows how to grow it so that they will never run out.

Then they throw money at whatever catches their eye, and when you have billions to throw around you can cast a very wide net that will almost certainly catch something.

OK, then why fucking make them? Aren't games supposed to be fun?

This whole genre really bugs me, and I'm someone who LOVES space games. The best game in the genre IMO is elite dangerous, because their ship to ship combat is so damn fun to play that I can hop in for a bit and have a blast without having to engage with the other systems that are often painfully boring.

The problem here is that people what the feeling of being explorers and finding new things, but video games inherently can't provide that. There aren't computers strong enough to produce thousands or millions of planets that all have genuinely interesting features on them that are worth exploring for. "Exploration" in current space Sims is basically "stick your name on something someone else hasn't already stuck their name on, maybe grab some resources from it, and leave." That gets dull very fast.

Developers COULD choose instead to make a couple of good, big planets that are interesting and full of actually good content. They could give you a reason to explore beyond "look other planets cool."

If you made 1000 planets and only 10 of them are at all interesting, and your game is centered on exploring other planets and not really focussed on much else, you've made a boring game.

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It pisses me off that 6 ultra-wealthy people disappear in a sub that they got in FOR FUCKING FUN turns into an international story and caused taxpayer dollars from multiple countries to go into searching for them. Even though, once again, this was entirely optional for them and they knew the risks going in, and in fact paid for those risks. It's been the focus of a large part of the internet for 2 days now, and the news won't shut up about it.

Meanwhile, a boat carrying hundreds of migrants crashed 3 days ago, HUNDREDS of people are dead, and the news treats it as a footnote. It isn't getting talked about by half the threads on reddit and lemmy. Nobody is posting long, concerned posts about how it's "so awful" people are talking poorly about the migrants. Those people were trying to get a better life and they just get ignored, but some dude decides he wants to pay 500k to take his son to the fucking titanic because that seems cool and suddenly it's an I ternational search and rescue effort at the bottom of the goddamn ocean

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Hard disagree here. I'm a rabid wheel of time fan who has read the books at least 6 times.

Ir would be downright impossible to "stick to the source" for book one (or really, any if them) and have it be good on film. It just wouldn't work on film, there is too much going on. The story would feel like it drags and is being forcefully stretched out, because the book is rather repetitive. That repetition works in a book because you are getting to read the characters inner thoughts, and in paper it adds tension that, for example, Rand and Mat are unsure whether the next place they stay will be full of dark friends.

But after the third time they get chased out by dark friends a TV audience would be like "OK they did this already get on with it." Repetition on TV gets boring FAST.

And the magic system is all kinds of messy in the books. They're diving into it a bit more now, but it's still got Tobe simplified for screen. You can't convey characters thoughts on screen, which basically neuters the whole system. The book is VERY exposition heavy, and that gets boring real quick on screen. Look at the LOTR theatrical VS extended editions. There is a reason that Bilbo talking about Hobbits at the beginning got cut. I like that scene, but it also is too much exposition to drop on the viewer right after the intro, which is also exposition. EOTW is like half exposition, and most of the books are at least a third exposition. That all has to get cut or reworked to be actually fun to watch without being super preachy. It's

Listen to Brandon Sanderson talking about the adaptation of Mistborm he has been working in for ages now. He has said that he had to make big, fundamental changes to the characters and story to make it work on film. He said his first draft was closest to the book, and that it was quite bad.

The biggest fuckup season 1 of the show did was not including the prologue. Idk why they cut it, it's such a good intro. Besides that, I thought they did alright. Season two has been much better so far, and has shown that they really do understand the core of this story and all of the characters in it.

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Also I'd argue that none of this really matters because language doesn't follow an absolute set of rules. Language is how people use it. If people start using a word to mean so thing it take son that meaning, it doesn't matter if the word makes sense in relation to other words.

A word for something isn't a 100% accurate description of that thing and it never has been. It doesn't matter that a peanut isn't technically a nut, we call it a peanut. Everyone understands that it's a peanut. If you walk up to someone on the street and say "do you know where I can buy some peanuts" they will understand what you are saying with no problems at all.

We spend way too much time arguing over the "right" and "wrong" uses of words. There is no such thing really. Words don't determine their own meaning, people determine that meaning, and if enough people can regocnize a words meaning immediately when they hear it then it is a word with a valid definition. It doesn't matter if the word is contradictory to the way other similar words work, because language isn't defined like that.

Ironically this whole stupid "homophobic peoe aren't scared of gay people" actually proves that the person making that claim does acknoedge that the word homophobia is linguistically valid, because they are acknowledging that it's understood definition differs from what you would expect if you strictly read the word literally

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Adobe Acrobat. I have tried at least 5 other PDF readers and editors for windows, and none of them are remotely close. Either they don't have any document editing at all and are just PDF readers, or their editing capabilities are VERY clunky, not feature rich, or just don't work.

I haven't ever found another program that let's me directly edit text in a PDF that already exists.

I don't need to edit PDFs much but when I do it's usually quite important, and Adobe is by far the easiest and quickest to do it in.

I hate that that's the case, because I really don't like Adobe as a company and would rather not have to use their software, but there it is.

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Appendices to LOTR*

They legally cannot use the silmarillion

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If premium cost $5per month I'd pay for it, u use YouTube all the time

No way in hell it's worth $15 a month though, their pricing is completely brwindead

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Why are you assuming that men who can't get matched are automatically creeps? That's not at all a good assumption, and is a BIG part of the problem with tinder.

Back before I met my now fiancee, I never got tinder matches. I only got matches on OKCupid, back when you were allowed to message people before matching with them. That's how I met my now fiancee, too.

Tinder is incredibly toxic by design and is designed to damage people's mental health. They've taken dating, something that requires a lot of human interaction, and reduced it to a literal slot machine which tinder can rig however they want. They've reduced finding a partner to "does this person look attractive to you?" which is NOT how dating works IRL. I know a lot of people who met their partners IRL and were not attracted to them until they started getting to know each other as friends, then fell for each other.

Tinder not only exploits the problematic beauty standards in our society, but actively makes them worse. If you're not getting matches you feel unattractive, because every piece of feedback the app gives you says you are. It doesn't matter how charismatic or interesting you are, it doesn't matter how much you and a potential match may have in common, all that matters is the pictures you put up, and maybe the first sentence or two of your bio.

The whole system is designed to make people using it feel desperate, men and women both, and this $500 to message first thing is incredibly scummy. They suck you in, kill your self confidence, depress you, then offer you what seems like a lifeline.

This is like a casino offering you a slot machine with a 50% higher win rate for a monthly subscription.

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The racism is so blatant. Idk how this isn't a civil rights lawsuit already, the whole situation is utterly ridiculous.

My fiancee and I both got artificial sapphires in our engagement rings.

Real ones were nearly double the price.

You wouldn't know they're lab grown. They look great.

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The thing is that according to liberal ideas, the economy IS doing great.

Anyone to the left of Joe Biden recognizes that it isn't, but liberals are the majority of the democratic party. To them the "traditional" economic markers are the most important things to track, and those numbers all look good.

"Liberal" economic ideas have nothing to do with the living conditions of the average person, they have everything to do with the capitalist class being happy and "opportunity" being available to the working class. That's why the economy in the 1910s could be described as healthy even though people were literally forced to live in tenement houses and were being locked into factories. That's also why many liberal economists say that it's possible for unemployment to get too low, because apparently that's considered bad.

The question Joe Biden is answering when he says the economy is doing well is "are the capitalists happy and continuing to expand capitalism to extract as much wealth as possible from the working class," and right now that answer is clearly yes.

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The pentagon would not survive an audit. It's unfathomable that with $800 billion they can't afford to replenish ammunition supplies.

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I think it's a cost thing. It's cheaper to get these blue LEDs than the old, dimmer green ones, so they buy these instead and change nothing else. It would cost money to change the resistor value, so they don't bother. Instead they take the same boad, stick the new LED on it, and ship it that way.

I disagree with this take. I live in NOVA. What happened in the last gubernatorial race was that the democrats ran the worst campaign I have ever seen. It was so bad that democratic turnout wasn't high enough to beat the Republicans. That's it.

If they democrats had run a halfway competent campaign then they would have handily won.

I disagree.

Twitter was one of the largest social media platforms on the planet, and was especially huge in the US. Before Musk bought it it didn't show any signs of failure. It lasted over a decade, and had enough reach that I think it made a lot of sense for things like emergency alerts, government officials, etc. to use it as one means, even a main means, of disseminating information. It was really effective at that until what, a year ago?

I don't think anyone really predicted Elon Musk buying Twitter and running it into the ground within a year. Yes, it was hypothetically possible in our capitalist system, but there was no indication that it would until Elon made a joking tweet.

Because of how the modern internet has organized itself, it was inevitable that critical systems would utilize Twitter for it's reach.

I think you're applying hindsight and expecting people to have made decisions based on events that hadn't happened yet. Before musk bought Twitter it wasn't at all unreasonable for people to rely on it for information from government officials because it was the format millions of people were accustomed to receiving that information in every day.

I would argue that if there's a product that nobody knows exist that's not necessarily because we need to allow constant intrusive ads, and more indicative that people don't actually need the product.

I want to say that in any given day, 60% of the ads I see are from big, well known companies who don't need me to see them to know they exist. Shit like Liberty Mutual (I swear I see more of their ads than anyone else and THEY ARE ALREADY MY INSURANCE PROVIDER), Coke, Pepsi, etc. 39.9% of the remaining 40% are advertisements for shit that I just don't care about. I don't care about the newest tech toys. I don't care about the newest car mods, or random shit I can put on my desk, or stupid extra kitchen gadgets. Fully 40% of the ads I see are trying to convince me that I should buy a product that I straight up don't need because the ad looked cool. Why should those ads be allowed to exist? Why should I be constantly bombarded with ads for services that I either already know plenty about or for things that are trying to manufacture a reason for their existence?

Only about 0.5% of the ads I see are actually for things I did know know about and that seem useful to me, or like something I would like. Probably even less than that, I'm drunk rn and estimating.

No, you just heavily implied it. If you didn't mean to then you need to edit you comment. And I laid out how I clearly disagree with the idea that this is "aimed at creeps," because it's aimed at people who have been made desperate by the predatory nature of Tinder's algorithm. Desperation doesn't necessarily make someone creepy, but it does make Tinder a lot of money.

Also, why are you making it seem like someone sending a message to someone else on a dating app is somehow a kind of, like, assault? You're using very aggressive language to describe normal behavior by people trying to date, AKA talking to other people who they may be interested in

It also helps that they are essentially a monopoly.

I know that there are technically other game launchers, but that's always been how monopolies work. They allow a few token "competitors" that they completely control to exist.

Other than steam the only other gamelaunchers/storefronts for pc are:

  • EA (Only has EA games in it, which are mostly also on steam)

  • Ubisoft (Only has Ubisoft games, also mostly all on steam)

  • Epic Games (the only true competitor to steam, and everyone hates them because they aren't steam)

  • GOG (storefront only, I'm pretty sure they literally give you steam keys)

Only ONE of them is a true competitor to steam, Epic Games, and they don't have anywhere close to the usage steam does. The others are exclusive storefronts (that also have their games sold on steam) or storefronts that sell steam keys.

Steam is so deeply ingrained into the PC gaming space that I'm not sure most gamers understand how devastating it would be to get banned from steam or to have steam go under as a company. Their terms of service in relation to your "ownership" of games are a nightmare, if you get banned from steam your entire library disappears. Poof. Gone. Unrecoverable.

If there were actual alternatives to steam andiwere able to untie my library from them then I would do so in a heartbeat, but as it is my entire games library is trapped in steam and there isn't really anyway to retrieve it without having multiple terabytes of storage space ready to just hold all of those games at the same time.

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I think instance owners need to be able to block specific communities in other instances instance-wide.

So, if wants to block c/the Donald! they should be able to block that community for all users of, but not the rest of the sh.itjust works instance.

Best of both worlds IMO

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