merde alors

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Joined 1 years ago


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mapping and geolocation services link converter

how long did he study this expression in front of the mirror, i wonder

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no, thank you?

We will ask for your consent to implement Microsoft Clarity when you receive results from Microsoft Bing. Microsoft Clarity captures how you interact with our website through behavioral metrics in individual search sessions and is not tied to a user profile. The information is used for site and advertising optimization, as well as fraud protection. For more information about how Microsoft collects and uses your data, visit Microsoft’s privacy statement and Microsoft Clarity documentation.

Microsoft Bing does also offer personalized search results and ads. This service requires a cookie to be set on your browser which creates a personal profile. We will ask for your consent before enabling this and you can change your choice at any time in your cookie preferences.

Internally, we anonymize your IP address after a maximum of 7 days. Microsoft will anonymize your IP address after 6 months, and if you consent to receive Google search results, your IP address will be anonymized after 9 months. For more information on how our search partners handle your data, please see their privacy statements linked below.

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the fact that "the phone wasn't locked" surprised me more than its surviving the fall 🙃 then i realized the discrepancy. i should stop reading posts in privacy communities 🙂

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Broadly, the DMA is the EU’s attempt to rein in the market power of Big Tech by opening up entrenched platforms and curbing ecosystem lock-in and anti-competitive behavior, making them compete on the merits of their products and services alone. Major messaging apps will have an obligation to make themselves interoperable with competitors, for example, while operating systems will need to be designed to offer third-party app stores and allow developers to offer alternative in-app payment options.

in France, we've been using it for years now and it works fine

its efficiency may depend on the number of volunteers that map a country and France seems to be in top 3. That may explain why it works here

this is more ghoulish 👉

look at her! She is happy and proud

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hello fellow lemming,

i'm sharing an article that i thought is interesting, on a related community.

i quoted a paragraph from the article, i am not asking a question.

sharing an article won't even necessarily mean that i agree with it.

only those who care about "clicks" blame others for doing things for clicks. I don't give a damn about clicks.

what the fuck is wrong with you?!

We use the word vegetarian to mean that we don't eat animals. Fish is an animal.<br> we, vegetarians, don't eat fish and "vegetarian" is a useful word to mean exactly that.<br> we don't stop using precise words just because "fewer people know that word"! What kind of a reasoning is this 🤦

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lots of people will comment about organic maps

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fuck the morality police!

just imagine the face of "Alex the Uzbek" while he is watching the manChild pry open the floorboards, knowing that he should stop the maniac and calculating that he shouldn't stop the second richest man in the world 🤣

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Monty Python and the Holy Grail

all hope is lost, the rabbit is massacring our heroes "and something happens"

isn't the title misleading?

tiktok isn't banned in france. Paris is trying to reimpose itself on New Caledonia by all means. A correct title would be: Tiktok ban in New Caledonia makes VPN usage soar

it's probably temporary. Either they go free and tiktok is back, or Paris regains control and tiktok is back 🤷

New Caledonia riots: parts of territory ‘out of state control’, French representative says

We will fight until Kanaky is free’: how New Caledonia caught fire

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fuck spez!

think about it. Even online, where there are all kinds of stupid misinformation, you couldn't find any info to back your claim.

maybe she's right and she loves you enough to threaten you to do something good for your health

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fuck spez

Reddit, Facebook, Instagram, etc are extremely Left

i assume you are American. Only in the awkward U.S. paradigm can somebody think of these platforms as "extremely left" 🤦

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now install Droid-ify from Fdroid and you can uninstall Fdroid 😁

once you're on Droid-ify enable repos from Izzy, divestOs, newpipe, cromite, &c

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why are they promoting Vivaldi alongside Firefox?

Why is Vivaldi a good browser?

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If you're still on Xitter, you're part of the problem.

why is this downVoted?

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i don't know how anonymous it is, but there's GMaps WV

i use organic maps and keep that 👆 installed for occasional satellite images

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this is useless unless you can copy/paste or autofill your passwords

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all trains, even the speed trains, in france run on electricity for who knows how many decades.

same trains go to great Britain, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany and maybe some other countries too.

source of the electricity is debatable though. France produces a great majority of its electricity from nuclear since the ww2 trauma.

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i remember reading on lemmy about how on mastodon (like <s>twitter</s>) you follow people (or organizations) and on lemmy (like on deadDit) you follow subjects. I thought it was spot-on

many people buy oogle Pixel to use it with GrapheneOS. It doesn't sound silly at all

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Organic Maps and F-Droid

In solidarity with the right of the Palestinian people No to genocide in Gaza.... No to the killing of civilians No to targeting hospitals and schools.... No to misleading and double standards Stop the war....and spread just and comprehensive peace

i can't see anything disagreeable in that message but i'm sure some would be against that message too 🤷

i remember the fall of Berlin wall, i was very young but i do remember. I remember the end of that either/or era

i remember internet going global and accessible. I remember the early internet that was about information wanting to be shared. Not the internet of globalSupermarket + + selfie

i remember discovering new and exciting sounds that weren't possible before sampler/sequencers

i remember scandals that actually ended political careers. I remember people disagreeing because their ideas of a better world was different and not because they hated people who think differently

it wasn't "still bad then", there was a sense of things getting "better". Can we say the same thing today? Who thinks the world will be a better place in 5 years or 10?

How long before I can fuck it?

be careful what you wish for

☞ EFF / Surveillance Self-Defense / Attending a Protest

once you complete every quest on your commute, what do you do?

parallel streets ✅

and then?

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"Some will welcome anything that makes him look even a little bit more criminal as a confirmation that sooner or later he is going to prison. The accused may be innocent until a plea or a jury says otherwise but mug shots can have a way of conveying guilt."

from the same page

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it's not only not open source, but it has trackers too. iirc it was phoning Facebook when i decided to search for other apps

Feels like that's either a luxury for rich people or one tiny benefit for people with lower demand jobs who are done with the job when they leave the office

what do you mean by "lower demand jobs who are done with the job when they leave the office"?

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