1 Post – 350 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Just some IT guy

At least in the EU USB-C is only the standard by 2nd degree, the actual mandatory connector is whatever connector the industry consortium decides on. For now it just happens to be USB-C

Compromise: Develop it as a Plugin and then install it by default. That way people who don't want the feature can easily remove it completely. That approach would likely also reduce the number of Firefox forks whose sole purpose is to remove the new features some consider bloat.

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Knowing some of the fucks in the EU parliament it certainly won't stop them from trying. It is very reassuring to know that the courts are aware of what fuckery some of the politicians are trying to pull and are actively moving to prevent the abuse from happening.

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Tell me again why these hacks get paid so much for "taking risks" when they never end up being fired? I have not seen a single CEO officially fired from a company for driving it into the ground. They always "choose" to retire after fucking up the entire thing and collect a fat paycheck for doing so.

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I actually bought some games on Steam I already owned on other launchers because while I could set them up via Lutris or the like just hitting "Play" is so much easier it's unreal. Valve is doing so much to make Linux game as comfortable as possible I don't even remotely consider buying from anyone else because there it's a pain in the ass just to get the game running once, never mind keeping it running through updates

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is it just an installer or something?

It's a compressed installer to be precise. Usually crackers only put up the patch files, which is pretty useless for anybody wanting to pirate a game. Fitgirl repackages (and compresses) the game files together with the crack patches into a cracked installer, hence "repack".

And if you imported the game into steam for example can you be “banned” or VAT (idr the term)

Nope, though it will look funny in your Steam Status there is nothing to worry about. After all for all Valve knows you could be using a renamed version of a legitimate App, for non-steam entries in steam only the .exe name is known, nothing else.

Just a word of warning: be careful when torrenting the games, while Valve will not ban you for using them game publishers are known to sue when catching you torrenting them (usually the upload part in the torrent is what gets people but the downloading is not 100% safe either). You should definitely look into how to safely torrent stuff before committing to it in order to avoid any nasty cease-and-desist letters flying in your door.

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Let's appreciate the insanity of opening factories in countries with some of the best unions and laws supporting unions and then doing a pikachu face when those unions go and decide to bust your kneecaps for essentially abusing the workers... Elon why did you even open a factory in sweden? It was obvious from the beginning this would happen.

Also the reason why every company that is consistently 'good' is run privately. If you answer to nobody but yourself you have a lot more room for long term plans

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Wait so the malware won't even need a rootkit first? Damn this is worse than I thought...

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I suspect they skipped checking who controls that domain at the time and just saw that it would make for a good name. Not good practice but I can see how that happened.

The only shame here is that there is no way for an instance to "prove" it is the successor to a defunct domain.

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I am so glad shit like this is covered by refund policies and consumer protection laws. Gotta check my library for any Capcom games because fuck them for pulling shady shit like this.

It seems the only big developer (well not really anymore) who got the message about Piracy is Steam itself. Everyone else just kinda missed the point entirely.

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Most Publishers in any Industry are a cancer on society. Cramming DRM in where they can while scalping both customers and creators whilst gaslighting both into believing continuing to shovel money to their overpriced services is in their best interest.

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From my personal experience running GitLab and Forgejo (Gitea Drop-In replacement/Fork):

  • Gitea/Forgejo is easier to get running
  • UI is less bloated/faster
  • GitLab redesigned their UI and imo it's shit now
  • No features locked behind a "Pro" Version (Pull or Bidirectional mirrors are for example unavailable on GitLab self-hosted unless you shell out for premium)
  • Gitea Actions is a lot more intuitive than GitLab CI, this is likely personal preference but it's still an important factor
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Kakao nuked the official Tachiyomi Extension repo because they "infringe on their copyright".

The Extension repo does not and never has offered copyrighted material, it merely facilitated access to sites that do within Tachiyomi. Essentially it was a collection of hyper specific Browsers. The repo is gone, the extensions are not (they are now in a different repo provided by a user). Tachiyomi itself allows for 3rd party repos now and everyone is mad at Kakao for making the App less usable.

One thing I always find curious is these "rights holders" assuming a 100% sales conversion from piracy when, in reality, it's probably closer to 1-10%

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I'll try to summarize:

  • Gitea is managed by a For-Profit that apparently popped out of nowhere -> profit motive conflicts directly with FOSS and since the corp isn't well known it must be assumed acquisition was solely to make money
  • Gitea now requires Copyright attribution, meaning if you push code to Gitea in an existing file it ain't your code anymore -> omega level oof for a FOSS project because this essentially kills any upstream contributing (as seen by Forgejo deciding to stop their contributions)
  • This Cloud Service being offered when Self-Hosting Gitea is really easy, again -> profit motive conflicts with FOSS but now on steroids because a "core" feature of their service will limit their ability to make more money
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I think the key part here is how every step of the way they just ignored the textbook on how to do this ethically.

For starters the implant caused bleeding in the female monkey, that should have been caught way earlier by the staff, and the experiment consequently aborted. If you go a step further and extrapolate here you can start to suspect that they didn't even do the basics and likely skipped non animal testing on the compatibility of the implant with brain matter.

This reads as if they used animal testing in place of simulated prototyping which is absolutely not how this is supposed to be done. Animal testing is that last step when you're 98% there already, not if you're just finished with the prototype.

We can grow cells in the lab, so what they should have done is test this implant on artificially grown brain matter in the lab, that would have shown them that the implant harm the attached brain without actually harming any living animal.

On another note this will make for an easy comparison of Denuvo ridden game vs Denuvo removed. The Day 1 Patch bringing some Fixes and Performance gains would muddy the results a bit but I think it's still a good idea to have a test like that. If the rumors/speculation about Denuvos performance impact are true I doubt even a Day 1 Patch would manage to balance out the performance difference.

Absolutely true. I remember every YouTuber and their mother shilling out for LastPass a few years back. Now that their reputstion is kind of in the dumps after several "noncritical" hacks I see those same YouTubers shilling out for Dashlane.

It just gets worse if you try to think of any serious sponsorship program by companies that are, to date, trustworthy. There are none because they don't need them. Word of mouth is good enough for them because the customers they have will stay being customers for a long time. Long enough that they bring in more people just by being happy about the service.

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For me anything "private" just means you can't buy shares publicly. Worker cooperatives would be included in that (since you need to be a worker to own a "share")

Nope they are only using API's from the various hosting sources. That's what makes this request so blatantly fraudulent. For all intents and purposes Tachiyomi is just a Browser specialized for Manga

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This read more like a "We did nothing wrong. And what we did do wrong we already discovered ourselves and have been working to improve. And those self improvements are not showing an effect because we just need more time. But I promise we try to be better. Please just ignore that the quality hasn't improved recently and believe me." than a "We done fucked up, gonna have to see how to fix this. Will report back with an action plan to make sure this doesn't happen again once we have it laid out"

Very disappointed in Linus here, haven't been watching them recently but it's sad to see him fall to what seems to be greed.

It sort of is an optimization problem though because excess textures and audio files could be separated off into their own DLC packages (see Age of Empire II High-Res texture DLC and Steam's Language Selection feature)

The really big problem is people being riddled with 4K textures on 1080p monitors and 20 audio tracks for different languages when they only need one.

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they smoked their own supply is how. The management team ate the legal departments bs about how they are fighting a righteous cause here.

If the Tachiyomi devs don't reverse this somehow (which seems unlikely given what I've read about past cases of this, custom repo it is I guess) they probably just killed the app. Ubless you are aware of how to get Mangadex and bato back Tachiyomi is now a worse option than even just using your browser again for most people.

Seems like the devs even folded like wet noodles wgen they had (to my knowledge) risk free options of at least attempting to prevent this, such as demanding the dmca to be filed with GitHub (saved youtube-dl for example since their repo got reinstated after Google withdrew their claim)

This sort of non-reaction is just asking for the wolves to tear the project apart, after this any copyright holder with no leg to stand on will file claims agaonst Tachiyomi for whatever sources remain. Because why shouldn't they? It's a 100% success rate and they don't even risk anything (illegally) abusing DMCA with people like this at the helm of the project.

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because you're not "allowed" (in some places you are) to copy stuff you paid for.

It's the admins/lemmy devs, didn't really expect anything else from them.

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absolute legend

Big Fan of AMD seemingly going down the same route as with AM4 when it comes to longevity of AM5 (though only time will tell to which extent truly)

However I feel like they're watering down the meaning of their chipsets. The regular old X870 chipsets has the exact same PCIe lane spec as B650E which just seems like a weird downgrade in an upgrade to me. On one hand the chipset has more PCIe 5 lanes than X670 but with it having 8 less lanes in total I think X670 would still be the more attractive option in a lot of cases. A similar problem with X870E imo where the only distinguishing factor from X670E is the USB4 support, like seriously this is not going to be competitive. People will just pick up an X670E motherboard for cheaper.

Mandatory USB4 is an up but I feel like the motherboard manufacturers and vendors are not happy at all with these specifications, it will make it extremely difficult to up-sell customers to the new and "better" chipsets

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According to your example anyone with a Download rate below 3.5MB/s would still benefit from the compression. The 4-8x is also a lot of BS, assuming 10MB/s you'd be looking at 3x. For 4-8x you'd need 12-24MB/s. It's pretty ignorant to assume those speeds are common, let alone the standard for most people.

Besides what kind of potato CPU do you have that it takes 1.5hrs to decompress a 56GB repack? A quad core from 2013? That's about how long it takes to compress that amount of data to that extent, decompression is usually a lot faster.

Edit: looking at your screenshot instead of just the text, my quad core assumption was right on the mark.

Pretty, hypocritical to assume metropolitan internet speeds paired with a potato PC to make your point seem better than it is no?

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Essentially Kakao Entertainment abused DMCA to get all extensions removed despite the Extensions themselves not containing any DMCA material. What allowed this to spiral so out of control (it started out with only, Mangadex and Kissmanga being removed) was that the Tachiyomi devs have absolutely 0 spine and 0 will to prevent DMCA abuse. They just folded at the requests immediately without any sort objection or demand to go through GitHub instead (this approach in particular has worked in warding off false DMCA claims because that way the corporations have to somewhat publicly press their illegitimate claim, worked wonders for youtube-dl afaik)

Stellaris is also almost 10 years old with an engine that is, by admission of the devs, coded into a dead end. They customized an older version of it too much and now they can't get the performance improvements from the newer engine versions into the game.

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Unlike human eyes Tesla's inconveniently do not come with a supercomputer installed that is able to interpret the optical data reliably. With the compute power we have available Radar based navigation is the only one that produces reliably safe results.

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If a union isn't needed form one anyway, now you only have to do the contract negotiations once instead of doing the same shtick of "This is the payraise I can offer you, please sign if you are fine with that". There is literally no downside to having a union anyway if you are of the opinion your employees don't need one.

Now if you actually think a union would harm you as a business owner that equation changes and you have every incentive to invent reasons why a union is unnecessary anyway and how unions only exist in companies with crap working conditions. (Cannot speak for the US but at least here some of the best companies are well regarded by employees because of the union, not despite of it.)

Imo they're really poisoning the well. If they pump out shit show after shit show what will happen (and is likely already happening) is consumers wait until the second season for a show releases to make sure they're not wasting their time getting invested into a show that will be canceled anyway. That will then lead to fewer and fewer shows actually becoming successful, eventually leading to people cancelling the subscription because the last time they watched anything (good) on Netflix was 10 years ago.

and before you know it, they’ll take your blue iMessage bubble too

Nobody tell this guy what the EU's Digital Markets Act means for Apple and iMessage...

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That is one awesome set of new features

Before the new CEO or whoever managed to get a hold of the situation Linus posted the equivalent of a temper tantrum as an "apology" on the forums. This "apology" featured bangers such as (direct quotes) "We didn't 'sell' the monoblock, but rather auctioned it", "If you haven't seen the improvement, frankly I wonder if you're even looking for it", "I still disagree the Billet Labs video (...) is an 'accuracy' issue. It's more like I just read the room wrong. We could have retested with perfect accuracy, but [... goes on to bash the Product again for alledgedly being unusable even if properly handled. His Source: trust me bro]".

Tantrum can be found in full here:

that's why I put the "choose" into air quotes. It's bs, anybody with a bit of info about the matter knows it but he still gets to cash out his boni because he has not been technically fired for crashing the company's future

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CDN services certainly but not DNS, we're all profitting from Cloudflare & Co having fully automated DNS because that is the sole fact currently holding back court ordered DNS blocks on a large scale.

The DNS Providers do not discriminate and that fact guarantees them (largely) not being forced to discriminate. Not interfering with anyone's DNS is the most Cloudflare can do for the piracy community because it ensures Publishers can't just send an angry email to get a DNS block