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Fun fact, a group I knew in uni made an end to end encryption program that sent messages through Google more than a decade ago and Google got really, really mad at them threatening to shut down all Google accounts associated with all IP addresses they used.

Guarantee it's not fully E2E.

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But surely meta has good intentions and we should totally trust them guys!!1!

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Shouldn't scab then.

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Sir Terry Pratchett.

A phenomenal author whose ability to weave a story is fantastic, but was also adept at writing in jokes and references that make re-reading the novels a delight.

Google: wants to push their browser based DRM, to which they would inevitably be the ultimate controller of, in the name of "safety".

Also Google: intentionally kneecaps the existing certificate system which is the main safety system of the web.

Gee, I wonder if the two are connected.

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My bet:

He'll come out and say that "they won't even let me take the stand at my own trial, rigged!"

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This is most likely from the current trend of wealthy foreign students teaching each other that the food bank concept exists in Canada. MS AI made this most likely from various social media posts telling each other how to abuse it.

There are innumerable accounts of young adults driving up in fancy cars, going into the food bank, leaving with armloads of goods then immediately throwing away everything they don't want.

It's a major issue for the Canadian food banks since they are not allowed to turn anyone away.

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Yes, and famously the ancient Egyptians used steam power for religious trickery and to open a pair of doors to one of their temples.

The trick is that without much better metallurgy and pipework, it wasn't possible to create the kind of high pressure needed for a steam engine.

Same thing goes for evolution. The rough concept had been around for a while; it took until "deep time"(earth being billions of years old) was proven that we knew that life actually had the kind of time needed to evolve.

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Also, cynically:
Swift is savvy enough to know she can enjoy the free PR.
The NFL has realized they can use her presence to sell their game to a generation of women.

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What do you expect from the lawyer who befriended a sexual assault victim, convinced to to drop her existing lawyer for her, then had the victim sign an NDA and accept a pittance sum for suffering through years of sexual abuse. At one of Trump's golf courses.

Then turned around to Trump and said "look what I did for you". Which is how she got the current job.

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Her business move to re-record her old album supposedly had the music industry looking into amending all of their contracts. A lot of living older artists could do it and free their art from the claws of MBA grads.

Covid. And Swine Flu. And Bird Flu.

that's just the last 20 years.

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*For a pittance of their master's money.

Because the US has never had a former president get caught so badly and there isn't precedent for this.

Particularly in that he's running for president again, is the presumptive GOP nominee based on poll data, and the Supreme Court is functionally in his pocket.

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There's one I saw yesterday where the prompt was a Bugatti and some other supercar in a steampunk style.

The AI just threw back a silver and gold Arkham series Batmobile.

Edit: Because it's fun, I tested Bing's image generator. They auto block on the word Disney, (e.g. a mouse in the style of Walt Disney)
But they allow "a mouse in the style of Steamboat Willie."

Also I think Dall-e is being used to make prodigious amounts of porn. Pretty much anything I tried with the word "woman" gets content blocked in Bing. "Woman eating fried chicken" is blocked. Not blocked for "Man eating fried chicken."

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Yay, does this mean that Google is going to stop saying the masked email address is the sender and hide the true email address?

You know, like MS has done for over 15 years now?

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Well clearly Google knows. Or is at least pretending to know.

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Didn't say they couldn't afford them. They didn't want to pay that expense

Well there is that Hasbro fired all of the Wotc team that helped Larian make BG3.

Kind of makes you salty.

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A maga movement to seize power and turn the US into a theocratic dictatorship.

"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed."

As written, the right to bear arms only applies to people who are in a well regulated militia.

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Yeah, the west coast can get brutal.

E.G. I know a park that has a standing rule that all visitors hiking north (aka up until the wild) should sign in and out, and that search and rescue will be called on any cars left in the parking lot at night.

Not the police. Search and rescue.

Because if you go off the trails you can literally walk off a cliff because the underbrush is so thick.

Well yeah, they show that you can put makeup on and not look like a complete idiot.

And that whole thing like Gulliani leaking black fluid down his face.

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They were lamenting that all of the team at Hasbro-Wotc that they worked with on BG3 was laid off.

Not that Hasbro caused layoffs at Larian.

No, McCarthy did not cooperate with the Democrats.

• He and the GOP hammered out a deal with Biden months ago that would have avoided all this mess. He didn't even let that get voted on. It would have, at any point, completely prevented this, and when Gaetz pulled this stunt it would have backfired completely because the Dems would have supported him.

• The first "compromise" bill he tried to ram through had a number of completely insane GOP riders in it, and he tried to prevent the Democrats from merely reading what they were voting on.

• The second one, likewise, had the insane concept of stripping out Ukraine funding, with the Dems again stalling just to be able to read the damn thing before they voted on it.

Then, after being fucking saved by the Democratic members of congress, he has the gall to run to the news networks and decry them as trying to shut down the government.

The crazy thing is why the hell did he or any of his people think that the Dems would deign to support him after he screwed them over multiple times.

He damn well made his bed, and now he's sleeping in it.

Ah, DRM for your photos.


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A lot of the democrats aren't even good politicians, they're just less corrupt than the GOP so they have to do.

This. If you like the mechanics of bg3, go play Divinity Original Sin 2. It has a lot of the same enhancements that Larian added to dnd for BG3. Including more comprehensive elemental fields and height mechanics.

And it has a great modding community.

The sad part about Larian and BG3 is I was hoping for a definitive edition that gave Karlach her good ending.

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Morrowind was utterly amazing and set up bars that are still being look at two decades later.

For starters, only the Rimworld engine gets close to how moddable the creation engine is. It truly is a masterpiece of design.

Then, as cheesy as it is, for an Open world sandbox RPG with a quest line.

But they've been riding that gravy train for 20 years too, and all they really did was jam in graphical improvements, add increasingly barebones action elements(sword/gunplay) and rip out RPG elements.

They don't care. They think once the initial build is complete you only need junior devs to maintain.

Maybe more relation than you might think.
The southern border states rely on illegal immigration for cheap labour to suppress wages of citizens.

It was proven that transmission of swine flu to humans was possible in a study in Iowa in 2004. The same year that transmission to humans actually happened in the wild in China.

Oh look the studios are trying to make the actors and writers into the bad guys again.

Apparently even Valve's lawyers don't like dealing with Nintendo's lawyers.

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This started as a joke on Reddit, making fun of landlords.

Seriously, how many people here are old enough to know what game that's goddamn from.

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Time to make a lot of wandering dwarf bots on reddit to make variations of various game phrases all over, so the LLM based bots just spout Rock And Stone and This is my favourite store on the Citadel?

Looking at the other articles on the site, I count one antivaxx and another that claims the newly elected fascist in Argentina is a "Libertarian".

Thanks for linking to a sane review.

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KeePass is a thing that exists and is fantastic.