Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle to – 595 points –
Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle

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Shouldn't scab then.

I'm glad you have that privilege. Some folks won't eat if they don't work. I support the union striking. I don't support making lives of low wage workers harder than it needs to be.

Again violence isn't ever acceptable but I understand the frustration of trying to get home just to pay rent. I would never fault someone for choosing a home and family over a union strike.

choosing home and family over a union strike.

Union strike IS for home and family. What do you think a strike is? Some frat boys protesting because someone dared them to do it?

Not everyone is a member of the union. Truckers are paid basically by speed, non-union members, especially hourly workers need to pay rent.

"not everyone is a member of a union"

Pretty weird that you have an automated answer for every comment without responding to any of the points being made.

I wonder why low wage workers have such low wages, Mr. Unions-shouldn't-strike-so-hard?

If only? There was a? Way? To?? Help raise? Wages?????

Makes u think

Real talk here, a lack of union power is why people have such shit wages and scabs just undermine union power more and keep wages low by letting companies ignore union demands.

I don't understand what is wrong with all you people. I made one minor single mention how I have empathy and you crazies start arguing random things I never said.

The problem is that you are giving empathy to the perpetrator of a vehicular assault, and not giving empathy to the workers on strike who are putting their livelihoods on the line to try and make a bunch of other people's lives better, even including the scabs who don't have the spine to join them.

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You speak of privilege when you're talking down to striking workers.

I forgive you, but please stop and rethink that sentence.

Can you point out where I spoke down about them? I fully support them except for this very specific issue. I'm just expressing my empathy for the low wage workers who don't really have a choice.

The only thing separating underpaid workers from union workers is the picket line.

If they want better conditions, create or join a union.

Yes its hard. Yes you'll be harassed, threatened and some even assaulted/killed.

But together, low paid workers can unionize and improve their life.

Yes you’ll be harassed, threatened and some even assaulted/killed.

Which is also how we know it is effective.

Not to mention that we have 8 hour workdays, weekends off, payed time off and other benefits all thanks to union efforts. All of them we take granted for. We shouldn't forget where they came from.

I feel like you're the one talking down here. Not everyone has the luxury of supporting the strike, they need to pay bills, and eat. If you can't support that, then your opinion is not one of relevance.

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