Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle to – 595 points –
Several injured after UAW strikers hit by vehicle

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I wonder why low wage workers have such low wages, Mr. Unions-shouldn't-strike-so-hard?

If only? There was a? Way? To?? Help raise? Wages?????

Makes u think

Real talk here, a lack of union power is why people have such shit wages and scabs just undermine union power more and keep wages low by letting companies ignore union demands.

I don't understand what is wrong with all you people. I made one minor single mention how I have empathy and you crazies start arguing random things I never said.

The problem is that you are giving empathy to the perpetrator of a vehicular assault, and not giving empathy to the workers on strike who are putting their livelihoods on the line to try and make a bunch of other people's lives better, even including the scabs who don't have the spine to join them.

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