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Joined 12 months ago

That was 15 years ago.

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So often it's waterfall planning and execution with agile names for roles and meetings.

Quite a common feature in Europe. Gives the animals safe passage over busy roads.

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The older I get the less I care about endless gameplay loops and carrot on a stick mechanics. A good story keeps me invested and caring about what happens on the screen. Games like God of War, Last of us, Witcher are gold standards when it comes to this. They are not movies on rails, they are engaging and interactive experiences like you can't find anywhere else and for this I will always love these types of games more than any other medium.

Edit: OP literally mentioned these games as examples lower down in the thread.

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Thanks MKBHD for not sucking corporate dick and actually showing issues with products and helping people make informed decisions on their purchases, right?

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Spain is sending aid to country that is defending itself against an agresor.

What the fuck is up with the comments in this post?

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One is mildly corrupt, the other is a mass murderer. The comparison is ridiculous.

Something that I don't quite understand about Spotify is why they had the amount of employees that they did in the first place. What were 9000 people doing for work on a music playing and recommendation website. I know they used to be highly innovative and disruptive a long time ago, but has that been the case in recent years? How were 9k people contributing to this already established web music app?

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There's something special about a game like red dead 2 or ghost of tsushima that makes you stop and just enjoy the scenery. Games with good graphics have their place, it's just that they need to also have all the other elements to be any good.

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They already had it and it was working just fine. They tore it down and went full coal and some gas. Now wind and solar are taking over slowly, but it's been years with more pollution and more radiation than any already working nuclear plant would have emmited.

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I just switched from Sync to Sync. The transition was bumpy but I'm still on Sync.

Even with good hearing you can fly consumer drones high enough that no one on the ground can hear them.

David Jaffe is unhappy that his generic revenge puddle of spit character has actually grown in depth and is truly interesting now.

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They are a monopoly because they've had the best product on the market consistently for 15 years. There used to be huge resistance to them and their drm from gamers, but they have shown over many years that they are trustworthy, unlike others that have tried this.

This is not an Apple or Google store situation where proper competition could not exist. They were always up against giants like Microsoft, EA, Ubisoft or more recently Epic.

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People can just say "I looked it up" or "searched", so if they specify the search engine, I assume they are trying to make a passing statement.

Pretty much all of Europe lists wood in exact size of the cut that you get. It sounds highly illegal to call it a 5x5cm piece of wood and sell some other random smaller size.

I never used the site but as far as I've seen, whenever you encounter an asshole the only option was to skip to the next person. Was there a report button? A voting system might have worked, where down voted people or bots would be isolated and excluded from the community.

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This exists in Sync for Lemmy. I couldn't live without it tbh.

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They are already half way there. File defaults often reset without an obvious reason. It's been happening since 10.

Potentially interesting threads are often empty. It's more like having 50k people in a metropolis and your going door to door to try to find them. Often they cluster around particularly popular spots and that's it. Most of them are ghosts - they don't post anything.

I know I'm going to get down voted for this but this would be almost impossible to fuck up with a gui. Yet people insist that writing commands manually is superior. I'm sorry for your loss.

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It's not even tech news, really. More like a service announcement only valid in the US.

It's been better since moving away from, then Sync being available also helped a lot. But unfortunately as many have noted already, this is not as easy to get into for more casual users so it's heavily biased towards tech topics and communities. Smaller communities will probably take a lot longer to take off if at all and I'm sad about that loss so far.

Have you watched the video? Consent was absolutely not given, he grabbed her head and kissed her on the lips. She kept smiling because they were in the middle of celebrating success and she just went with the moment instead of making a scene, but she clearly stated in the locker room on video that she didn't approve.

Yeah, it's basically bing with no Microsoft tracking. What the hell kind of timeline is this where bing is the best search engine?

In that time we've had new people come and experience a lack of apps, many that we do have today were still in the works a month or two ago. We've had performance issues, shitty Active sorting that still shows week old posts no matter how many times you refresh, we've had instances simply disappearing over night, we've had ddos attacks, we've had horrible content spam like CSAM and issues with extremism.

All of that with the cherry on top that signing up for Lemmy, understanding how it works and using it day to day is not as easy as a place like reddit. Who knows what the future holds for Lemmy.

The fuckcars community has their nose so far up their ass, they think any kind of personal transportation is the devils spawn and no amount of improvents will fix that. In their eyes, everyone should be forced to live in dense urban environments and ride some kind of shared public transportation everywhere.

There are good talking points in their propaganda, for sure, but just like everything today, the echo chamber is so strong, they are now extremists on the matter.

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Honestly the less you can live with the better. For me essentials are always ublock for ads, imagus for better image viewing while browsing and simple translate because I deal with a lot of languages. Also containers is useful for work.

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That hasn't really been my experience. The computers I own have had windows for multiple years. I tend to install it when first setting up and never again.

The work laptop has good specs but trash performance from day one that I got it. I had a laptop that I gave away that was much lower spec than the work laptop and it ran better in every way, probably because it had none of the bloat.

Windows in my opinion has huge issues in other areas but performance hasn't been one of them in the last 15 years for me, probably in part because I avoid running any heavy services in the background.

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What do you mean? What happened? Which Google product?

It's very confusing because there's settings for it in the apps, then there settings for it in your account and finally some instances don't even federate with NSFW content so you have to check at all 3 levels to get it working.

Kept having stability issues with the instances I joined. One of them even dissapeared completely (rip vlemmy). I ended up on a anarchy/piracy one and it's been the best experience so far.

They have in the past and then they decided, no, let's say it's too difficult and use it as one of the excuses to guarantee limited lifetime of a product.

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Tldw: Hank Green video.

Amen to this. OP if you focused on career and income by this point maybe you have some spare money to use on a personal fitness coach. They will help guide and motivate you which long term should help with all manner of issues you might be dealing with, from mental to health. Good luck. You can do it!

Apparently the bed bug issues are getting worse as they have become more resistant to insecticides as well over the years.

I'm sorry to be that guy but I'm genuinely curious. Source?

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That's a problem I notice with Lemmy. You can point search engines at specific instances but not all instances which makes finding content that's only present on Lemmy very difficult.

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Lately I seem to be collecting unfinished games. The very last game I finished was Cyberpunk 2077 and that was a few months ago, on patch 1.6 I think. I absolutely loved it and I'm definitely planning to buy the dlc and go through it again. I'm a sucker for good story and interactive experiences, couple that with the cyberpunk genre, this was the game of this year for me, no doubt.

This is dependent on where you live. For me it's handshakes for first meeting, hugs or waves after that, kisses for close friends.