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Because they aren't making much money? Considering this isn't based on profit but revenue, that's a pretty significant fine

Thinking that C# is just Unity is a MASSIVE disservice to C# and dotnet imo. Unity's usage of C# is really crummy, basically relegating a very powerful language to working as a weird scripting language.

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It's Linux though?

Damn, those silly volunteers are doing the wrong things in their free time!

I don't even want to imagine printing over wifi drivers..

A serious desktop got serious developers who are seriously serious about their serioucity

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Admins can see literally everything. If you can see it (from your end, like whether you've upvoted something), it has to be stored somewhere and of course the server owners can see it

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This doesn't prove anything? I mean... There are people who don't think women should vote, or that slavery was good...

To be fair - people don't know what they want until they get it. In 2005 people would've asked for faster flip phones, not smartphones.

I don't have much faith in current gen AI assistants actually being useful though, but the fact that no one has asked for it doesn't necessarily mean much.

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Gave thumbs up to "Liked "The color is one part, the other is that it breaks functions in iMessage. So the elitism doubles up""

Linux isn't a patentable thing. It's not one idea or even really a new one. I agree with your premise though. Patents, in nearly all cases, suck.

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It's likely that the compression uses a fixed bit rate, meaning that no matter how large the original file is, the file spat out by reddits compressor won't be any larger than any other video of the same length. The quality of a video with higher entropy (like a noise video) would simply be decreased until it fit into the allocated space. That means this wouldn't work.

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Winrar is... Not open source. Where did you get that from?

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Ah yes all those millionaire artists. Poor rich artists. Everyone knows all artists are rich. Right?

Did you.. read the comment? It wasn't about the streaming platform owners.

Others have said it already but... That shitty UX experience is the website's own fault. I suspect many of them make it especially shitty just to spite the legislation.

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Analogies are hard

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I suspect they're referring to LastPass?

Whether or not it's a real concept doesn't matter to these people, all that matters is whether it appeals to their pre conceived notions or not.

Windows famously never generates any garbage files. It's so reliable all servers run windows. Right?

So glad they're moving forward on the non destructive front! Non destructive editing such a useful feature. I will always prefer to be able to non-destructively edit things I'm working on to easily be able to change things if necessary or to be able to see how I did something in the future!

Just listen to the radio then instead of complaining here?

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That's impressively awful

Clock speed isn't improving that quickly anymore. Other aspects, such as more optimized power consumption, memory speeds, cache sized, less cycle-demanding operations, more cores have been improving faster instead.

There will be a $20 gift fee and an additional service and shipping fee. How much would you like to tip? 12, 16 or 20%?

Not a single soul wants this. They just want to use every foul trick to get you to use copilot (by accident even) just like they do with bing and their other garbage.

I hate when a new, efficient, fast image format is used by viscous developers to make their evil website load faster and use less bandwidth


Yes, JpegXL would've been even better, but WebP is good too.

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Since it's probably reasonably rare it's a good demonstration of the stability of Wayland. It makes sense to mention it imo

Most people have no clue what a mod is, so it just becomes whatever people want to imagine.

But wasted ram is still wasted, unlike if the ram was actually used for caching or actually speeding things up, not bootstrapping a freaking browser

I do all of these except one...

^Damn, ^really ^gotta ^cut ^down ^on ^the ^sugar.

You're just not a serious developer 😒

I agree. I think people come here believing their vision of the fediverse has to be the vision and anything else is a bug, but that's not necessarily right.

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I have 0 faith that a router which doesn't have high speed ethernet will ever be able to deliver such fast WiFi. If they've cheaped out on the ethernet I doubt they've splurged on WiFi most devices can't use. And if you're talking about fast ethernet, then WiFi is chanceless.

CS2 is CS:GO 👍

Since it's all based on federated servers I doubt taken usernames will ever become the same problem as on centralized platforms. After all, you can simply register a username taken on one server on another. You could even host your own server and have unlimited new usernames etc.

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I'd disagree here. To me it seems like YouTube isn't a monopoly because Google is being monopolistic with it (if you do have any examples of this, please show me) but rather because of the ridiculous scale and expense of such a project. The infrastructure to support something like YouTube at the scale of YouTube is insane, and I doubt many organisations or companies have the ability to even dream of it, not to mention the extreme network effect with something like YouTube. Google doesn't have to be monopolistic (I'm sure they would be if there were viable competitors, sure, not saying that Google's a saint) because it's almost impossible to compete just in sheer complexity and cost.

It's kind of like how the entire semiconductor industry is dependent on lithography machines from one company: ASML. But that's not because they're being anti-competetive, it's because their products are insanely, extremely complex, precise and advanced. Decades upon decades and billions and billions of RnD.

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It's just the other half :p

Honestly, I don't care about design changes in android anymore because whether good or bad they're just going to change it for change's sake in no time anyways

A poorly optimized game will not put your pc to the limit. Instead it will bottleneck itself on stupid issues and inefficiencies. Your pc will actually not be utilised to its full potential. Make no mistake, this game isn't slow because it's gorgeous and advanced, it's slow because graphically it's poorly made.