Europe wants easy default browser selection screens. Mozilla is already sounding the alarm on dirty tricks to – 940 points –
Europe wants easy default browser selection screens. Mozilla is already sounding the alarm on dirty tricks

Can you blame it?


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Others have said it already but... That shitty UX experience is the website's own fault. I suspect many of them make it especially shitty just to spite the legislation.

That shitty UX experience is the website's own fault.

It was a predictable outcome that politicians should have foreseen.

Making it more annoying to not consent is already illegal so otherwise that's just the website having poor UX. What's the EU got to do with a website that intentionally or by incompetence has poor UX? That's not illegal and shouldn't be... As long as both consenting and not consenting is equally shit it isn't unfair, and the poor UX is really just a detriment that the developers brought upon themselves.

While "technically true" it's naive to assume the law will be implemented the way you imagine.

Government raises taxes on gas. "OMG the companies are charging more for their products!"

Government makes it harder to meet emission standards for small trucks. "OMG companies aren't making small trucks anymore!"

You have to assume that companies will act as petulant children. They will almost always exercise malicious compliance.

I mean it costs money to design for and be compliant with. Doing it properly even more so.