1 Post – 312 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

I wonder if this could be a step in the direction of forcing manufacturers to allow custom/open source/audited software in all vehicles. If it can be done in some foreign-made vehicles, it can be done in domestically made ones too.

Also note that it says "connected and autonomous vehicles". If that means two categories, "connected vehicles" and "autonomous vehicles", it could be quite broadly applied to vehicles that download updates over the air. If it means "autonomous vehicles that are connected" it could be somewhat narrow and an easy work around is to leave the autonomous vehicles disconnected from the internet. I'm not sure how much self-driving abilities are run on servers?

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“I'd like to share a revelation that I've had during my time here. It came to me when I tried to classify your species, and I realized that you're not actually mammals.

Every mammal on this planet instictively develops a natural equilibrium with the surrounding environment, but you humans do not. You move to an area and you multiply and multiply until every natural resource is consumed. The only way you can survive is to spread to another area.

There is another organism on this planet that follows the same pattern. Do you know what it is?

A virus.

Human beings are a disease, a cancer of this planet. You're a plague.

And we… are the cure.”

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Don't give Gwyneth Paltrow any ideas.

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Agent Smith in The Matrix (1999)

Jack be nimble, Jack be quick, Jack jump over the paywall click:

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Never buy the first model year of any vehicle. And that includes new generations with the same model name. They always have the most problems the first year, so you're just paying to be a beta tester.

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I hate this response but it was my first thought this time.

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Are you sure that's what he would be negotiating for?

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Overhead bin space for carry-on bags.

As someone who travels with carry-on only (as much as possible), if I'm in economy I make sure to board as soon as I can to ensure there's space in the overhead bins for my bag.

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Luckily, each one of his alleged shots missed and no one was killed or seriously injured as a result of the tirade.

They buried the lede that he's a stormtrooper.

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A number of years ago when cupcake shops were opening everywhere, there was this one called Mancakes that did "manly" cupcakes (think bacon and alcohol). I finally broke down one day and decided to try one. I went with the "Buffalo wings" cupcake which turned out to be what I guess was Frank's Red Hot flavoured cake, topped with icing and some sort of crispy sprinkles (chicken skin?), and stuffed with (to my gagging surprise) blue cheese icing.

I love hot wings, I love blue cheese dip, and cupcakes are just fine.

But a buffalo wing cupcake has to be the nastiest concoction to be called a cupcake that I've ever tasted.

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Why are people joining .world to begin with?

Because how it works when you first join is very confusing, and why you would choose any particular server is not clear at all.

Also, people want to join something that is bigger and more active because it feels like it would be better (more stable, more content, etc.)

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I'm sorry, but your reasoning is absolute nonsense. Maybe game developers should unionize, but suggesting that it should work like Hollywood is pretty ridiculous.

The huge studios would function just like in Hollywood.

Okay, so fuck the developers at big studios just like how most of the people working on movies get fucked now? You think because a deal was reached by the union that the big studios aren't still just running to the bank with their loads of cash? The recent strike (and most strikes in Hollywood) were mostly about residuals. You know why? Because people who aren't above the line in the credits get shit pay. At least in the games industry most people are employees, get paid up front, have a salary, and whether the game succeeds or flops they get their money. And most people don't get laid off between games. You're getting paid your salary even while there is downtime. In Hollywood, if the movie flops(*), you're shit outta luck, my friend. Hope you're happy with whatever you made during production and you're able to find your next gig quick. Because you're not an employee of the studio, you were working for a production company on this one movie and now you gotta fend for yourself because the movie's done and so is this LLC.

(*) which brings us to the big fucking asterisk in how Hollywood "works". Movies don't make money. Not on paper anyway. It's so bad, it even has its own name: Hollywood Accounting. The gist of it is that they use creative accounting techniques so that profit sharing agreements (like the residuals that were just fought so hard for by the unions) pay as little as possible.

And yeah they would want to pump out those blockbusters, but nothing would stop indie developers from developing.

What stops indie developers from developing now? Indie game developers have it way better than indie movie makers. They have better platforms for distribution, a larger audience, and much lower cost to entry.

I would allow for consistent and fair discussions for the unions and studios as to how pay will be done.

Yeah, because that's what Hollywood is known for...

It will also put in safeties for crunch and other abuses.

Crunch (and other abuse) still happens in Hollywood production, so.... Nope, sorry.

I'm just saying [the Hollywood model] makes way more sense as a model for how modern AAA games are made.

No fucking way. As someone who was a salaried employee for 15 years in the A to AAA game industry over 7 projects, some of which failed but I still got paid, with bonuses and stock awards and job security, please fucking no. I'm glad I didn't have to fight for a new gig every couple of years and hope for residuals.

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You don't hear it, you smell it.

From the article:

appears to be the first reported fatal crash

(emphasis mine)

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Minnesota teachers union maybe?

Back To the Future

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The law firm would be putting themselves on the line for LTT if there was any further legal action, or if the subject of the investigation brought forth more evidence.

I doubt LTT is big enough to give them the incentive to do that.

Hiring a third party investigator is not the same as internal affairs. Internal affairs have only one client and little incentive to bite the hand that feeds them.

If LTT goes down after this and it comes out that the law firm missed something major or outright lied, it would call into question every investigation they've done (at least recently) and destroy their reputation.

The classics:

  • Mike Hawk
  • Mike Hunt
  • Ben Dover
  • Seymour Butts
  • Hugh Jass
  • Wayne King
  • Buster Hyman
  • Drew Peacock
  • Pat McRauch
  • Phil McCracken
  • Jack Mehoff
  • Richard Head
  • Anita Koch
  • Amanda Bone
  • Connie Lingus
  • Jenna Talia
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Am I allowed to call them traitors as a Canadian?

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If you're referring to "aluminium", Canadians don't use that. We use "aluminum" just like in the US.

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This article is not very helpful. It doesn't clarify what is meant by the term "green line of death". Does it brick the phone? Does it make the phone unusable? Is it just annoying? Does it include red lines? Blue lines, black lines, rainbows?

It presents anectdotal evidence of it having happened a lot, but doesn't give any real numbers. There's no analysis of the information they do have to say if it's more often a hardware issue, a software bug, or caused by damage. There's no indication if there was an attempt to ascertain how often it happens within the warranty period, or if occurrences increase with phone age.

Interviewing a couple friends and a "quick reddit search" is not investigative journalism. The writer didn't hear back from manufacturers or industry experts, and gave up. So they interviewed a couple more "nerd" friends. Ouch.

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I guess that whole "it's mightier than the sword" thing is coming back to bite.

According to the Greenpeace website:

But behind the hype, GE ‘Golden’ rice is environmentally irresponsible, poses risks to human health and could compromise food, nutrition and financial security.

My take from this: It may be that they targeted more than the safety, but also the possibility of gene flow (to other rice crops including wild rice), possible effects on biodiversity, and the ever-present patent issues that come up with GMO's.

Scanning down the page though, they don't specifically say why it poses risks to human health other than some hand-wavey stuff about how it would make people rely on rice instead of providing other sources of vitamin A in their diets.

They also brought up that at least one experiment with the rice on children in China wasn't done ethically, and also that this could be imposed against people's religious beliefs.

It mentions the cross-contamination gene flow stuff, but I thought because rice was self pollinating that that wasnt as big an issue with GM rice. (I'm not an expert by any means.)

Their general argument seems to be "new way bad, old way good" without any scientic evidence. They didn't have to convince scientists though.

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Is the massive growth making people happier, healthier?

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It really sounds like this was an error by one citizenship officer and it will get reversed.

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You do realize that by labeling him a "DEI mayor," they're specifically making it about race, right? They're saying he only got the job because of his race, as a "diversity hire." And they're doing this when his race has nothing to do with the situation. In fact, in this particular case, the mayor, no matter who he or she is has nothing to do with the situation.

So yeah, bringing up race for no reason - and in a derogatory fashion no less - would make the perpetrator, dare I say... Racist.

If you don't think it does, I'd be very interested to hear where you draw the line where something becomes racism. Maybe provide examples of things that are and aren't racist to enlighten us.

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She pay-walls me, she pay-walls me not:

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Reading comments it sounds like there is more to this. GamingHeads sounds pretty shady, not completing orders, bad support, etc. Also this open letter is pretty unprofessional.

I'm not a big Sony fan but this seems like it isn't necessarily an example where Sony is the asshole!

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  • I hate when airlines lose bags
  • I dislike bringing more stuff than I can easily carry on my back
  • I only have one bag and my laptop goes in it, so it ain't going down below.

It isn't about price. In fact some airlines are starting to charge more for a carry-on.

I'm also really good at bringing less. I travel months at a time with carry on only.

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Obviously you've never finished a tube of toothpaste.

As a woman, I look at "Body Type A or Body Type B" and think "Well, I'm a woman, not a Body Type B, and isn't it kinda misogynistic that the secondary option is the female one? Like A+ for Men, B- for Women?"

This really pissed me off, I have to say. Why are you calling the "secondary" option "the female one"? To me that seems a bit presumptuous.

If I have body type B with he/him pronouns, are you saying something about my body? Is it too "feminine" for you?

Honestly, you seem to be looking for something to complain about. The developers have taken an extra step to try to be accommodating and inclusive and your complaining about the order the choices are listed in... Smh

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The poor little snowflakes. Can't they take a joke? It's a free country, people should be able to say or do what they want in their lectures. They're just trying to make sure America isn't destroyed by pansification. Why won't everyone wake up!?

I can keep you busy for a while in Canada...

Dildo, Newfoundland
Blow me Down (park), Newfoundland
Come by Chance, Newfoundland
Spread Eagle Bay, Newfoundland
Conception Bay, Newfoundland
Balls Creek, Nova Scotia
Lower Sackville, Nova Scotia
Ecum Secum, Nova Scotia
Meat Cove, Nova Scotia
Shag Harbour, Nova Scotia
Balls Falls, Ontario
Crotch Lake, Ontario
Old Cummer (train station in Ontario)
Opeepeesway Lake, Ontario
Bummer's Roost, Ontario
Hooker Lake, Ontario
Redditt, Ontario
Big Woody, Manitoba
Climax, Saskatchewan
Big Beaver, Saskatchewan
Balzac, Alberta
Smuts Creek, Alberta
Stoner, British Columbia
Spuzzum, British Columbia
Skookumchuck, British Columbia
Nipple Mountain, British Columbia
Knipple Lake, British Columbia
Yoho (park), British Columbia
Snafu Lake, Yukon

There are many additional funny ones, but I mostly tried to keep with a theme above.

So, along the way back you can check out Salmon Arm, Vulcan, Eyebrow, Moose Jaw, Flin Flon, Punkydoodles Corners, Swastika, Emo, Utopia, Saint-Louis-du-Ha!-Ha!, Asbestos, Peakaboo Corner, Sober Island, Crapaud, Jerrys Nose, Witless Bay, Goobies, and many, many more.

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I think the place for comments is in the comment section. If you post an interesting article but include your own commentary which is stupid or absurd, I don't know whether to upvote or downvote.

My opinion: Post the link, don't editorialize the title, put an excerpt from the article if you want, but don't put your comments in the post itself.

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Are we not talking about the author spelling it "Vavle"?

He doesn't seem to be hardcore anti-gay. I haven't found much but did find this in an article:

Said Morris:

"My view on gay marriage is that if a state decides to go for gay marriage, the legislature or the voters, that's great. That's up to them. I've got no problem with it. I don't believe that the courts should jam it down anybody's throat.

As for his personal view? "If people want it they should be able to do it but it's got to be a decision of the community."

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I left a lot of options open for improving the article from my original comment, but if you want some more details:

  1. Describe the issue and what forms it comes in to clarify the issue.
  2. Do a thorough analysis of posts and comments on Reddit (and maybe some other forums, just a thought) to try to get some numbers to indicate how often it happens and what the different causes are.
  3. Maybe create a survey to try to ascertain some numbers. Reach out to a statistician for some help on how to do that.
  4. This is a "Senior Editor" at Android Central and they don't have a single connection to an expert in phone technology. They exhausted all the possible experts out there and didn't get any responses? Honestly, this means they either don't know how to write a letter to get an answer from experts, don't have any compelling data to interest an expert enough to expend their time, or didn't actually try very hard, or all of the above.

¯_(ツ)_/¯ indeed.

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