2 Post – 316 Comments
Joined 3 years ago


I can run Arch Linux (BTW!) in a potato with starch RAM!

I'll just wait until Windows 10 reaches EOL. My expectative is that, by then, someone has created an ISO with the option of offline accounts enabled or Microsoft just gave up with this nonsense. IrIf not, I have Nobara already set up in dual boot. Proton is getting better and better by the day, anyway.

It's weird to me that, in this specific community, people is condemning this kid as a cyber criminal and as someone playing for the "wrong side".

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To be nice or friendly with kids.

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Maybe it is out there, but the Internet Archive should be wildly redundant on the internet, it's just too valuable to lose.

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Place Pikachu surprised face meme here for me, please. Apple simps, unite.

EDIT: They always do.

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You always start with Linux Mint. This is the way.

Weird. I've never seen Twitter more hostile to visitors and potential new users. And if you happen to register to a new account you will be welcomed by even more hostility from trolls and seasoned users. It's just a terrible experience.

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Jesus Christ, why can't they just leave it alone. At this point they are grasping at straws. More likely, people will stop using YouTube at all than turning off adblockers or switching browsers.

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They should focus more on their mobile browser. At this point the desktop browser is on par with Chrome. People who use Chrome does it because they don't care enough about privacy, but on mobile there is a noticeable difference between their performances.

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As a mexican living in Mexico, the struggle is real. What is not real is the OP in bold letters. The so called "specialists" are usually a bunch of so-called activists campaigning in the election against the party in power.

There's also the magnitude of the election not being accounted for. These elections are the biggest in history. It's only logical that, assuming the high homicide rate in the country, the absolute numbers will be higher. It really sounds like another article trying to tie our president with the organized crime, something that has been shyly thrown at the average citizen several times now. If there was any evidence of this "blurry" line between government and cartels, the opposition to the President and his party would have already use it, since there's only one month left for campaigning. Instead, we have a paid bot campaign in X/Twitter, a millionaire one, financed by who knows whose money, trying to portray the president as a cartel boss or something. A failing campaign, if we look at the numbers.

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NSFW warning. I thought sex had to be anal. Just by the looks, it was impossible that a penis could pass through a vulva, and poop made it evident that it could pass through the rectum.

OP, that thing you used to believe is disturbing as fuck.

I was always in the Android camp because it was more FOSS then, more AOSP. Being said that, another competitor was and is desperately needed. When Windows Phones were in the wild, I had hope. But take a look at Windows 11, if Windows Phone had been a success, by now it would be utter shit.

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I don't even like the AITA subreddit. It's precisely that kind of validation that annoys me the most of a social community. In the case of /r/AITA, it's just so "on your face". People rarely will tell the truth about their topics, even when they do, why go so harsh about themselves? Why not ask "Am I wrong here?", "Am I committing a mistake?, "Will I regret this?" instead of a "Am I the asshole?". Don't you think very self-entitled people will come and tell you "fuck yes! YATA"?

Ah, anyway, no, bots that can crosspost from other communities shouldn't be allowed. We also shouldn't try to replicate every successful/popular community, especially if it's a toxic one.

If you need an account to play it, it's just not yours to enjoy it.

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Potentially? Trump. Factually? Bush. However, to be honest, the American political system seems to be fucked up to the point it doesn't resemble a democracy. Currently, their population suffers from this situation with poverty, addiction to drugs, a corrupt healthcare system, inability to own a home, shitty jobs, etc. So, it really doesn't matter too much which one is worse. Biden or nobody else can fix this from within. But yeah, a second term of Trump would be definitely catastrophic and would compete with Bush's levels of destruction. Right now, the only thing containing Trump is his short term period in power.

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It's like saying people did it with Elon Musk because he is African.

They did some awesome browsers back in the early 2000s. I couldn't think about browsing the web without Opera Mini back then.

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Expect Google Search Pro. The most comprehensive web cache for only $19.99/mo!

Linux Mint. You won't regret it.

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We should start recognizing this genocide as an Israel and the USA one, not only Israel's.

So, a paid ublock origin experience?

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They say it's crazy YouTube could end. I'm not so sure.

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Firefox is not a worse browser, it's just the lack of visibility. You have to want to install Firefox to try it, the only exception I know it's in Linux where most of the time it's the default browser. Google Chrome, on the other hand, is promoted each time you search anything in Google without Google Chrome.

You feel vulnerable and it's okay. Sounds like you need to realize you dodged a bullet.

About the question, remember that you are you and the only things that you need to keep going is to breath, to drink water, to eat and to keep yourself healthy. Everything else are probably ideas in your head that can change at any time. If you are struggling, remember to breath deeply. It will be okay.

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They may still be on negotiations. I can picture Truth as "Y, the social network that comes after X". It sure can't fail. Then a merge can happen, they can call it Z or Musk may be bold about it and call it Ω.

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That's the Lunduke signature.

Yeah, I'd say living in Canada makes a huge difference. However, I think people answers "teacher" because, all things considered, it's a very hard and valuable job, frequently an underpaid one.

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It's... I guess the ghost of their XMPP abandonment.

Linux is boring. In a good way. It is so boring that each of my computers use different distros. I have Debian, Fedora, Mint, OpenSUSE Tumbleweed and Endeavour OS installed across 4 or 5 computers right now. Some of them still dual-booting Windows 10/11. Now each time I boot into Windows is fun. In a bad way.

Truth is they are both going down at a different pace.

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Oh, no. They consider Ubuntu the best APT base out there, and even after some trouble with Canonical, they insist on basing Mint on Ubuntu. This is a plan B, it came precisely after the differences between Mint and Ubuntu were public, but I can't find any source of that episode between Canonical and Clemente Lefebvre.

EDIT: Found one.

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Thank you. Now that I've showed you my appreciation, are you fucking kidding me?

And they solved it by reading the ArchWiki 99% sure.

I'll go with social activism. A lot of people wouldn't even recognize it as a job.

Not too hot, I guess. Thanks for taking the time.

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"Woah there, pardner"? What the fuck is going on with Reddit? Do they think they are like cool cowboys in the old west?

There's action and reaction here.

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You will be missed. However, do your thing. I think you should first consider maybe adapt to your current situation and update your original goals. Evaluate your current goals instead of evaluating the tools to achieve past goals.