That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit to – 532 points –
That time when Microsoft bought and killed Nokia phone unit

When bad management meets bad software, even great hardware is useless


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I was always in the Android camp because it was more FOSS then, more AOSP. Being said that, another competitor was and is desperately needed. When Windows Phones were in the wild, I had hope. But take a look at Windows 11, if Windows Phone had been a success, by now it would be utter shit.

I'd argue that Windows 11 is a result of what Google has been getting away with Android.

Google has shown Microsoft that the users happily pay money for giving up the control of their device. While Android was open 10 years ago, Google has worked hard to lock it down for 99% of the end users. The amount of personal data they get from each device is staggering.

They all find their way to shit when profit, not user satisfaction, is the ultimate goal. In the end, we are talking Microsoft here, we already know them.

Well, at least when you used to buy windows you were the user and the customer.

With Google you're just the product.

It's hard to avoid being their “customer” here. It feels more like the taxpayer experience.

When they compromised on their UI design to make it more like Android and iOS in WP10, it was already over. It was also such a buggy mess compared to WP8.1.

What a shame.