We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score | iFixit

111@zerobytes.monster to Technology@lemmy.ml – 544 points –
We Are Retroactively Dropping the iPhone’s Repairability Score | iFixit News

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Place Pikachu surprised face meme here for me, please. Apple simps, unite.

EDIT: They always do.

Most Apple SIMPs don't care it seems they got nothing to hide and they are deff not poor to be worried about shit like this. Just buy a new one ;)

While I personally wouldn’t repair my own iPhone. If I need it done I would want to go to an Apple Store anyway. This makes selling on your phone for other people to fix and use and sell on and use again virtually impossible, which would’ve been more sustainable than just binning the phone.

It’s especially shitty since they also announced net zero plans. It’s all smoke and mirrors.

SIMPs don't think big picture but you do make a very valid point...

Second hand market benefits everyone except Tim apple