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Joined 1 years ago

It is an American problem.

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Yup. X makes no sense. Please delete it.

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Reddit was killed, no, murdered.

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Oh! Fuck that shit.

The worst part of YouTube ads is super long ads (sometimes even multiple hours long). It has happened to me multiple times. And coincidentally it always happens when I'm feeling sleepy.

Here is a screenshot.

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It's not a bug, it's a feature.

It can be easily concluded from his AMA that he is a fool. Big mouth with small brain.

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Spez is a big fan of Musk.


Here we have higher taxes for cars more than 4m long, so there are lots of small cars. Also, a lot of 3.99m cars.

Am I supposed to recognise it just by seeing it?

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Oh! My bad. My app doesn't show a preview.

Surprisingly, Jerboa seems to be the only one which showed the preview.

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Same reason why Google Now was killed. It was too useful for users. You open the app, you get the info you want. In fact, you don't even need to open the app. That's the problem, they had no place to insert the ads and make money.

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If you want old reddit, just use

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Believe me, banning TikTok is not the solution.

TikTok is banned here since long time, but people are doing same shit, just on Instagram Reels and YouTube Shorts.

It's not about the browser. If you have a really slow connection, normal Gmail doesn't even load, but HTML Gmail may run very well. They shouldn't have discontinued it.

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Probably small brands. There are lots of them. They mostly import from China with just their company name printed on them.

Thanks a lot for telling us which services to avoid. You're a lifesaver.

Where are all those people. When I open it, I see empty feed.

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Because it what the people, I need to contact with, use.

Excellent. Fuck it every fucking way.

Someone please make an extension so it automatically redirects to or something else.

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Quality has dropped a lot. Because the users who used and created content the most used 3rd party apps. Their absence has decreased the quality of reddit a lot.

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Fast charge isn't really necessary

Totally disagree. I think fast charging is the biggest roadblock we have in making electric cars more popular. Just think how much time filling cars with petrol takes, charging should also take similar time. 10-15 mins would be ok if you also can have breakfast in that time.

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In other words, taking advantage of their own users!

I don't know about your phone, but there is probably a setting to enable button navigation.

However, I was in similar situation when I bought my phone, I even enabled the buttons at first. Then I thought to try gesture navigation for sometime, and now I love it. It's much easier and faster in most cases.

Nah, spez is just a fanboy of Musk.

What happened to vlemmy?

Why not take money from those who want to give?

It has Android mode also.

Boost. It still works 😀

It's the same app. Both works.

I'd imagine there are some people who feel tied to their Reddit accounts because the awards and karma were important to them, so stripping anything like that away seems like it would make those people feel less attached to Reddit and more likely to move on.

Not only that, but they'll probably be angry on reddit as well.

Ok, I'll try.

This bot is controlled by mods, rather than admins.

Ummm... What's the problem with Android mode? I'm using it ever since it's here.

Kill the earth, and start over.

MX Player for Android (Older version preferably, before sellout, if you can find). So much better than VLC.

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Good luck with GDPR.

Wouldn't that take even lesser space?

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