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Joined 1 years ago

I hope reddit advertisers can see this. Why would you want to be associated with a site that discriminates against the blind?

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Elon is not the president, a leader, the military, nor a government. This parasite should be in a prison or a brig at the very least. This is fucking treason.

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The first game in ages where it actually feels like the company/ developers actually put in effort and released a complete product. It's not that hard to understood why consumers are flocking to it. People are just fed up with the garbage EA and ubisoft have been putting out. Honestly, I'd be fine with ubisoft dissolving and going out of business.

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There's so many games I haven't bought simply because they used/ implemented Denuvo. I see Denuvo and it's an instant lost sale/nonbuy.

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Taking from the poor to give to the rich has only given us the guillotine.

No billionaire has ever helped me or benefited society.

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You know Lemmy's legit when it's gotten PoppinKREAM's deal of approval.

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He's a saboteur. Detain the mother fucker and try him for treason. At the very least, his removal from his companies is paramount to national security at this point.

Fuck uber.

Getting rid of the block function is like trying to run email without a spam filter. Elon musk/ Twitter was already out of control. Now they've completely lost their minds, even more than they already had.

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Took them long enough. Took them off my list of permissible awhile ago because they didn't withdraw.

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The unity CEO is an arsonist as he's set ablaze the whole company. Guy should be investigated for fraud and malfeasance.

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He could've spent money building his own Twitter and leave us be but instead he had to go and waste 44+billion to cause harm and damage and destroy a company with employees making a living. It goes without saying he is just such a shit, vile and evil person.

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This guy should not be president under any circumstances.

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I don't care what scabs stay if there are no changes to the reddit API policy. Why would you ever pay for something in a subscription model without getting full access to all the content? You lose all/anything labeled NSFW content, doesn't matter if it's spoilers, combat footage, or porn.

I've only gone on to reddit recently for certain health related matters/ ultra niche subs with a revanced app (took a bit to get set up) or through old reddit with RES, an adblocker, and strict tracking blocking (seriously, reddit tracks you like crazy. It's ultra creepy.).

Otherwise, lemmy is new home and it is best to forget the old world and let them/those ways fail.

X is modern New Coke. At this point, I'm not even sure which of the worst CEOs I'd compare musk to. He's like all of their worst traits rolled into one. I have no doubt there's some weird financial accounting going on at Tesla, just that they haven't been found out just yet. His involvement into the crypto sphere and with doge should have thrown up regulatory alarm bells already.

Why would you want to watch? They're all a bunch of losers and one worse than the next. They're the current failures that rose to the top.

None have compelling arguments or solutions and are only there to shitsling each other. Even monkeys at the zoo are smarter.

Why is this bozo even getting tv time? Just interview a local homeless man in need.

Once upon a time, and decorum, politicians actually showed some dignity and resigned over this sort of thing. Anybody remember Al Franken and air honking hands? There is no self respect among the Republicans. What a double standard. What a bunch of hypocrites.

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This guy is an enemy of the people. Simple as that. He should be fired and removed.

I'm totally on board them getting investigated for antitrust and monopolistic practices. Google has really turned to shit the last 4-5 years.

Yeah, I actually like how several businesses I know are no longer touching or using that hellscape. Hell or Twitter is where nazis go.

Biden didn't fuck student loans. The GOP/Republicans and the supreme court fucked Americans and the student loan relief. Never been more sickened/sick to my stomach than what this supreme court has done.

I can't tell you how many 1-2 year old accounts I saw with little to no post history that popped out of the woodwork to defend reddit/spez. It was crazy.

Same for spam/ shill accounts on iPhone/ Google play reviews.

They're definitely trying to plug the holes with bubble gum instead of fixing/ addressing the problem which is spez and the 3rd party app/api ban.

They put him on Rick and Morty in the most cringe inducing fashions and it was like watching a cartoon suck off a guy.

I'm blown away that they even think this is less controversial or a solution. Brain dead company should cease to exist. I'm totally fine with no new games made with unity.

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I hope they strike until the end of time, both because I'm in favor of them getting amicable terms and conditions (i.e. pay/wages, etc.) and because I have huge ass backlog that I need to get through.

They don't operate in good faith and take advantage of people. Fuck them. Good on the hackers/thieves. Nobody is crying that casinos lost money.

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Fuck uber. Fuck lyft. We'd be better off if they didn't exist. Destroyed livelihoods so silicon valley could seem like they were doing something and not just thieving from people.

I'm sorry but taxis were never as bad as Uber. Taxis had actual rules and regulations that they would abide by. I never saw a taxi driver run an endless shift like they would as an uber driver that jeopardizes the health/safety of the driver/passenger. Also, taxis actually followed proper maintenance of their vehicle. I've seen one too many uber's that looked like the driver didn't give a shit.

Surge pricing wasn't a thing until uber because taxis actually stuck to a standard pricing; you knew what to expect. Uber was an answer to a problem that was already solved long ago.

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I'm actively avoiding unity games and unity development, so there's that. Can't put that genie back in the bottle. They massively fucked up.

Fuck unity. Use anything but unity.

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I've been curious why Kushner(s) have gone radio silent. Something feels up in Kushner world.

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Twitter needs to be removed from app stores. Stop using Twitter on the website. Certain things should just fail. This is one of those things.

This changes nothing, unity. Fuck off. Fire your CEO and put in some real leadership.

I'm so happy I never wasted the time to learn this platform. I could've but chose not to (mostly too busy). Again, another company that I have no problem watching them fail, along with the Twitters/Teslas and reddits of the world.

It would be hilarious if they hit their AP database and removed all the people that were unfairly entered because they "were too good."

Seriously, nobody is shedding a tear on these parasitic casinos that provide no societal benefit.

Trump acts older than a dinosaur and is as senile as Feinstein was. I will never forget being told to drink bleach and take sunlight up the ass. Also, Person, woman, man, camera, TV.

If age is an issue because of Biden, then it would be just as bad for trump.

I'm adjusting. Work in progress. We don't really have any choice in the matter. Reddit is just too far past the pale. Migrating myself and others. I now have an official reddit app with revanced and the app is still God awful trash. If I'm on pc, I try to avoid reddit links that come in search and only use old.reddit.com with an adblocker and tracking blocking. I'm even trying to do this setup on mobile if I have to use reddit. Reddit is ultimately dead to me with their current CEO and corporate structure, etc.

Learning to rely on Google as little as possible years ago was the best thing that ever happened to me. I learned this lesson/ came to this conclusion after they got rid of Google reader and even home page/ start page. Google reader was the best (still to this day) rss reader ever made. I still haven't found anything that matches how I had mine set up and its functionality/ usefulness.

A tip is merely subsidizing a company's inability to pay its employees appropriately. I really could care less seeing Stanley Tang (door dash founder/ owner) gamble (and lose) hundreds of thousands of dollars on hustler casino live playing poker while simultaneously claiming his company can't pay a living wage.