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Joined 12 months ago

I'm amazed that it's legal for a car company to sell you something, and then after you own it, remotely disable xyz aspects of the functionality unless you pay them more. How can that be legal? I own the car, it's MINE now, how can I not use every single thing that's in it?

36 more...

Windows 11 was what finally forced me over to linux for good, no more dual booting. I know it sounds strange, but the straw that broke its back was the taskbar. I have an ultrawide monitor, so I ALWAYS have the taskbar vertical on a side. It makes zero sense to have it at the bottom. Massive waste of space. Windows 11 DID NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO MOVE THE TASKBAR. I was flabbergasted. This is a feature that has existed for decades in every OS. I just couldn't comprehend the stupidity, so I just didn't. Formatted the drive and went to Arch, then to Tumbleweed. Couldn't be happier.

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I MUCH prefer Jellyfin to Plex. Jellyfin seems to have active development whereas Plex is more interested in adding in a ton of "features" (aka garbage) that I never ever wanted and continues to leave YEARS old bugs out in the wild. I think it won't be long until Plex enshittifies itself to death. They clearly have a financial situation that is not aligned with its users.

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hmmm yes I suppose that's true. Okay so let me rephrase: I'm amazed it's legal for a car manufacturer to even HAVE a TOS like that when you purchase a car. It shouldn't be legal to write language like "you are purchasing this but agreeing that you can't use it" ... wtf?

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From the article:

"The company is also thinking about how to integrate AI into the browser."

LOL - how absurd. I can't even tell if this is a real product or just a meme?

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fuck this fucking guy so hard. The fact that he's been able to UP UNTIL NOW spend all his time in the lap of luxury in palo alto is a disgrace.

Gotta love it! I wonder if spez is paying any attention at all. Or better yet if the actual people in charge are.

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I do not care about the screen tech one bit, I think LCD is fine for handheld if the price is low, but what I DO care about is using somewhat modern cpu/gpu so games don't constantly lag even trying to hit 30fps. That's by far my biggest complaint about the Switch 1. So if they can fix that then I'm on board! If not, I'll probably just honestly pirate everything and play it on my computer where it won't run like dog ass.

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This is a low effort troll post.

os upgrades are free

bloatware is less on ios than on any other mobile os

the rest is idiocy.

save your time. Move on.

He really is one of the most evil humans to ever exist in the USA. PLEASE can he die soon. PLEASE. The earth needs a win.

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outside of Apple arcade, I don't think Apple cares one iota about gaming. As evidenced by your observation. It's a huge market to miss, but they don't really seem to care. All they keep doing is adding old mobile remakes of games everyone has played before to their Arcade subscription nobody would ever pay for if it wasn't bundled into Apple one..

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that's excellent! I wonder if they'll keep their WT Social network going. Does anyone use it?

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OMG that'd be hilarious. Also don't even say a word to anyone, just have an editor trim that 3 second scene from IM2 and replace it on the disney+ streaming service with this new version.

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It's "mostly negative" on steam - seems nobody can play it. So ... just give it a few weeks and try again, if you can even remember to by then lol

Oof, the most recent news posting is "entering alpha phase" which is a big no thanks for me. In addition, the main descriptive sentence says "It aims to be clean and usable while addressing the various shortcomings of an average Linux distribution." But then doesn't explain that. What does it consider to be shortcomings of an average distro?

https://tchncs.de/ has all sorts of fediverse servers and seems to be very techy / dev oriented.

We knew this was happening a long time ago though. This is probably just Sony making it "official" in an unofficial way. This project has been dead for ages since the dev team was pulled off it long ago.

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Another vote for the proton services. Been with them for years and very happy.

I was really surprised recently when I was searching for some help with a mod for a videogame and a result popped up on my duckduckgo search page for a thread on reddit about it, so I clicked it and BAM: "error, this subreddit has not been reviewed, so it is not possible to view it. Either use the app or go to home page" ......... wtf? I mean, this basically destroys the entire site right? I was 100% unable to view whatever content had been posted in that subreddit. So I just closed it and went somewhere else. I don't see how reddit can even continue to exist if they don't allow people to view the site. How did this happen?

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700 years worth of compute to do about an hour of gaming that I just did on my pc at home in realtime ... damn.

Did I math it right? I was averaging about 100 fps in hogwarts for about an hour.

Ohhhhh how I do enjoy seeing this!!! It does bring a smile to my face :) This horrifying creature doesn't deserve any semblance of caring or empathy because it's very simple: he's not a human being. He's some kind of monstrosity birthed from some demon world and accidentally wound up here on earth.

To me, the funny thing is that even back then, you could pinpoint the hatred from the bigots: "stuff is gay" just means "I hate the gays" ... but now the fuckers can't even describe their hatred. Asking them to define what the word woke means basically causes a complete meltdown in their feeble brains. "ITS LIKE ... TRANS CLIMATE THINGS OKAY ... UUUHHHH" and then a quick change of conversation.

For tech I have Ars, Phoronix, TomsHardware, Slashdot. I feel that covers a lot and keeps me up to date.

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Strange New Worlds and Lower Decks. Both amazing! Especially SNW. Absolutely loving this season, I honestly want to go back and rewatch all the current eps as they release.

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Tesla had this exact functionality with their original Model S' ... but like that company it wasn't profitable (or it was just regular ol Tesla mismanagement) so they also stopped doing it.

LOL you can't even have a conversation with this name.

"Oh I've been watching this awesome new show, it's so good."

"oh yeah, where can I watch it?"



"it's on max"

"what? max what?"

"it's the old hbo, it's just max now though"

"hbo renamed themselves to max?"

"no ... but .... "

"okay nevermind"

This has been on the store page for forever, but nice to see it come to the library page as well. Useful!

Agreed! I love the slow but steady pace of development. I'm already having a great experience here - give it a couple years even and it'll be magnificent.

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bahahahaha. I just wanted to thank you for making me literally laugh out loud.

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1400 jobs are not open to the public.

Only 155 total in the entire federal gov are 1) open to the public and 2) remote.

Plus how do you even make a new verb? Doesn’t even work in the slightest. “Oh hey did you see my recent X?” … “oh man the other day Steph X’d something hilarious “ …. Lol nope doesn’t work.

Licensing issues aside, the most important thing to me about Spotify is the recommendation engine. Their weekly playlists that are autogenerated "Discovery Weekly" and "Release Radar" are amazing and places where I have discovered a TON of new really good music. Any service that I ever switch to would have to have something similar.

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And not only each individual room, but do physical objects block the light transmission? So just simply moving around a room will constantly interrupt the connection?

Not to mention they were actively hostile towards ultrawide gamers. The engine would render it, but then put black bars overtop the sides. Kind of amazing really that level of hatred towards gamers.

Pretty much. Pop is my go-to recommendation for pretty much anyone these days. It's so well polished and just easy.

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I'm amazed they haven't already. I suppose it was baked in super hard from the very beginning so divorcing from it now must be a huge task.

How difficult was it getting hyperland up and running? I'd be interested in trying it, but the faq's alone scare me away lol.

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"personalized" ads. So does this mean if you pay $14 a month you'll still get the exact same amount of ads but they just won't be personalized? LOL

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Absolutely. I don't know how people play complex CRPG's with a controller. Just the inventory alone would drive me nuts!

Good, but like all other evil motions like this, they'll just take a short break, rebrand it / rework it / rename it / etc... and try again. And again. And again. Until everyone gets tired.

We have to stay diligent and keep defeating these assholes every time they try to take over the entire internet.