
14 Post – 699 Comments
Joined 9 months ago

Explore, Expand, Exploit and Exterminate.

Learn the terminology, Nate.

This thread gets crazier the deeper I read. And depth is the crux of this meme.

So, basically, we don't know that much on anything besides understanding it's really complex and difficult to figure out.

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The best thing I ever read on this subject in a zombie book:

"Why are you taking the jeans off that zombie?" "100% cotton; after boiled and washed, I can cut it up for pads."

Can't remember the rest of the book but this stuck.

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To quote someone a lot wiser than myself:

It's a shame stupid people carry themselves through life full of certainty while the wise ones suffer a life of doubt.

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That was morally painful to read.

As someone who lives in a country with a national healthcare system, this kind of situation just disgusts me.

You'd probably be in an hospital bed here, waiting for emergency surgery, considering your condition.

I sincerely hope you can find any other doctor capable of helping you, quickly.

With a fully functional, affordable, universal public transport system, owning a car is a luxury, not a need.

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27 times

As someone who raised chickens: they could care more about family ties.

Of course there will be differences between breeds and individuals but some things I witnessed:

  • roosters, brothers by blood, fighting to the death
  • chickens stealing eggs from each other
  • chickens eating their own eggs (animals with good feed, grass and oister shells to peck on, fully available)
  • younger chickens ganging up on the matriarch
  • chickens killing their own chicks with no need to worry for lack of resources

Chickens are not gentle. In great enough numbers, chickens will even attack their predator. The birds can evaluate risk/success odds.

Again, there are more tame breeds and less tame ones. Some are the spawn of the deep pits where nightmares fester and grow.

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Would someone have the guts to hang this on a wall?

I would.

In the bedroom? Yes. A reminder to do something in bed besides sleeping and eventually a reminder of times when lust was a much stronger driving force in life.

In the office? Yes. There is nothing wrong or offensive in the picture; your mind is getting into the gutter by itself.

In the living room? Yes. Great conversation starter.

By the front door? Yes. Oh yes. The face on anyone knocking unsolicited when spoting that strategically placed painting.

Finally: where can I get a copy?

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Wow. Amazing. How the tables have turned.

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A motion activated or retomely deployable sprinkler system would work wonders. No need for drenching the critter, just interrupt or annoy the cat. After a few forced baths, the cat would associate shitting on your lawn with getting wet and just move to safer grounds.

Not an IT expert, not a sysadmin, not a tech guru by a long shot, but as Linux user, I call this post bullshit.

The biggest problem wouldn't be about having it manage all the machines in a network; it would be having to deal with every dick and jane complain about how they can't change their desktop background or some other trivial thing they can do on windows or how a specific program is not available or doesn't feel the same.

Transition into an all-Linux production environment would require a top-down non-negotiable decision and the willingness from top brass to provide trainning down the line and deal with a good deal of shennanigans from middle management.

And no virus on Linux? Yes, it has some built in features that make a bit more robust but there are rootkits and other malware out in the wild capable of hurting a linux system. And if popularity is to come to Linux, at some point there will be a need to harden the standard security protocols to ensure system safety, not forgetting that 90% of the time the main problem is between the chair and the keyboard.

Meanwhile, before mass shootings, murder was a lot more common and society was more prone to violence.

Violence has been in a downwards spiral, regardless what is pushed to public forum.

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There goes the competition.

Can someone recommend a good indie game? Better spent money than feeding these vampires.

32 more...

Seems promising.

I'll play it somewhere in the next 3 to 5 years.

"This program is really expensive and I keep having to buy a new computer every two years because it gets so slow."

You're being fucked with, when there are alternatives out there.

But that is none of my business.

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The lion, the witch and the gall on this bitch...

Leave terminal alone.

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This is taking taxidermy to an entirely new level but somehow all my instincts are crying its the wrong one.

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This chain is like an infestation of poison mushrooms. Where is it not present yet that could merit opening another of choke-n-puke?

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Can anyone remember a text comparing metal genres to dragon fighting knights trying to rescue a damsel in distress?

Some were hilarious, like the new metal guy arriving at the lair in a beat up Civic.

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I am not a smoker but once in a blue moon I can convince myself to either go for a cigarillo or a small cigar.

I'l sit outside, which implies this is something I do preferably in the summer months, pour myself a glass of wine, put on some music and just be by myself, existing.

I've been mulling about getting a pipe for some years.

I make my best to not bother anyone with my smoke and when buying tobbacco, I buy good, to keep it a ritual of self care and not an addiction.

Working with smokers, I constantly hear them complaining about vapers and vice versa and how tobacco is so expensive.

At an average €4,5 a pack, by the end of the month it adds up to a very round €135. Half of that gets me tobbacco and wine for two years.

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"Do Androids Dream of Eletric Sheep"

You'll probably recognize it as Blade Runner but the film took so much liberty the author allowed a good friend to write three sequels in order to harmonize the book with the movie.

Also "Starship Troopers".

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Unless my history lessons are evading me, your country was founded by deists running from fundamentalists.

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Sounds awfully like 2 AIs talking at each other

I'm from Portugal and we are all crazy in here. Nobody really knows how things get done, nobody really runs the country - but we're also not willing to allow others to run it! - we pick fights between two sides of the same village over bread, wine or how some dish is prepared and nobody really likes someother part of the country for the exact same reasons they get disliked back but somehow the lights are still on and still haven't burned the house down.

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Not american but too much time on Reddit was quick to teach how ingenious americans are in turning misdemeanors into felonies.

The three strikes law is particularly heinous.

As a European:

Struggle to find a craftsman to do any small work.

Work really needs to get done.

Go online, find how it is done.

Go to some hardware store and buy everything and a couple of extras, just for good measure.

Start the work.

Break or destroy whatever the cause of the problem.

Realize the original work was already badly done, is too old to be safe or was half assed together by some lazy person.

Go back online, find modern solution.

Go back to store, buy extra materials.

Break things even more.

Replace bad original work with modern solution, creating in the meanwhile a solution to conected bad work you can't solve to the work you've done.

It works and it is safe.

Eventually, one of the crafts worker calls back.

Sees the work you have done: "Why did you bother doing all of that? You spent too much money."

Describes shoddy solution, like what was before the damage you solved by yourself.

"Fuck my luck."

End note: I faced this when fixing a sewers issue and a renewal of an electrical circuit.

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Wait, this just crossed my mind.

I remember reading somewhere that in the US, a convicted fellon loses their voting rights. If this is true, then how can a fellon be eligible for public/political office?

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Is this actually a concern? Having legislation rolled out to force new and better technology to reach the market, thus causing systemic savings of energy and money?

The way it's written it's as if the consumer is forced to go get a new ceiling fan or gas stove the moment the new ones land in the market.

And if some small manufacturers go bust, that means room for others to appear.

Titanic is not a good movie.

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Remember this is the same company that has to either comply with the EU bridging regulation between messaging platforms or withdraw from the market.

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Mind expand a bit on that, please, then?

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Not that I use the junk this company ships to stores but a part of me would like to hear the meeting where someone proposed this and the rationale to support it.

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[...] Apple claims that empowering consumers and bolstering independent repair shops will turn states into “hacker meccas.”

What does that even mean?

The car industry insists that making it easier and cheaper to repair modern cars [...]

Afraid of someone doing a better job than your own service?

[...] will be a boon to sexual predators.


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Listen, I probably one of the most hardcore linux propagandists out there, which spells disaster when I confess I'm anything but a tech guru, but even I am aware some people are too off the deep end to swim back and move to another OS.

Windows is locked in a dominant position and regardless how bad their solutions are in fact, not enough tech/privacy aware high level managers exist to push windows off the corporate shelf.

The alternative is to spread Linux and FOSS to kids and incentivize the use and exploring of technology because it is simply fun to do it, not shotgun proseletize and hope something sticks.

Your intention is good but the method, which I often use as well, needs a lot of refining.

As close to verbatim as possible, calling to the former eletric supplier we used.

"Good morning, ny name is XYZ and I need a clarification for the invoice you just sent. My account number is 123 and the address is ABC."

"Thank you. Please wait a moment."

5 minutes later, without notice I'm transfered to another department.

"What seems to be the problem with the invoice?"

"After reading it, I have found it was issued based on calculated numbers. My meter is already online."

"I am afraid you are mistaken; we have no readings from your meter for the last 6 months."

"I have just disconnected from the power distributor service line and was informed my meter has been online and registering the energy used for the last year."

"I apologize but that is incorrect."

"I am checking my customer area at the distributor as we speak and I have information the online date for this location is XPTO; the company has not been issuing invoices based on real numbers for some reason I do not know and I would appreciate an explanation."

p.s. I am not confrontational with call center workers; I worked at one for a short time and it was a rotten work environment for the most. I was miffed but making my best to be polite.

"I must insist that information is incorrect. Our invoices are firm and issued according to an algorithm calculation for expected consumion based on client history."

"Right. Would it be possible to have a complaint issued to have this matter evaluated?"

"Considering the information provided, there is no basis to present a complaint. I also notice the next invoice is due in 8 days. I remind you that the late payment will incur in penalties. Can I be of any further assistance?"

I thanked and ended the call, after which I started the transfer of my contract to another vendor, while submitting a complaint by the public complaint book, that is supervised by a regulatory organism.

After 4 weeks, I was returned a good chunk of change and was bombarded with calls to evaluate my satisfaction with the conpany and inquire my interest in moving back to them.

Nah, I'm good.

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It's crazy enough to be fun and you don't need the CIA as the sole vilan.

A good journalist can garner a solid fan club for their demise.

Mafia, politians, corporations, foreign agents...

But if I can make a suggestion, make the show to run for two, three seasons, max. Keep it well put together, free from backstage drama, good plot, better script, genius dialogue. Throw in a bit of dark humor and some violence but keep it overall light.

Either open source it, lead an effort to create a way for everything to be emulateable involving the players/fans/supporters in it or port everything for another platform.

and don't even think about charge a single cent again; it's your part planning to deprive people from the store.

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As a Signal user this will be very much welcome. I abandoned FB and its messenger to cut down on aplications on my phone and giving a fat f-u to that cancer. Then I had to jump on Discord to keep in contact with friends but I just don't like it. If I can Signal all my contacts regardless the bag of bricks they're using, it will be a win.

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