What is the profession you wouldn't work, even for a day and even if paid your weight in gold?

qyron@sopuli.xyz to Asklemmy@lemmy.ml – 38 points –

At 60k per kilo, my weight in gold is a rough 3.5 million. I'd have a pretty damn horrible day for 3.5 million.

So that really just rules out stuff with long-term consequences. Asbestos mining, organ donor, etc..

Organ donor is not a profession.


Depends on whose organs you're donating

When I donate one kidney, I'm a hero. When I donate 10 kidneys, I'm an 'organ trafficker'. What did I do wrong?

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Military / weapons, police, bailiffs, pyramid scheme grifts, wellness grifts, petrochemicals, mining, financial services (unless it was something like a credit union)

You wouldn't work for the police for 3-5 million????

How awful must the police be where you live?

No I wouldn't. It would go against my ethics and my politics. Police are police, everywhere. Ultimately they exist to protect the interests of the ruling classes. While the level of violence and corruption and abuse of power might vary from place to place, and there may be good work that they do, there is violence and corruption and abuse of power wherever there are police. I want no part in that, no money is worth it. And I wouldn't last long in a racist and sexist workplace anyway.

You could be the change you want to see and earning alot of money, to maybe do more change you care about.

It's literally worse for everyone, that you say no to this. Including yourself.

I mean I'm very flattered that you think that me joining the police would revolutionise it but... No. That's not how change happens. Otherwise it would have already happened. I'm sorry my decision to turn down a fictional offer of joining the police offends / upsets you.

Dw, not upset. It's fictional, and so is the arguments we are making for this. It just doesn't make sense in this fiction setting, that's all.

if you earn lots of money then given that police is state funded thats ~5mln away from the state which is good or bad depending on many things

Out of all the things on the list, that was the one I understood the most. I’d be willing to risk my body, comfort, or sanity for a few million, but joining the police will cost you your soul.

joining the police will cost you your soul.

For a day? Some weak ass people.

To be honest, I sort of forgot it was only for a day, lol.

On second thought, I might do it, but I would be the worst cop possible and enforce no laws since I could just offer the boss $100,000 or so to not fire me until tomorrow.

AC do be B though.

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Selling things to people who shouldn't have it or need it. Money doesn't mean shit if you're fucking people over.

Executioner for the US prison system. In some states it's a real job, and it's not a doctor, it's just whoever is sociopathic enough to want to do it.

Cold-call telemarketing

I did that. It was amazing how many people tried to make it into some kind of sex call.

Sex worker would be pretty rough and possibly deadly. Being a soldier in one of America's resource wars. Anything to do with criminal justice. Working in a narcotics cartel. It's a lot of gold but no point if I'm gonna die.

Sex worker could be fairly safe, if sex workers had any rights in my country. (context: USA. There are countries where sex workers are are least somewhat respected and have rights. Not here.) Then it would be about as safe as being a doctor who makes house calls, or hospice, or other jobs where you may be in private with another person for some reason.

Agree, sex work is generally far safer in jurisdictions where it has been legalised and regulated e.g. Netherlands, Germany. It still carries the weight of Judeo-Christian guilt which leads to some unhealthy outcomes, usually for women.

I'm a big guy so my weight in gold is pretty compelling tbh.

I'd probably do anything not deadly or grievously injuring for $7.5M in gold in one day.

I just checked, I'm thinking about almost 9m USD for this here dad bod 😂

Come on, give us something precise.

Crossing the street is potentially deadly or grievously injuring and yet we do it every day. And for free!

I guess I mean anything nearly guaranteed to risk grievous injury like getting hit by a bus or something. If I can still use the 7.5mil after the day's over I'll do it all.

I don't think any reasonable person would actually turn down their weight in gold for one unpleasant day of work, unless there was a high probability of grievous injury or death to themselves or others.

But if we're just being hyperbolic, I deliberately never worked in the food industry. I knew if I worked in food somewhere, I would get sick if it and never want to eat there again.

im thinking traumatizing or against your morals.. maybe skinning dogs for meat

For 5 million in gold? Introduce me to Fido.

i hear you. i also know a couple of friends who made a silly amount of money doing evil things and now they are drinking themselves to death joylessly. you have to live with yourself and you'll always know its blood money.

I think you could do almost anything for a day. One day is "Here's Jim, he's new, and we are going to show him how we do things here" stuff where little actual work happens.

A month would be a more realistic situation. I wouldn't want to be military in an active war zone, work for a drug/trafficking cartel, or any other dangerous profession where the likelihood of dying or going to prison is high. Or professions where I'd have to actively harm people.

There are professions where one day on the job is enough to leave marks.

First thing that comes to my mind is something military-like or something that involves killing People (innocent or not).

Joke answer: retail

Serious answer: anything that took me more than 50 ft above the ground

i pay money to jump out of airplanes for fun and am astounded at how many people are expressing acrophobia in these comments, so much acrophobia that you wouldn't even leave the ground for a few million dollars

a days work for 80 kg of gold? I'll do anything

Working in a foundry or an oil rig. They both seem like pretty shit jobs due to the hazards, materials and conditions.

Know a manager of an oil rig.

Away from friends and family for months at a time, extremely dangerous, 12+ hour shifts, constantly dealing with issues with staff and all around miserable and stressful. Said he wished he had gotten into literally anything else.


Also anything I can't do that I'd you put me in that place would result in death of others or environmental devastation. Emergency room doctor, oil rig operator...

Police, mining, executioner, anything to do with fossil fuels, factory farming, surgery, human trafficking, drug trafficking, maybe prostitution.

You wouldn't do a day of admin for a power plant for $4.5m?

Let's say someone wants an extra day off work, if you say no they don't get their day off so all the work gets done either way, if you say yes you have to sort through paperwork and file it correctly, hourly rate of half a million dollars.

You're honestly turning that down?

Cell tower or wind turbine repair.

That could actually be fun.

Have at it. A big nope from me. I watched a couple of videos of guys climbing those things and working on them and about died of anxiety. Even with all the proper safety gear, I'm sure I'd get a ways up and just freeze in fear.

I'd rather take on some of the other "nopes" in this thread; military or law enforcement. I could be a lazy ass do nothing cop for a day. Seems to work for quite a few cops.

I respect that.

For some reason I can't explain, I find myself more attracted by intense situations as I grow older, which goes completely against all basic rules of self preservation.

Sex work for sure. Anything illegal really. Would stress me out.

Probably food service or retail. Just about anything customer facing, really. I’ve never done those kind of jobs but it looks really stressful, like the people doing them are always doing something. There’s no sitting around and watching movies in that kind of job.

What is your current job if your standards are that high and can I fucking join

Senior software engineer for one of the big terrible companies

software engineer

Lol same

Yup I'm going to rethink my employment

There’s no sitting around and watching movies in that kind of job.

What kind of jobs are you doing?

I’m a senior software engineer, I work about 2 hours a day for 3 days a week. I’m very privileged, but I went to school until I was 30 and have 2 advanced degrees so there’s that. Also I’m pretty sure I’m going to be laid off in Q1 2024 so I’ll probably retire.

I worked really hard long hours in grad school and in my first post doc, and I don’t ever want to be stressed like that again in my life.

Funny you should add that last sentence. My first day as a restaurant worker 30 something years ago was entirely sitting watching videos.