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Joined 1 years ago

Radiators? Nah, open loop. One end to the faucet, other end to the drain. If you’re on well water it goes right back down to where it came from.

For a better life, no baby

lol how tight would it be if I could buy my own mortgages off of the bank for a discount

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What’s wrong with potato salad?

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You guys don’t iron clothes?

I’m a millennial and I iron my clothes, how do you get the wrinkles out???? Teach me your secrets

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I don’t like it when underprivileged people get the short end of the stick. It sucks.

But trains are awesome, and it is IMPOSSIBLE to create the infrastructure we desperately need without some people being inconvenienced.

They’re fixed rates, maybe that’s a good idea!

Smart. People can still rent out an extra room, but can’t squat on an apartment solely for Airbnb.

That’s how airbnbs were when I’ve used them in the past, things like a place where you can sleep on someone’s couch, or a house with a spare room you can crash in. Those kinds of arrangements were way cheaper than hotels and very appealing.

USA should have done this to Scientology after they infiltrated the CIA or whatever it was.

At some point you have to be able to do so, despite religious protections. Otherwise “we are a religion” is a “get out of jail” card.

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Can we do mandatory civil service instead

Like that would actually help people, building infrastructure, national parks, gaining skills and trades, maybe helping reduce obesity

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Because the media want him to run. Trump brings ratings. They are not incentivized to care about educating anyone; entertainment pays the bills.

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Yeah my favorite is people who say things like “I’m the 1940s USA/Canada/aus/etc fought fascism, what happened”?

No, they fought GERMANY. tons of those soldiers came back home and became John Birchers or klansmen or Christofascist evangelicals any other kind of fascist.

Shooting nazis does not an anti fascist make, perplexingly.

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So you are going to wear some kind of pants that you can’t take off easily for 3 days. Maybe some kind of medieval armor, or a fursuit.

Gatorade has tons of calories because of the sugar, and it will leave nothing to poop out. It will give you the critical electrolytes (plants crave them) that you’re missing from food. Take a multivitamin too.

But it doesn’t have enough calories, and you need stuff to go in your stomach so you don’t suffer being empty on your temporary Gatorade diet. eat white bread. Your body metabolizes almost all of it, so there’s almost nothing to poop out.

You will need to poop out all your poop before doing this, so good hydration and veggies beforehand will clean you out. No need for laxatives, just switch to your new and stupid diet 36 hours before you need to stop pooping.

Good luck on your medieval battle reënactment or orgy.

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Can we yet dispense with the fiction that hamas is fighting some just war?

Hiding behind civilians and intentionally using their deaths as propaganda is terrible.

Also, free palestine, fuck hamas, fuck likud, fuck Iran, and fuck Russia.

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your friends

Single player supremacy

I’m still enjoying civ5 without any DLC

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Why is the right becoming more popular? What changed?

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Was Saturn V affordable?

Because maybe the question isn’t whether it’s affordable but whether we are budgeting enough money.

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The article basically says it’s a pattern driven by poverty and population density. We’ve all heard that explanation before, and it seems reasonable.

But imagine you’re a middle class black woman; how are you supposed to interpret this? I imagine those women (and men too) would have very mixed feelings about being painted with such a wide brush. Not that I’d know, but I would love to hear something from their perspective.

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Yes, I think people don’t like it because they think any time you use a word with a positive connotation (“benefit”), you must be speaking positively.

Another example is “brave”. Let’s talk about the woman who got shot to death while storming the US capitol. If you say she was brave, people will assume you side with Trump and the insurrectionists. But she was absolutely brave. But also deluded.

These mental shortcuts are reinforced all the time, and we really have to force ourselves to think critically (and cynically) to overcome them.

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Can they please conduct raids here in the US too


Pre-9/11 airport travel

Every time I’m at the airport, I’m haunted by the memory of how it it was. We really fucked up. For something as important as public transportation, we really screwed up by sacrificing privacy for the fake feeling of security.

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Because context.

We are currently trying to hold Thomas to quite low standards of conflict of interest; he did something really really bad (no, not Anita hill), compared to what sotomayor did, which is absolutely nothing by comparison.

Asking to hold Sotomayor to incredibly high standards is a distraction from the issue. It’s in bad faith, it’s whataboutism.

No, we can’t do both, because the public’s and media’s concentration is a finite resource. Even bringing up her books in the same thought as what Thomas did is false equivalence and distraction.

It’s like saying “yes, James stole $10000 from the orphanage. But Jenny jaywalked yesterday, they should both be held accountable”. To anyone but the most fervently autistic (not used as an insult), the implication and motivation for such a statement is blatant.

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So desperate for profitability

Lesson: loss leader web platform shit is only good when it’s losing money. And when interest rates are going up, they can’t afford to lose money.

I got banned for suggesting that Hamas doesn’t care about Palestinian people, in the same comment where I said that Israel is committing genocide.

Some kind of purity test bullshit.

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It took about a decade to undo the conditioning I gained in college and grad school to wake up every day at noon. Now, ten years later in my early 40s, I’m able to wake up at 10 am.

Many people, including myself, are too dumb to understand that other people don’t value the same thing in us that we value in others.

You see them try and become what they like, in order to try to appeal to others. “Well I wish I got more attention, so I’m going to give tons and tons of attention to others”. “I wish someone would make a grand romantic gesture to me, so I’m going to do that to someone else”. That kind of thing.

This is sometimes called “fundamental attribution error” although I think that concept covers a bit more ground.

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Good. Kids don’t need cell phones, and they really are a huge distraction.

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Who benefits economically by addressing the needs of Palestinians?

Unless the answer is “us billionaires”, you have your answer for what policy will be inacted.

The answer to every “what policy will the US take” is “whichever most benefits the rich, and if multiple, whichever most benefits the rich to the exclusion of the poor”.

Didn’t even know they had it

Can they add Lemmy-style threaded replies? It’s dumb that thread depth is fixed at 1. We had infinitely threaded replies way back in the BBS days, it isn’t exactly a new feature.

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I would cut cars in half and weld them into the other halves of other cars

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Certainly not at Israeli music festivals

It’s because we live in an age where people use the tactic of “well I just like this one thing he said” as a gateway to awful shit.

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Dude what, replace all of those with me skiing while my mouse jiggler keeps my slack status active lol

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It was originally rar because it’s so easy to separate into multiple files. Now you can do that in other formats, but the legacy has stuck.

I want a personal assistant that actually works. Like Siri or Alexa, but it can actually do secretarial tasks.

“Find and schedule a roofing company to come fix the roof”

“See if you can get me dinner reservations for a nice Italian restaurant tomorrow night at 630”

“Write an email to bob apologizing for running over his dog”

“Find an image on the internet of a person being mauled by a bear, edit the picture so that it’s James being mauled, and send picture to him”

“Find a new show for me to watch and torrent the first episode, re-dub it in Japanese with Spanish subtitles”

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Essays were always shit. People had others write them, parents, etc.

It should be interviews and fewer people should go in the first place.

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What is skibidy

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“It did not apply only to those who took up arms,” Magliocca added.

He described one example from 1868, shortly before the amendment was ratified, when Congress decided that a Kentucky politician was disqualified from serving because he wrote a letter-to-the-editor advocating for violence against Union troops. Another senator-elect was disqualified because he sent $100 to his son, who was serving in the Confederate Army.

Absolutely fantastic. Get him outta there!

I thought vaping was fine because I didn’t know it had nicotine in it.

Super fucking addictive, it should absolutely be regulated because currently in most places it isn’t, as evidenced by all the kids buying vapes.

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Why do they need immigrants? There are people here now who need jobs, they can do it.

If I hear “immigrants will accept lower wages” one more fucking time I’m going to lose it, that’s just an intentional creation of a lower class, it’s feudalistic and coercive. Same thing with farm labor. Pay a reasonable amount and local people will do it.

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