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Joined 12 months ago


Because if you're poor, it's because Jesus is punishing you for something. (This is a slight exaggeration of the mindset.)

For showing my point I like the joke that was made of the pastor in Katrina turning down help from the coast guard three times because God will save me, then drowning, getting to the pearly gates and asking why he wasn't saved. The response was "I tried three times. You didn't get on any of the helicopters I sent to save you." There are direct parallels to religious figures claiming God will save them from COVID and not wearing masks or getting vaccines or anything, then dieing of COVID not months later. And those weren't jokes. They were in the news...

Religion is taught very poorly here in a lot of places, and it's very predatory in a lot of the US. Any religious television here is only a scam.

Eh. I'm in the ace umbrella and I'd be honored to be associated. One of the most important tenants of BDSM is consent. And if everyone is consenting, I won't be forced into situations I'm uncomfortable with. These people probably associate BDSM with Fifty Shade of Gray, which the BDSM community, last I checked, hates with a burning passion because it's very nonconsensual.

Hannah Montana Linux. Do I have to explain?

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I love discord, for what it's for. Quick synchronous talks you will never refer back to again. So not software development where indexable logs of information are necessary. I know discord has indexing, and now some form of forum. But every discord I've been to for development (especially modding communities) has a large corpus of synchronous logs where people get annoyed if you ask a question that was answered one before a long time ago with extremely common language making it nearly impossible to search for because the keywords have been used out of context of your question hundreds of times since the question was asked.

If the Dev communities used the forums mode in discord more, it wouldn't always solve it, but it'd be much better. There are better places than discord for these things, but I have been trying to meet people where they're established.

Fabulous Crusty. I don't hate his work or his decisions, as he wanted to do what he liked, and he found a new audience with it. Absolutely good for him.

I miss his old content he probably decided was cringe, or perhaps YouTube deemed controversial like his playthrough of Rinse and Repeat. Rinse and Repeat isn't controversial as far as I know(?) and had censor blurs. As someone in the LGBTA, I didn't find his reactions to be inappropriate, and I liked his exploration of the jank of that game. Although I'm not sure why he played it, other than "this game is weird, it'll get clicks."

He's deleted or delisted a lot of my favorite videos from back in the day (or I can't find his old channel, not sure). I hope he's doing well, I just miss the really random weird stuff he was playing. I did enjoy the Shadow of War stuff though.

Umm... It's clinical, so dopamine.

My parents.

Good luck. Don't catch covid again if you can help it. Repeated exposure makes it worse. Pretty sure that's where I'm at. At least I've been up to date with vaccines or it could have been much worse, likely.

Yep. R/Noita went private and moved to the discord I was already in, but Discord is a terrible replacement for Reddit. I don't have time to read everything in the community to find anything in the community... So now I only have the comment section in FuryForged to find new discoveries in one of the most ridiculously complicated physics simulators I play.

It's an obscure enough community that I doubt it will reopen there, and I'd lose some respect for it if it reopened before Reddit actually listened to a single word we said.

looks at home instance name That I hang out with furries. Still considered a more controversial thing than actually evil things in politics in my country.

I mean, the average newborn is smarter than the average politician, so maybe it's not as bad as we think.

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Sounds like anywhere in VA that isn't Alexandria or Tyson's Corner.

It depends on how far the doctors went when they removed a part of you without permission or consent. There are levels of skin tightness that some people are on the unfortunate end of, if the doctor took an excessive amount. And in general, there are a huge number of nerves in the foreskin which are significantly more sensitive, so cut members will need more stimulation than they would have, and that can lead to chaffing when attempting to receive the same results as they could have with foreskin.

An overwhelming desire to never be taken seriously by the average user.

A game with the time travel self interaction and self saving mechanics of Super Time Force Ultra. Doesn't have to be a side scroller. Bonus points for getting multiplayer to work reasonably. I've been theorycrafting ways to do multiplayer like this for years (and ultimately most of it feels disjointed in theory so IDK). I've only seen one super low budget game using this mechanic (as a main game mechanic, not a side puzzle like the Ratchet and Clank time puzzles) and the reviews weren't great.

I've been considering mixing it with 5D Chess with Time Travel mechanics and Advance Wars gameplay as a proof of concept and see how far that gets me... But I don't have time or energy to work on it after work...

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This is tip culture standard. The company is only required to pay enough such that tips plus pay meet minimum wage. CEO's should have to work for tips given by their employees in order to earn over minimum wage, change my mind.

Sex worker could be fairly safe, if sex workers had any rights in my country. (context: USA. There are countries where sex workers are are least somewhat respected and have rights. Not here.) Then it would be about as safe as being a doctor who makes house calls, or hospice, or other jobs where you may be in private with another person for some reason.

Roguelike A Kid in King Arthur's Court with sandwiches being the witchcraft. I'd play it.

There's more than one enemy and more than one boss who can polymorph you.

Practicing with Respawn+ installed from the Steam Workshop (or elsewhere) is quite for learning, but not necessary for people who want the challenge. I went from mods that decrease difficulty to ones that add new bosses, secrets, and ways to die unfairly in an instant, and I don't regret my time investment.

11/10 game

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Most boomers I know still can't use a mouse. Millennials and gen X fill most of the old Internet in my mind, but the original '91 Internet was a lot of tech focused boomers, but also was significantly Gen X. '95-'99 seemed to pick up more traction with my generation.

From my experience with YYZ, they won't start boarding the next flight until around the time you're scheduled to land (or at least not until after the plane was supposed to leave), and they WON'T declare a delay or tell anyone waiting at the gates what is going on.

Oh and don't ask the customs people any questions or they might try to find a way to punish you. They refused to tell us that we were waiting fifteen minutes in customs because they failed to warm up the machine before telling people to get in line for that machine.

Never again YYZ. I thought America had bad airports...

I mean, edutainment exists. It's just rarely good.

Mine only do these things for attention. We try to encourage positive behaviors for getting our attention, but there are times we can't pay attention to them and they hate that. I love those spoiled brats, but they can get frustrating. Especially if the game you're playing can't be paused or you have your hands full at work (from home).

Not only is this not obsolete, it's close to biographical as it closely references the first and second Artificial Intelligence Winters. The first being in the 60s. We've been working on these for a long time, so 5 years is short. It took until GPGPU to kick into full gear and some clever insights to get Deep Learning up and running (somewhat attributed to work published in 2011) to start reliably on this problem, and even that is an oversimplification of the timeline and the scope.

Others have mentioned oddities like the difficulty of subject matter (picture contains a bird vs picture of a bird) but there are a lot harder problems that are trivial to humans and counterintuitively incredibly hard for computers.

NT is easily my favorite. Soler is a treasure, not just for NT.

Apotheosis, Graham's Things, and More Stuff are my next go to recommendations, but they can be very hard. The Noita Devs hosted a mod showcase pretty recently that shows off quite a few of the best mods in the game. The pinball one is a blast, especially together with NT.

Still pretty cheap, but yeah. I've had little from the Kroger line that I'd buy again, so that's fair enough.

Interesting. Outside of chips, I've had a lot of luck with Private Selection (Kroger's no name brand). I've had quality issues with Food Lion and Walmart's perishables, but not as often with Kroger. Kroger's non perishables don't seem to be much different than Walmart's though.

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As a cat owner, can confirm cats are always bad. The best bad decisions I've made, are my two little fuzz balls. And I hope they're happy with me as well.

They are the reason we don't have a Christmas tree anymore.

/prəˈrɒgətɪv/ Huh. I guess usually when a schwa and a rhotic is involved, my dialect drops it. I pronounce it /prˈrɒgətɪv/ which could be romanized to pur-ROH-guh-tiv. But there's no actual separation between the u and the r there.

Reminds me of Majesty a little, but with a direct avatar. Majesty was fun, but is pretty dated. Didn't really have the morale aspect, but that sounds interesting. I'll have to see if I can find MLaaK to try out.

Definitely disagree with the clear best choice one. Our group regularly switches things around. Of course to each their own.


I need to check my inbox more often. I'll take a look. Thank you.

There are times where intersex babies need surgery to prevent complications. For anything else, let them wait until they can decide. Agreed 100%.

Designing good UX is harder than designing good UI is harder than writing good code. As a machine learning engineer, I will never be able to design UX. I have made a pretty UI once though.

In America, it appears to have started being in vogue during WWII as a way for single moms whose husband is overseas to have less to take care of. After a bit of coercion, my parents admitted the hospital did it without even their consent. That does sound a lot like [insert birth state here] in the [insert birth decade here] so I didn't question it.

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