0 Post – 249 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Brave is garbage. It's a cryptoscam adscam browser based on Chrome. For the love of god, use Firefox (or Vivaldi if you absolutely need chromium)

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The one who opened an issue is either 13 years old and dumb as a log or a troll (also dumb as a log) and this project is barely used, like at all

So please, don't give them attention

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1- It takes a lot of space. jUsT bUy a bIgGeR dRiVe --stfu I'm not going to spend money for you to waste it

1- a) Everyone assumes you're an American with 20Gbps symmetrical fiber optic. My internet can't handle 2+ Gb downloads for a fucking 50 Mb app bro

2- Duplicate graphics drivers. Particularly painful with Nvidia

3- It puts a lot of security work with distro library trees straight into the shitter

4- Horrendously designed system for CLI apps (flatpak run

5- Filesystem isolation has many upsides for security but also it can cause some pain (definitely nitpicking)

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Lmfao imagine siding with a genocide

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Sounds like a heap of crap. X.Org developers moved to Wayland, they were the ones who made it happen. Now, I wonder where this dude with his XOrg Forks and PhD and shit was during all that 15 years it took to conceptualize wayland.

You all need a lesson in taking everything people say, including and most importantly their qualifications with a huge grain of salt.

Wayland has been working perfectly for years now. Many of the supposedly "impossible to implement" functions of the old hunk of junk Xorg were either found to be bogus anyways or have been made available on Wayland.

Sincerely-- Someone who's been using wayland since 2016

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Have you tried not being fascists?

A lot of butthurt techbros getting cockblocked here lmao

Yes. I've used X11 for far too long to have any rose tinted glasses for the piece of fucking broken shit it always was. a LOT of people don't realize how many hacks, workarounds and sheer tears and duct tape goes into making the piece of shit render the smallest line on the screen.

That's also why Phoronix comment section neckbeards are so infuriating for me. They talk like X.Org works like at all.

NoteBookCheck is a legit website, what issue do you have with them? I always found their reviews and information and testing to be high quality

This is like shitting on GamersNexus because they removed some shitty product in every video to make money

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This has been people's reactions to anything good that comes into Firefox for close to 20 years now

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The blog this test is originally from

After finally realizing nobody is interested in EGLstreams, Nvidia seems to be on track to make their drivers less of a disaster for Wayland support, so thankfully it is bound to become better

I just want you to know, this isn't a failure on anything other than Nvidia trying to force their own crap on everyone and failing

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OpenGL is actually older. Microsoft just spent a lot of time and money on DX adoption.

Overall, it's the native API of Windows and that has the largest user base. On the other hand, many non-game professional apps use OpenGL/Vulkan

Jensen fucking Huang is a piece of shit and choke full of it too

Actually, AI can replace this dick at a fraction of the cost instead of replacing developers. Bring out the guillotine mfs

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It's not plastic

In this comment section I have found my people


Purely functional programming is a pathway to many abilities OOP devs consider to be... Unnatural

Lol fuck pigs, fuck blue lives, fuck ALL THE COPS

ACAB get fucked piggy pig

It's happening right now

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Using Btrfs you can do some pretty cool snapshotting: It's basically like system restore of Windows but MUCH faster and pretty seamless. Even if you annihilate the whole operating system you can restore the snapshot and voila, have fun! It also has compression which can save some wear on SSDs and of course give you some more free(tm) storage space, which is cool [actual benefits depend on workload*]

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Well shit, Open Source Bus Theory has some merits

Rest in Peace

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Ooooh how dare you? Dontyaknow Birdie from Phoronix is struggling to run a window manager from 1983 on a ATi Rage II with Wayland???!?!??

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Wake up babe new EU slander just dropped

Flutter is a UX/UI framework for Dart programming language. Dart is a statically typed (optionally dynamic possible), completely type safe, soundly null-safe compiled programming language. It can compile to JS to run on the web, or compile to x86_64 or Arm assembly to run on hardware.

Combining Dart, which is honestly an awesome but underrated language with Flutter which is a declarative UI framework, I have found a new love for app development. It's very pleasant.

And now I get shot in the dick with this news....

Read the original blog post. The slower devices are the biggest devices some parts of the world rely on because they can't afford anything better. This makes them excluded from the "modern" web.

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Xiaomi doesn't have an app store. It's possible that you're tripping off the "counterfeit app detection" and it's sending a request to Google Play and installs from there.

This mechanism even tho inconvenient for you is a life saver in countries with lower tech literacy because malware versions of popular massanger apps were very widespread

Just because we're not yet at MegaGenocide™ package doesn't mean much, most of Gaza is rubble now. That two million people have pretty much nowhere to return to. Israel wanted ethnic cleansing (as they have explicitly stated time and time again, Zionism is a fascist ideology) and they're getting it

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For them? This is tame.

Would technically be doable in UEFI.... But I'm not mad enough to bring this shit to the world

Well then, log off your main acc and create one locked just to the good feelings parts of lemmy

You do have the option of taking a digital break. You must remember thst everyone has a limit, and once you push them hard enough they tend to push back

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Jesus fuck this is literally starvation

Themes are very powerful beings in KDE. they can install SDDM themes and scripts, they can set Kvantum themes, custom parameters for other parts of the system etc.

You can't really do that shit without scripting

Honestly, why people hate it so much? It's better than most of the shit people use

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I feel called out

IBM didn't "fall". Just because they don't make phones and pop culture shit anymore doesn't mean that International Business Machines are going anywhere soon.

How many companies do you know that make a multitude of processor architectures and a multitude of super computer architectures?

IBM probably has a black site nuclear bomb research lab aimed straight at their competition too

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Where’s saving a page as pdf on mobile

Menu -> Print -> Save as PDF

ALSO: Menu -> Share Icon -> Save PDF

One method is built-in, the other uses the system's PDF saver. You have the choice on which to use.

Also they're always treating C++ like it's some arcane enterprise variant that uses 1990s C++

Using modern C++ you can write much cleaner, more usable, and really safe code

Cope and Seethe

Again, none of that is a failure of Wayland, it's a failure of Zoom to run on Wayland. One day, and this is in the next 5 years, Wayland-only apps will refuse to run on X.Org and the situation will be reversed.

You can share screen perfectly fine under Wayland. Many apps use it fine, and even in case of Discord if you use it with a browser it's doable.

No Wayland dev can fix an issue that originates from lack of app support. There has been many Wayland issues through the years and trust me, I know, but how do you expect them to fix Zoom? Acquire the company and take it behind the shed?

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I don't think any wrong doing on their part was ever proven, with countries like Germany state intelligence doing their investigation and finding nothing

It was fear marketing, aka using fear mongering to buy shares for dying western Telecom companies. Seriously, a lot of 5G and 6G patents are made by Chinese people, what chances did slow glaciers like Ericsson have if the USA didn't jump on their old red scare asian peril dick?

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