1 Post – 91 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Who cares? Fuck reddit. Half the content is bots anyway. So, bots stealing content to train AI to make content, which the bots will steal and repost. Circle of death for reddit. Good luck with that IPO.

Similarly, "not guilty" does not necessarily mean "guilty, but we couldn't prove 100%". So, a lack of conviction is not evidence that they did commit a crime, as you're implying. This is especially relevant to rape cases.

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Don't go with the low bid.

College isn't for everyone.

I'm curious why you say that, unless you mean in today's market. Sure, it's expensive and often something needs fixed. But it sure beats paying inflated rent to someone else to live surrounded by methheads, folks with kids that literally bounce off the walls all day, and/or older folks that go to bed at 6pm and complain if you make a peep after 6.

Personally, I like my house, as spendy as it is. I'd amend your statement to say "don't buy a house you can't afford, do your homework and research".

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With the right equipment, proper preparation, and proper knowledge of use, heat treatment can be the most effective, especially on mass infestations. I've had training and used this method professionally many times effectively. But it's not a DIY home remedy.

You're stating that "not guilty" doesn't mean "innocent." I'm adding that "not guilty" doesn't always mean "guilty but got away with it." Which part confused you?

About 25 miles. About 30 years ago, I had a stint with meth, short-lived, thankfully. I walked from the north end of my city to a suburb south of the city to my sisters house to detox after a bender and running out of money. Funny thing, in retrospect, I had just enough money left for bus fare but when I got on the bus, I was still so sketched out (paranoid) that I couldn't bear to be around other (sober) people. So, I got off the bus immediately and walked. Not my finest hour.

That's a nice story, in a way, but not even remotely close to this case.

They aren't bureaucrats, they are grunts with a superiority complex.

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That sucks, I'm sorry that happened. But landscapers are not concrete people. I will say that any of either profession I've dealt with were aggressive about payment. I wouldn't be surprised if the guy tried to give you a change order for additional money?

That's just it, they don't have any real power. Sure, they can issue violations and threaten fines but they can't enforce it. That's for their boss (nice lady, btw) to handle.

Do you want to ban free trials to protect the forgetful?

Yes, in a way. They are counting on the forgetful to an extent. There are actual apps to cancels services people have forgotten about but still pay for. Remove the requirement for cc info for a free trial. There are services out their that I might use but I'm not comfortable inserting cc info until I'm sure it is useful to me. If the product is as great as Apple (or whoever) say it is, people will subscribe.

I unsubbed from all my main 'normal' subs. The only stuff in my feed now is nfsw stuff (yes, porn) and that all seems to be mostly unaffected but I've noticed that the content isn't as active.

Discover is the best one I've ever had. No annual fee, started out with 0% interest for 18 months. I constantly get 0% balance transfer offers for 12 months, sure it costs a 3% one time fee, but it sure saves money on interest. Plus, their customer service and fraud dispute are the best imo.

To be fair, I'm not giving them what they asked for. I'm giving them what they didn't asked for to avoid future violations. Potaetoe potahto

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Funny story, I have a coworker who wanted a second monitor for her office PC. Now her second monitor is covered with sticky post it notes.

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I went back there for like 3 minutes today and found myself getting angry at some stupid argument that didn't matter to me really but still got to me. I don't need that, I got enough irl. Lemmy et al. ain't perfect, but at least it's not that shithole.

I, for one, did not take your comment in a bad light. I'm in my late 40s, and most of my peers that I'm comfortable with have anxiety or some other mental health issue, myself included. I'm not sure what generation classification I fall into, but it really doesn't matter; it's not a generation specific problem. I guess I don't really have a point here. Maybe that it's a problem of the times rather than DOB. Or I'd guess 15% of people don't report.

This isn't a slippery slope or bad faith comment. Sit down and be quiet.

I had to do that too. I don't really hate it, but it's like every other post on All. Annoying.

Xfinity is doing the same shit. I keep getting emails "reminding" me. I'm not sure what difference it makes to either company. I'm not so much mad as annoyed.

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It's out of their scope of authority. They follow an established rental property maintenance code which does not specify a vacant unit is a violation, in and of itself.

Perhaps it should say "female from birth". But anyone with basic reading comprehension would understand this. Probably you know this and are being unnecessarily pedantic/argumentative.

This is probably the correct answer. I'm a fairly smart guy but the enormity of space is astounding. We aren't going far anytime in the near future. Probably we'll kill each other first. Manned Mars is even a stretch even, imo. is using a metaphor to convey social media interaction. In this context, yes, everything echos and remains in that square. It's no different that Reddit, or Facebook or any others. The mechanics of it on Lemmy may be different, but the end result is the same.

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Can they please come steal my grass?


It appears my home instance has disabled new users. Interesting.

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According to stats I've read for my state, most of wage theft is former employees, whether they quit or were terminated, not getting their final paycheck in the time frame dictated by law. I don't really see this as wage theft, because IN MY EXPERIENCE, tracking down former employees can be difficult, even if they quit yesterday.

This NOT to say other forms of wage theft don't happen maliciously.

I feel bad for you.

Best auction in the history of auctions!

That and "sus".

"You're reading your last free article. Subscribe now..."

Cell tower or wind turbine repair.

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Wow, I had forgotten. Let's not actually.

I'm in the same boat. She's convinced that using twice it every 6 months is worth it. I don't even know what we pay for it these days, $14.99? Not worth making a big deal about at this point. We did cancel Hulu (better than Netflix,
imo) and paramount some months ago, so I'll take that and deal.

I don't disagree at all. Renting can be more practical for many people for many reasons. The reverse is true for many others that want to buy a house, like me. It's just the original comment "Don't buy a house" isn't necessarily a life lesson, more like ymmv.

And you must create a Microsoft account

Notepad ++ is better anyway? Non story?

You paint with a broad stroke; careful not to get any on you.

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Perhaps they didn't plan or execute the attack, but they certainly supported and supplied it, as the article suggests.