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Joined 1 years ago

My wife is half Jamaican and half Iranian, she went to a school in a very working class part of a very ethnically diverse city in the UK, with most of the school having a familial origin in the middle east or India.

She was routinely bullied for being black and called the N word on a daily basis. She was made to feel like a troublemaker for reporting it to teachers and eventually snapped, her kickboxing lessons helped her break a boy's nose with a kick to the face after years of abuse, and she got suspended for it while nobody ever faced any consequences for their racism.

People don't want to punish wrongdoing, they want to keep things "simple" and not have to deal with anything they feel awkward about, so they ignore the repeated "small" incidents and only acted to punish the retaliation because it's deemed disproportionate. Years of racism to the point of having no friends because people were scared of being seen to sympathise apparently isn't as damaging as an afternoon in A+E and some minor discomfort for a week or so. Fuck that school and fuck this mentality.

This story seems like a worse version and we're 20 years on. I'm sure it happens way more than we see in stories like these, they're just swept under the rug and hope nobody calls them on it. Fuck this backwards ass world.

I'd just like to point out that OP is either lying or has been scammed.

Starbucks have consistent pricing and the most expensive sandwich in the UK is £5.10, technically 5.25 for a plant based breakfast item, see here for full menu prices.

But people like getting angry at cost of living issues right now (understandably) so this will get hundreds of upvotes despite being a lie.

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Most people aren't doing terribly here really. It's not ideal but it's not horrific, until you get to the light blue/turquoise SUV 3 or 4 cars down. That fucker has clearly mounted the kerb and without the car there this picture looks pretty normal.

Also I don't think these pictures are of the same line of cars, should be able to see the roof box on both pictures but you can't.

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My dad is an atheist and whilst he would never openly tell you he's against homosexuality. He is a homophobe in almost every sense of the word, he's had conversations with friends at the pub about how worried he was that I was gay (I'm not, I'm just not a rugby player drinking 10 pints every evening). He's not against abortion as far as I'm aware, though I would imagine he's in favour if only because it protects men against unwanted children.

My brother "came out" to him to see what his reaction would be and he essentially disowned him there and then. Neither me or my brother talk to him much anymore, he's very right wing and refuses to admit it. Failed upwards for most of his life and is quite bitter about anything existing which he isn't 100% on board with. I think his parents were somewhat religious but not aggressively so, he went to boarding school which could have something to do with it but I don't know any details about why he feels the way he does. If I asked him he'd just deny it despite all the evidence anyway, I think in his mind that as long as you SAY you're OK with it you can't be homophobic by definition

I remember him advocating strongly for every drug dealer in existence being executed, no exceptions. I then pointed out that I would be executed in that scenario because I was suspended from school for giving someone some hash and he didn't really know what to do with himself. Everything is jet black or bright white to him, there is very little room for any shades of grey.

Nor would any competent force give an ultimatum of "stop or die" over a trivial crime. Most countries would get in their car and try to follow safely, if that wasn't possible you run the plates and send a summons. A hand should never be near a gun in this situation.

There's no defending this.

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Well fuck you then.

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Summoning Salt.

Not many people can make a 2 hr video about the world record progression of a game I've never heard of and have me absolutely invested in it all the way through.

Dude makes a video every 3-6months but god I love them. If anything they've improved over the years as his style has been refined and the videos got longer.

If you're gonna leave then leave. Don't claim to be leaving if you continue posting your content there to try and get views.

Stick to your principle or don't, the video (the first half at least) just seems hypocritical tbh.

Dude, delete it and try to forget, nobody is buying your excuse. You called someone dumb for making a mistake, despite it being you who made the error while OP was bang right.

It's very embarrassing mate, you can try to style it out all you want and a couple 10 yr olds might buy it but not much more than that.

Personally I think you'd do best deleting the comment and trying to forget that you were just that stupid once upon a time :) x

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What an insane point to make. If you're a car person then of course you'll admire others' cars, even if you're not, they're often great bits of design and good fun in the right setting.

It's only stupid if you then go out and try to get something to compete with it for more than you can afford to spend. I have no idea what the poster you replied to is talking about.

Do they....?

I'll be honest, I haven't heard anyone say that ever when using a phone.

Maybe "videos" as a verb but generally "records" in my experience

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Ok after 5months here I have to ask, what the fuck is a distro?

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This mentality is why lemmy has been haemorrhaging users since the July reddit migration.

You guys are some seriously judgmental bellends a lot of the time.

I don't use Linux because I want my life to be simple, I use lots of Foss and lots of non Foss because I want my life to be simple. I'm glad others care enough about privacy to fight for it because that's a demonstrably good thing in the world, but I just want a simple life and don't honestly care if I'm getting tailored ads and Amazon are listening to my inane kitchen conversations.

I don't want to support reddit but you guys (ironically) make it much much harder to leave when there is next to no acceptance here for anyone who's not a Linux expert who pushes for communism and has never used a Google product in their life.

I know I know, I'm everything that's wrong with the world :) x

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For 3 days I've been hovering over the checkout button on £800 of computer parts I can't afford so that I can play starfield properly.

This thread is not good for me.

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Over the years I got bored of repirating photoshop and now I just use GIMP.

I'm not exactly a graphic designer by any means but there's very little I can't do with GIMP. Seems to just run better and more intuitive than photoshop for me too.

Hollow Knight. Bought it and played a few hours, died and got very annoyed that I couldn't find my shade so lost motivation.

Picked it up again 2 years later and it's arguably my favourite game ever now.

I'm from Somerset which would be a classic answer but Norfolk is still considered the one county that saves us from being the goto joke inbreds.

It's a load of bs anyway... I'm barely related to my wife at all!

Still seems mad to me that usalanders don't have tax included in their advertised prices.

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Losing 40b is a pretty big deal even for Musk to be fair. It'd be more like a bored housewife remortgaging the house to pay for their vanity project.

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The 2004 hellboy with Ron Perlman has 81%

Its the 2019 car crash which is rotten.

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Having lots of empty planets is realistic to be fair, but realism is unfortunately boring a lot of the time.

Personally I'm a big fan of the game but I've been pining for a Bethesda game for a long time and I will always enjoy a fetch quest where I have to kill bandits. I totally understand the criticism (although I do think it's slightly blown out of proportion because it's Bethesda).

Overall, the game is good. It's not great (yet, anyway) but I'm 30ish hours in and I feel like I'm 10hrs in. The quest line I focused on after getting my bearings seems to be one of the better ones and while I prefer exploring in a skyrim/fallout way I have had plenty of fun just dropping by random planets to see what I can find. It's at least very obvious which planets are boring before you even land on them. Ultimately in real life I think we can be pretty confident that the vast majority of planets and solar systems would be boring as fuck. Starfield needs some aspect of realism so having one or 2 planets or moons/stations per system that are actually worth visiting is a good call in my opinion.

Potato salad is often just potatoes with chives and Mayonnaise. Your SO is chatting shit imho.

That's a great summary and completely explains it, thanks bud.

And I presume Arch is one of the more (if not the most) popular distro for PCs? Just because I see it referenced all the time

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Socks, fucking shit loads of socks, I had 42 pairs arrive the other day. I have a weird thing for socks (no not like that) and have bought everyone a pack of my favourite socks that don't seem to ever die (I have a 12year old pack that are still in great condition despite wearing them regularly).

Everyone gets a 5pack of my favourite, 1 pair of merino wool socks, and a box of sweets or chocolate depending on their taste.

Except for the children, they get toys and games too.

It's clichéd as fuck, but made my life easier and we all prefer focusing on the kids as it's their day really.

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Wife, kids, the next holiday, the next treat, dinner, the thought of telling my boss to fuck off when I find a new job.

Is it me or is lemmy more depressing than reddit was? This is a BLEAK thread....

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Why is that racist...?

Honestly, the irrelevant fact that the person was Chinese is the most racist thing in this comment.

Has anyone ever really believed that? It became very apparent very quickly that their MO was getting customers to buy only Apple products and then to replace them as often as they could get away with.

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In these days of Zuckerberg and Musk, Tom would be a huge win.

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What makes you think that?

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I work for a bank (I know I know, fuck me right?).

They give us new laptops every couple years and only once in 10 years have they requested the old one back. I'm certainly not going out of my way to return their equipment if they can't be bothered to at least ask.

So now I have 3 laptops that aren't mine and don't get used, I'll format and sell them when I can be bothered and I certainly won't feel bad about doing it. They can definitely afford it, and they're not exactly a philanthropic venture so I don't really care if they can't. If I cost the bank another £1000 or so then I call that a win personally.

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I appreciate what you're saying, but given the literal billions of users I'd say they absolutely nailed it.

The trick is finding your preferred channels and just browsing those. I have a handful of channels I will happily browse for myself and a couple of channels for me and my wife to browse together.

Searching hasn't really been worth anything for quite a while. I'm more likely to find something I like by clicking a previous video that was enjoyed and scrolling through the related ones.

Are you just talking about refined sugar or are you including natural sugar in that too?

Is it even possible to eat healthily for a week with no sugar?

I feel like if I'm allowed fruit it'd be pretty easy tbh.

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A lot of the time they're completely identical too though. Don't get me wrong, you won't find me buying own brand for plenty of items but certain cereals and various ingredients are literally identical. To the extent that the only thing that changes at the factory is a new package design is loaded into the machinery for the branded version, that's literally it.

What's the deal with autism speaks? I read the wiki page but only saw a few relatively minor controversies

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I certainly did, he made a very eloquent point.

A great husband he isn't, but why should that mean you assume everything he says is bs?

Very closed minded way to live.... It's very possible to agree with someone on one point and still think they're a pos when it comes to other points.

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So original. I havent heard that one 13 times already today.

Do you think there might be a reason you hear it a lot...?

Of course not, didn't Drax have a calculus scene in guardians 3?

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It's weird from an adult's perspective but it's magical for a kid, and seeing the excitement build and the idea of actual magic contributing to a really family centric event is like proper magic for a parent too.

I spent a long time growing up thinking that I would never do that to my kids, but I think it's actually crueler not to do it now. You're taking away an experience most children share and get excited by together for no real reason.

My children are 3.5 and 9months and I haven't decided when I'd let the older one know but it's certainly a few years away at least. I'm hoping that one day she comes and asks me herself how real it is because she's pieced together how impossible some aspects are, but I really have no idea how naively optimistic I'm being. I guess what's more likely is she comes home from school upset one day because another kid told her, and then I'll have to explain it and get her on board to keep the magic alive for her little brother.

You can excite water to the extent that it starts changing it's state of matter by employing a method of electricity generation which makes use of the subject we are trying to excite and subsequently powering a device which does the aforementioned excitement of water!